Red Alert 1895

Chapter 352: tense air

After Wang Guorui ordered the General Staff to formulate a battle plan, they all began to face the conspiracies and plots of various countries. And first of all, Japan is the first to jump out, and Japan will follow the plan in the future, and then conduct a conspiracy against Taiwan. According to Hu Wei's speculation, Japan is looking for Taiwan's bad luck now!

On the southeast coast of China, that is, the East China Sea generation, many Taiwanese destroyers are cruising. And the fishing boats of many fishing companies in Taiwan are also fishing at sea, and then fishing is used to supply the dining tables of various people in Taiwan, or to make raw materials for the food industry such as dried fish. And this fishing has always been very normal, and it has not been stopped too much. In this East China Sea, there are a total of three countries and regions navies are communicating. The navies of these three countries are the destroyer force of Taiwan's Taiwan Strait Fleet, and the destroyer force is generally to maintain the safety of Taiwan's shipping, as well as patrol forces to protect the interests of fishermen. On the other hand, it is the Beiyang Navy of the Manchu Qing government in the mainland, and there is also a squadron of the Japanese United Fleet.

As far as the naval strength of these three countries and regions is concerned, the Beiyang Navy of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is actually the most powerful. Because the Beiyang Navy currently has two battleships, five cruisers, and several other auxiliary ships. And these ships were sold to them by Taiwan, but they didn't even know that these warships were sold to them by Taiwan. The Beiyang Navy of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was actually stronger than the Beiyang Navy of that year, but it was also the "weakest". And Japan's Combined Fleet. Since the two warships were bombed and sunk by Tanya, they have also vigorously developed the navy, so they are all strong now. The navy has three battleships, eight cruisers, and several auxiliary ships.

Compared with this, Taiwan is the weakest. Taiwan only has destroyers, but no cruisers or battleships. But whether it is Manchu or Japanese, they all know a truth. Beating a dog also depends on the owner, that is, although the strength behind Taiwan is different. Although this is just a destroyer in Taiwan. However, Taiwan's Taiwan Strait Fleet and Java Sea Fleet have a total of six battleships, and both have two Sovereign-class battleships and four Centurion-class battleships. Both of these two battleships have a displacement of more than 10,000 tons, and the battleships of the Qing Dynasty and Japan with less than 8,000 tons are embarrassed to take them out. The cruiser Taiwan is even more powerful. There are a total of ten ships, and these are the heritage of Taiwan. Without these, those destroyers who went to the East China Sea would probably be "hacked" by Japan.

Soon, on a destroyer, their destroyer was responsible for patrolling a sea area, and they were here to protect their fishing boats.

"Captain, someone has set up a signal flag for support ahead, let's go there quickly!" said the watchman on the destroyer.

But in accordance with the previous agreement. If a fishing boat is in danger, it can raise a flag asking for support, and the nearby Taiwanese navy will immediately send a boat to support it when they see the flag. And now that someone has raised the flag. The captain also immediately took the warship over.

"Captain, there is a Japanese destroyer chasing our fishing boat!" said the watchman.

"|Alright! How dare these devils attack our fishing boat? It's unreasonable!" the captain said angrily.

And immediately someone asked suspiciously: "Should we be more careful? After all, this is the Japanese army. If they start a war, then we can't afford it!"

I have to say that China is still somewhat afraid of foreigners. Even though Taiwan defeated Japan in the army, there was still no confrontation in the navy. And the Chinese are also afraid of provoking war. This is also very scary, after all, traditional thinking is not so easy to solve. Everyone is afraid of starting a war, which is tantamount to being very afraid of conflict with foreigners.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you hear the order from your superiors recently, telling us that if we encounter Japanese provocations in the face, then we will withdraw directly! The superiors told us that we don't have to worry about provoking war, and we absolutely can't You have lost the backbone of the Chinese!" said the captain.

"Send a semaphore and ask them why they chased our fishing boat?" asked the captain.

Soon, the semaphore soldiers began to send semaphores, and Japan also responded.

"Captain, they say that they are fishing in Japan's territorial waters, seriously infringing on their economic interests!"

And soon, the fishing boat approached the destroyer very quickly, and then the people on the fishing boat boarded the destroyer in Taiwan, and immediately began to explain.

"General, we were fishing in a traditional place just now, and the Japanese didn't drive us away. But today, for some reason, these Japanese destroyers also said that we entered their territorial waters. Immediately Come and arrest us!" said the captain of the fishing boat.

"Where do you go fishing?" asked the captain.

"We are clearly in Dinghai County, but the Japanese pirate navy came here and claimed that it is their territorial waters, and they are going to arrest us!" said the captain.

The captain immediately cursed: "The Japanese pirates have divided the entire East China Sea into their territorial waters. It's really unreasonable. Okay! Since they are so rude, there is no need for us to be polite to them!"

Soon, the destroyer also went up to meet the Japanese destroyer, and then began to face them face to face.

"People from China, let me tell you that this fishing boat has violated the laws of our Great Japanese Empire by fishing in our territorial waters, so we want to capture them and return them to our Great Japanese Empire for trial, so please get out of the way!" Japan Said the semaphore.

But the destroyer immediately retorted, obviously the two sides were scolding each other with semaphore. Although they are not familiar with each other's language, the semaphore commonly used internationally is the same, so there is no pressure for the two sides to scold each other. As a result, the two sides scolded to a certain extent, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Fire and warn them!" said the captain.

But the gunnery chief on the destroyer immediately asked: "Let's fire first, will this cause a war between the two countries?"

"Hmph, I'm afraid of a bird. We are not those weak chickens of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. What are we afraid of? Give me two shots first, and warn them!" the captain said.


As the two guns were fired and exploded near the Japanese ship, it was obvious that the guns had been fired as a warning.

"Captain, the Chinese fired at us! Do we want to fight back?" asked the Japanese artillery chief.

"You can't fight back. The superiors told us that we can only provoke them, but don't start a war with them. Our purpose is to provoke them, not to start a war. We must control the level, otherwise we will be very dangerous!" Said the Japanese captain .

Although the Japanese navy captain really wanted to start a fight, the orders they received were only to provoke the Taiwan Navy, not to start a war. And he, a low-level military officer, didn't even know the specific reason. He actually did it to create a tense atmosphere.

Soon, the Japanese destroyer also left.

"Captain, the Japanese pirates have withdrawn!"

"Okay, let's go back too!"

Next, the low-level naval officers on both sides didn't take it seriously during this period, it was just a friction between ships. But I didn't expect that Japan would use the form of electricity to condemn Taiwan's violation of their territorial waters.

"Our Empire of Japan is very angry at Taiwan's violation of the territorial waters of our Empire of Japan. Our Navy of the Empire of Japan will not allow this kind of thing. We will send more ships, and then within the territorial waters of our Empire of Japan Patrol within and safeguard the territorial waters rights of our Great Japanese Empire!"

And Taiwan also immediately began to show that Taiwan has the determination to safeguard China's territorial waters, and at the same time will send more navies to patrol, and then ensure the safety of China's territorial waters. And in this way, the two sides also began to have fierce friction, which made many people in the world almost think that there was another war between China and Japan. The officials in the mainland also have mixed feelings about this. What is happy is that they hope that if Taiwan and Japan fight, then both sides will suffer, so naturally it will be fine. Of course They are also afraid that they will be shot while lying down, and when the gods and gods fight on both sides, they will suffer disaster. After all, the two sides may really be fighting on the southeast coast, and at that time there is no guarantee that the war will not reach the mainland, so they have mixed feelings about it.

However, the double-engined fleets also began to cruise in the East China Sea, and then frictions were everywhere. From time to time, both sides fired two cannonballs at each other as a demonstration. However, neither of the two shots actually hit the opponent's ship, so they were fighting each other anyway. And in this case, a war between Taiwan and Japan looks imminent. However, no one knows that this time the two sides are just acting on each other.

"Hmph, Japan wants to create a tense atmosphere, so I will continue to act according to your script. If we don't follow your script, then how can we make the Spaniards confident in attacking us, so that we can achieve the goal?" The plan to attack the Philippines!" Wang Guorui thought.

Now that several countries have joined forces to plot against him, and Wang Guorui has known the information, it is natural to be ready to plot against them. Not only will Wang Guorui not stop their plan, but he will cooperate with them to carry out the script, so that they can rest assured that Wang Guorui has been tricked, so that they can start a war against Taiwan. Especially Spain, they think that Japan can contain the Taiwan Strait fleet, so that they can have the courage to attack Taiwan! And this Japan, in this case, is also one of the roles responsible for containing Taiwan. (to be continued)

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