Red Alert 1895

Chapter 355: Spanish trick

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The Spanish ships began to fire violently, and hit the "battleship" and "cruiser" in the distance. And the Spaniards think that what they see in front of them is the battleship and cruiser of Taiwan, so as long as they sink the battleship and cruiser, everything can be solved very well, and then the Spaniards will also master the battleship in the Nanyang region. Control of the sea, this is very advantageous for them. They can let the army behind them land as soon as possible, and then they can continue to occupy Kalimantan Island, and then gradually engage in a large-scale war of attrition with Taiwan.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Taiwan's "battleships" and "cruisers" were shot into flames by the Spanish artillery fire, and then began to explode one after another. These huge flames have already smashed these battleships to pieces, and because they are staying in the military port, they cannot avoid them, so naturally they can only be beaten passively. Then after they fired and sank these ships, the Spaniards also began to cheer.

"Look, it's sinking, it's sinking!" the Spanish soldiers began to shout.

"Well, the ships of these Taiwanese are sunk, and Nanyang is our world!" Abel said.

"Admiral Abel, there seems to be some problems. Don't you think the Chinese battleship sank too fast? It's obviously abnormal for them to sink so quickly. You must know the British Sovereign-class battleship and the Centurion Class battleships, they are all absolutely first-class battleships, how could they sink so easily?" Abel's deputy said.

"Huh? There are indeed some problems!" Abel muttered.

Taiwan's battleships are the models of the British Sovereign-class battleships. Then there are Centurion-class battleships, these are not so easy to mess with battleships, but they are so easy to be beaten into fireworks. And then it just sank? This is obviously not normal. After all, they all know about the British battleships. If the British battleships are so bad, there must be something wrong. Therefore, even foolish people know that there must be something wrong with this situation.

"General, it's not good. A fleet has come from the north of Riau Island. They consist of three battleships and five cruisers. They are heading towards us. And they are flying the yellow tiger flag on a blue background, which is Taiwan. The battleship!" Immediately, a Spanish semaphore soldier said.

"What? There is such a thing?" Abel's face was horrified.

Abel finally understood that he had been tricked. I am afraid that the "battleship" in this military port is not a real battleship. It's just a superficial thing, so I sank easily. And what is coming now is the real Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet, and this makes him feel very angry.

And on the flagship of the Java Sea Fleet, the fleet commander Li He looked at the Spanish fleet in the distance, and then hummed: "What a bunch of jumping clowns, they even dare to attack us. This is really looking for death! Since you are looking for death, you can Don't blame us for sending you to meet your God!"

"Call me!" Li He said.

"Papa papa..."

Dozens of cannons fired directly at the Spanish warships. A Spanish battleship and two cruisers were also subjected to saturated shelling, and they began to evade in a hurry. And at this time, they all knew that they had been tricked. But it's too late to say anything at this time. Since he fired at Taiwan's military port, it means that they are already in a state of war. And this undeclared war is actually a gamble by Spain, and they think that as long as Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet is destroyed, they can also gain sea control. On the other hand, Japan is holding back Taiwan's Taiwan Strait Fleet. In this way, Taiwan will inevitably face the result of losing all games by one move.

The Spaniards have deduced it many times, and they all think that this plan is very perfect. As long as it can seize command of the sea, everything can go on well. But now they have sneak attacked the so-called Java Sea Fleet, but this Java Sea Fleet is fake, and they are digging a hole for them to jump into. This is simply unbelievable. And if this Abel knew in advance that the Java Sea Fleet in this military port was fake, then he would never fire the guns. After all, once the guns were fired, the consequences would be irreversible.

This time, the Spaniards were actually not determined to gamble. The reason why they dared to do so was entirely because of the support of the British. But if they face Taiwan alone, I'm afraid the result will be very bad. Now Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet not only suffered no losses, but instead came over and fired at itself, which made Abel want to die.

"Retreat immediately!" Abel said angrily.


The Spanish fleet immediately began to sound its siren, obviously trying to run away. However, now that they have fallen into Taiwan's plan, it is not so easy to escape.

"Catch me!" Li He shouted.

"Papa papa..."

Taiwan's navy chased all the way, and fired all the way, and such fierce artillery can always hit the Spanish navy. The Spanish navy was obviously very scared in the face of such fierce artillery fire.


A shell directly hit Abel's flagship, causing Abel and his senior commanders to sway, looking very embarrassed.

"General Abel, we have all been tricked!" said Abel's staff officer.

"Yes! We have all fallen into the tricks of the Taiwanese!" Someone also shouted.

And this group of Spaniards is also very speechless, just now they were scheming against Taiwan, but after they found out that they had been tricked, they scolded Taiwan's plan as a "trick", obviously scolding the Taiwanese for being cunning. And many people are also like this, practicing double standards, only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps. Now this group of Spaniards fell into Taiwan's calculations, and they all fell into a tragic result. They were obviously chased by Taiwan, and then retreated continuously.


"General Abel, one of our cruisers was hit, and a big hole was opened at the waterline. There is no need to repair it!" said a staff officer.

Hearing this, Abel immediately said, "It won't work like this!"

"Yeah! We can't go on like this! But the Taiwanese not only have new warships, but also have great power. The steam engines they use are not ordinary steam engines, but steam turbines! Our warships are just ordinary steam engines. They can't outrun them! And they have three battleships of more than 10,000 tons, and five cruisers, which are much stronger than us, and we are no match!" Abel's deputy said.

And Abel immediately said angrily: "Then what should we do?"

"Surrender!" Abel's deputy said.

"What? Surrender, let us surrender to the yellow-skinned monkey? Where do you want the glory of our Spanish navy?" Abel immediately expressed that he could not accept it.

"General, now our sneak attack plan has been known by the Chinese, and this plan is not our mistake, but someone leaked it! This plan shows that the Taiwanese have known our plan a long time ago, so let's not say anything about it." Our three warships, no matter how many times they are, are useless! Therefore, this time, someone is leaking the secrets, so we have suffered a big loss! Instead of fighting like this, we should surrender quickly and save our Spain The strength of the navy!" Abel's deputy said.

When Abel heard this, he immediately said: "Okay, order the soldiers to surrender immediately! This plan failed, because someone leaked the secret, so this is the result. Therefore, it is not my responsibility! "

Abel quickly found a "scapegoat", and this time it was obvious that Taiwan had already prepared, so this made their sneak attack fail. And now the responsibility shouldn't be on him, it should be on the leaker. Therefore, now Abel has also found a reason for himself to surrender. The responsibility is not on him, but he can still preserve the strength for the country by surrendering. This is also an excuse for him. And with the right excuse, anyone can do a lot of incredible things.

"Commander, the Spaniards have surrendered!" said the lookout.

"Okay, order them to hang the white flag immediately, and point the guns up, and accept our receiving warship!" Li He said.

And soon, that Abel also came to the flagship of Li He's Java Sea Fleet, and then handed over his command knife, and then expressed his surrender.

"Dear Chinese want to know, who leaked the secret this time?" Abel asked.

Li He immediately said: "God told us!"

"..." Abel was speechless.

Of course, Li He would not be stupid, let alone that he didn't know where Wang Guorui arranged the insider, and he was able to inquire about such important information. Even if Li He knew it, there was no reason to betray his friends and comrades-in-arms! This person who can go undercover to the enemy's core decision-making organs is definitely an important friend and comrade-in-arms of Taiwan, and he must not be betrayed. So now Li He actually doesn't know who the undercover agent is, but he knows the reason why he can't betray his friends.

Therefore, these guys are destined to be a confused person.

"Next, Taiwan will declare war on Spain. We have been against the Philippines for a long time!" Li He said.

And Abel finally knew that Taiwan came to make a move, and directly used this as an excuse to attack the Philippines in Spain. And Abel regretted for a while, why did he bombard the military port, didn't this give Taiwan an excuse? (to be continued)

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