Red Alert 1895

Chapter 364: Land and sea cooperation

When Sa Zhenbing, commander of the Banda Sea Fleet, and Zhu Yuan, commander of the East Borneo Military Region, entered the Spanish Governor's Palace in Manila, they conducted a post-war summary.

"This time we occupied Manila, but we failed to annihilate too many enemies. The Spanish army has already withdrawn first, so we are not so much Manila that we captured, as the Spaniards know that things cannot be done. They took the initiative Leave it to us. And then, we need to advance steadily, and then occupy the Philippines, and clean up the remnants of the indigenous and Spanish soldiers. Then everything can solve this problem. So, this task is actually not difficult , we just need to solve it properly, it's just a matter of time." Zhu Yuan said.

"Yes, at this time, I still trouble you. You are the commander of the East Borneo Military Region. Maybe you should merge the Philippines into the East Borneo Military Region!" Sa Zhenbing said.

Sa Zhenbing thinks that he is a navy, and the next step is to assist Zhu Yuan in combat, and he does not have much say in this kind of combat mission of grabbing territory. So now he is also thinking about how to continue fighting, and how to assist Zhu Yuan to clean up these natives and the so-called defeated Spanish soldiers. After all, the Philippines has many islands, and they need their army to help transport troops, which will also allow them to clean up the mess.

"Report, Taiwan Governor's Office telegram!" said a fleet staff officer.

"Read!" Sa Zhenbing said.

"Taiwan's Governor's Office telegram. Ordered the establishment of Taiwan's land-sea joint force in the Philippines. The land-sea joint force stationed in the Philippines is a military-level organization, and its subordinates are the 189th and 19th divisions on the island that have been trained by Taiwan. It will be It will be sent to the Philippines in the near future. At present, the East Borneo Military Region will be responsible for the security work in the Philippines. After the new troops arrive, they will withdraw to the East Borneo Military Region and continue to clean up the indigenous guerrillas. Then there will be a temporary transfer from the Banda Sea Fleet. The destroyer detachment is composed of a service ship detachment. The Banda Sea Fleet lacks a destroyer detachment and a service ship detachment, which will soon be reorganized from Taiwan Island to the Banda Sea Fleet.”

"Order. Remove the position of the commander of the Banda Sea Fleet in Sazhen and change to the commander of the Taiwan Land and Sea Joint Force in the Philippines."

heard the order. Everyone also felt very surprised. Originally they thought that the land of the Philippines would be merged into the East Borneo Military Region, and the waters into the Banda Sea Fleet, but now Taiwan Island actually plans to re-establish a military-level force, and this force is not a simple army or It's the navy fleet. It was composed of two army divisions and two naval ship detachments, which surprised him. In this era, the army and the navy are clearly separated, and it is generally rare to form a joint force.

Generally, this kind of joint force is coordinated by civilian officials, such as the colonial governor's office to coordinate operations, and will not be uniformly arranged under the command of a single officer. After all, there must be factional struggles between an officer, the army and the navy, so it will inevitably cause discord at that time. Therefore, generally speaking, the army and navy forces in the colonies are composed of civilian officials who can be mixed together to form troops. In this era, the formation of so-called war zones was not popular. In this era, troops are generally divided by the number of people, and there are very few cases where they are divided by theater. And the joint command of the army and navy is even less. Therefore, Zhu Yuan and Sa Zhenbing are not quite sure why Wang Guorui assigned the army to a naval general in the Qing Dynasty.

"I don't know how to command the army. Did you make a mistake?" Sa Zhenbing asked.

"I don't know about this either, it's Lord Wang's intention!" the staff officer replied helplessly.

In Taiwan, Wang Guorui also answered the doubts of the officers.

"Is everyone worried that this Sa Zhenbing can't command the army well? In fact, I think so. If I let him command the army to face a strong enemy, then I will naturally not do so. But the current enemy is the Spaniards. The remnant soldiers and defeated generals, as well as those natives. So use these ordinary residues to practice your hands. In fact, it is all possible. It is precisely because these enemies are not strong that I can rest assured that Sa Zhenbing can deal with this Philippines." Wang Guorui said .

But Hu Wei immediately asked: "Then why do you mix the navy and army together? Doing this will cause them to have a bad relationship and not be able to screw up?"

"Actually, you may all have a preliminary feeling. In future wars, the navy and army will cooperate more and more. In the future, the army and navy will not be distinct forces. They will all It is in a state of cooperation. In the past, if you only know the army or the navy, you can no longer be an excellent military commander. A real high-level commander should know that the navy and the army work together and be able to be competent for the navy. A general who fights jointly with the army. Only if he can command both the navy and the army at the same time can he become a truly excellent commander-in-chief. If he is not competent and keeps making clear distinctions between the navy and the army, he will only be unable to keep up with the times in the end. It has been eliminated by the times. Therefore, it is an inevitable trend in the future to cooperate and cooperate with multiple arms and arms.”

Wang Guorui knows that in this era, there are not many cases of multi-army coordinated operations, and it is still in the bud of development. So Wang Guorui took advantage of this germination and quickly determined his goals. In the future, he must train some officers who can command the navy and army at the same time, so that they can be familiar with multiple arms and enable them to complete multi-army joint operations excellently. Ability. The same is true of future fighting methods, so don't underestimate the army-navy coordination, otherwise you won't be able to win future wars at all.

At present, Taiwan has reached the forefront of the world in terms of army military theory, but the navy has not been able to reach the forefront of the world. Because the navy is still in the era of battleships, and battleships have been developed to the extreme by Western countries, Wang Guorui has nothing to add. Wang Guorui wanted to add that the real reform of naval tactics would have to wait until the aircraft and aircraft carrier came out. However, the current research on aircraft is still far away, and no aircraft has been invented at all. This makes it impossible for Taiwan to have aircraft, let alone develop aircraft carriers.

"Then why not let Li Yuanhong go? Isn't Li Yuanhong more suitable for this kind of battle?" Zheng Hong asked.

Wang Guorui immediately replied: "Li Yuanhong is indeed the best candidate, but I want to train more people! If only Li Yuanhong is competent, then it will definitely not work. So I hope to train more people to be competent in this kind of land and sea coordinated operations." And Sa Zhenbing is currently a good candidate. He is only 39 years old, and he is still in the prime of life for a high-level military officer, so he can still carry out new education. The reason why I choose from the Navy is because It is easier for the navy to learn from the army, and the knowledge of naval officers is relatively far away, so now I plan to choose from the navy. In the future, the army can also select some of them to communicate with the navy, and then get familiar with the combat plans of the navy and the army. And , A new course will be conducted in our Taiwan Military Academy, which will be responsible for the preliminary study of the coordinated operations of the army and navy, and let officials from the army and navy come to serve as instructors."

It would of course be best if this new tactic and method could be realized as soon as possible. After all, the promotion of this new tactic should be sooner rather than later. If it is too late, people might catch up. And new tactics, new tactics, and new weapons are all as fast as possible, and don't try to hide them. Because even if you hide it, you can only use it once, and you will learn it better than others. You must know that your enemies are not fools, they will learn your tactics immediately after seeing your advanced tactics, and then imitate them. The same is true of Wang Guorui's previous trench warfare in Taiwan. As for those one-trick tricks, there is no such thing as the one that eats the world, so instead of hiding it, Wang Guorui should let Taiwan's navy and army cooperate to form a world-leading army as soon as possible, so that his army can go ahead in the world. The forefront of the world Let your troops be able to lead all the time.

"Okay, let's immediately mobilize the 189th Division to the Philippines, and then go to the Philippines to fight, so that these two new troops can be formed to deal with these indigenous and Spanish remnants. In the future, we plan to train them according to the theater of war. The army, in the East Borneo Military Region, is responsible for cultivating tropical mountain warfare troops and is responsible for the defense of Southeast Asia. The West Borneo Military Region will train the conventional army and be responsible for conventional army operations. The troops stationed in the Philippines will be an important training base for the army and navy to coordinate operations .And Taiwan's local troops will be responsible for training officers, various staff officers, and various technical arms." Wang Guorui said.

Next, everyone also began to adjourn the meeting, and then went to arrange their own tasks, preparing for the next step of combat planning. Now it is necessary to conduct a two-front battle with the troops stationed in the Philippines and the West Borneo Military Region. This is to test Taiwan's combat organization and mobilization capabilities, otherwise it is impossible to win. Next, the West Borneo Military Region will be responsible for cleaning up the Spanish garrisons, and the Filipino troops will also deal with the indigenous rebels who are mainly indigenous. Neither of these two is a powerful force, so they can be strategically despised. As for all battles, they were left to the frontline troops to organize themselves. After all, it was impossible for the rear to go to the frontline to command, even if there were infinite telegrams.

Communication issues are always an important issue restricting the battlefield. (to be continued)

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