Red Alert 1895

Chapter 350: Top Secret Information (3)

"Master Wang, now that we have understood the plan, we can easily infer the Spaniard's battle plan. According to my guess, their plan is actually very simple. On the one hand, they use their fleet to attack our Java Sea fleet. , and then wiped out the Java Sea Fleet, they also have absolute command of the sea in the Strait of Malacca and the Java Sea. On the other hand, maybe the Japanese will deliberately cooperate with them to create tension, and the Japanese may be politically Carry out blackmail or other factors against our Taiwan. Then the Japanese will deliberately send a combined fleet to cruise along the southeast coast of our country, which can completely contain our Taiwan Strait Fleet and prevent our Taiwan Strait Fleet from supporting Nanyang.”

"In this way, our remaining fleet, the Banda Sea Fleet, is dominated by light ships, unable to fight battleships and cruisers. In general, our navy has been restrained, so they have absolute command of the sea. Once mastered If they have control of the sea, they can also land on our Borneo from any point, so we can only passively fight. At that time, the Taiwan Strait Fleet could not support, and Japan was eyeing the north, so we naturally did not dare to mobilize the Taiwan Strait Fleet. And the Spaniards The army and logistics supplies can flow unimpeded in the Java Sea in a steady stream. Even if they have mastered the sea, they can also cut off the maritime connection between Taiwan and Nanyang, so that we will inevitably let Nanyang fall into a situation of fighting alone. By then we The reinforcements in Nanyang will not be able to support Nanyang, and the soldiers in Nanyang will fight hard. At that time, all countries will exert pressure together. We will inevitably be forced to abandon Nanyang. This is the rough plan I guessed at the beginning. If there is any mistake, please also ask Mr. Wang Axe."

I heard the words of Hu Wei, chief of the general staff. Everyone broke out in a cold sweat. Because if this plan is followed, once Taiwan loses its **** of the sea, the reinforcements from Taiwan's own island will not be able to support Nanyang. In addition, Japan, the **** stick, deliberately restrained Taiwan's Taiwan Strait Fleet, so that the Taiwan Strait Fleet could not support them. Of course, if Taiwan's Taiwan Strait fleet goes to support Nanyang, who knows if Japan will take advantage of the opportunity to loot it? At that time, if Japan took the opportunity to mess around in Keelung Port, I am afraid that it would really have no scruples.

This plan is very insidious. And the initial one was to attack the Java Sea Fleet, and then let Taiwan lose its dominance of the sea. And this means that the connection between Taiwan and Nanyang is interrupted. Unable to support Nanyang. The Spanish army can obtain a steady stream of supplies, but Taiwan's army in Nanyang has one less bullet and shell, and cannot obtain supplies. However, Nanyang does not have its own industrial base, and will use the Taiwan army's combat methods at that time. Bullets and shells will soon be used up. At that time, Taiwan's East and West Borneo Military Region, which lost its bullets and shells, means that it will face the possibility of running out of ammunition and food.

At that time, if countries jointly exert pressure, Taiwan will really face the result of abandoning Nanyang. And this is the plan formulated by various countries, and then forcing Taiwan to give up Nanyang is a plan that looks very good, and it is almost seamless.

However, a seamless plan. They also need to be kept secret. If it cannot be kept secret, then I am afraid that everything has been formulated in vain. Now that Wang Guorui and the others have obtained the corresponding information, the staff can quickly analyze the plans of Spain and other countries. In fact, it is like a program. If you program from beginning to end, it must be very difficult. However, if the reverse reasoning is carried out from the obtained results, it is easy to obtain the results. This is the so-called hindsight, like a pig beforehand.

If Wang Guorui hadn't received the corresponding information, then of course he wouldn't have failed at that time, although he couldn't mobilize the Taiwan Strait Fleet to go there. But he can again mass-produce warships. This can also solve the result of losing control of the sea. And it will take at least a month to manufacture a fleet of warships. If the war dragged on for a month, it would be very detrimental to him. At that time, the Spanish army had already landed, and the enemy's army was wreaking havoc in its own territory. This must have been a very unfavorable result for its own side. Therefore, if Wang Guorui had not obtained the information about Akashi Genjiro in advance, then even if there was a Red Police base, he would suffer a big loss. And this Akashi Genjiro did not arrange it for nothing, so he got a piece of information so soon.

And Akashi Genjiro will be arranged by Emperor Meiji as a support commander for intelligence with the Dutch, which means that Wang Guorui actually indirectly grasped the source of intelligence for the Spaniards, so this situation was never thought of by the Spaniards. They never thought that the officials in charge of intelligence on the Japanese side who cooperated with them would be the traitors of the Taiwanese, so they would definitely be played to death by Taiwan. However, Wang Guorui also knew that Akashi Genjiro's trump card could not be abused casually, and could only be used at the most critical time. Once it is abused, the result will be a great risk of exposure. Once exposed, Wang Guorui will definitely feel more heartbroken than losing a hundred thousand troops. After all, Akashi Motojiro is the future Prime Minister of Japan arranged by Wang Guorui. If the loss is exposed like this, it will really be a huge loss.

"Okay, now that we have roughly guessed the plans of Spain and other countries, everything is very accurate and predictable. And our next step is to counteract according to their plans and try to deal with them in turn. One meal, so that we can all gain a huge advantage. Moreover, we must obtain what we need in this war. If we cannot obtain what we need, after all, we have been jealous for a long time Already!" Wang Guorui said.

And Hu Wei immediately replied: "Okay, our general staff will make a plan immediately, and then discuss how to defeat the Spaniards. The Spaniards are not scary at first, and they pinned all their hopes on this sneak attack, and then Gained a huge advantage to intimidate us. In fact, the Spaniards did not intend to really go to war with us. They just wanted to use this time to create a situation, and then they could land after seizing the command of the sea. In this way, through the coordination of various countries and pressure on us, and then It can also force us to withdraw from Nanyang, so that they can also get half of Borneo. But they never thought that we have seen through their plan, and we have already counted them. As long as we count them in reverse, then they Can't stand it at all."

Wang Guorui knew very well that the next plan could be formulated based on the information he had already obtained. And now that the corresponding information has been obtained, the Spaniard's plan will also fail. At that time, the Spaniards are destined to suffer a big loss, and they will not even lose money by stealing chickens.

The Spaniards are very aware of the gap in strength between themselves and Taiwan. In fact, the reason why they dared to fight against Taiwan was because the British supported them, and the Dutch colonies provided nearby supplies, and even the Japanese contained Taiwan and provided information, which gave the Spaniards the courage to fight The idea of ​​Taiwan going to war. But at this time, the Spaniards were actually half-hearted, and didn't really want to fight to the death with Taiwan. If they fight to the death with Taiwan, then of course Taiwan will not be able to eliminate them, but they will all face decline.

The Spaniards actually pinned the core of this plan on their ability to seize sea control, and then the Japanese contained Taiwan's Taiwan Strait Fleet, so that if Taiwan lost its sea control, Nanyang would become a lone army. At that time, they can take the opportunity to have a huge advantage to fight, and then they can also guarantee political coercion of Taiwan. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of Chinese in Nanyang, including hundreds of thousands of troops. If these troops are lost in Nanyang, it is necessary for Taiwan to ensure the safety of the Chinese and the army, otherwise it will definitely not be worth the candle.

At that time, Taiwan will inevitably withdraw from Nanyang to save the lives of soldiers and civilians. And Spain can also get half of for the Netherlands, they can also take back half of Borneo. And this plan they actually want to force Taiwan to withdraw from Nanyang, not to fight a desperate battle with Taiwan, so they are not determined to fight the war. And the core of this plan is to keep it secret. If it cannot be kept secret, once Taiwan knows their thoughts, most of their plan has failed. And they didn't know at all that Wang Guorui had buried a super traitor in Japan's staff headquarters, which was the foreshadowing for their failure.

"Since the Spaniards want to deal with us with seven parts of politics and three parts of military, then we will do the opposite and use seven parts of military and three parts of politics to deal with them!" Wang Guorui said.

"Master Wang, what does this mean?" Everyone asked quickly.

Everyone doesn't know what Wang Guorui is thinking. The Spaniards actually want to use political coercion to force Taiwan to submit, but how does Wang Guorui want to deal with it? Wang Guorui's thoughts are related to the direction of Taiwan in the future, that is, whether this battle will be fought or not, and to what extent, this is also a very huge problem.

"Since the Spaniards are looking for death, don't blame us for taking his things! We happen to have no excuse to find Spain's bad luck. Since they came to their door with their own excuses, why should we refuse?" Wang Guorui Said. (to be continued)

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