Red Alert 1895

Chapter 366: Diplomatic Idiot (Medium)

Wang Guorui saw the news sent by Sa Zhenbing about the Philippine natives asking for an alliance, and this Wang Guorui was a little surprised because these natives would come here to ask for an alliance. Wang Guorui also felt amused by the superficial international diplomatic thinking of the indigenous people, because they still regarded the world as it was in the past, and believed that China had an obligation to help them restore their country. But they overlooked that Taiwan is not a good man or woman, so naturally they will not let them easily go to the Philippines. Otherwise, what's the point of spending money to help them restore the country and getting nothing for themselves?

"Let's take a look, this is the news that the natives have requested to form an alliance. Obviously, they have requested an alliance." Wang Guorui said.

However, Yao Wendong, director of the Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries, said speechlessly: "These natives are really not very clever! They just saw that the enemy of the enemy is also the friend, but they didn't realize that although Taiwan and Taiwan The Spaniards are the enemy, but we are all colonists, and we colonists are all 'raccoons of the same species,' what's the difference?"

"Old Yao, you 'raccoon of the same feather', are you scolding yourself at home?" Wang Guorui pretended to be angry.

"Hahahaha..." Everyone suddenly burst out laughing, obviously amused by the short-sightedness of these natives.

These indigenous people subconsciously believe that since Taiwan and Spain are at war, they are both enemies, so they think that an alliance between the indigenous people and Taiwan can be formed. However, they don't know it at all. Taiwan and Spain are actually colonizers, they are "raccoons of the same feather", and they are countries and regions that have gone overseas to colonize. And of course the colonists wanted to rule and exploit these natives. Then let your own country obtain resources from the colonies, and finally get a lot of resources continuously to enjoy the development of industry, and then use them as dumping targets.

In fact, if you want to use class theory, although Taiwan and Spain have competition, it is also an intra-class competition, not a desperate struggle between different classes. can be reconciled. As long as the two parties reach an agreement on the benefits and losses, they can become "friends" again. But Spanish Taiwan is different from those indigenous people. Aboriginal people are the exploited and the ruled. It has never been heard that when the ruling class struggles for power, it will unite the ruled class to fight. Even if the ruling class competes for power internally, it is only reasonable for the ruled class to use it. There is no reason to form an alliance. This class is not so easy to resolve, and Taiwan and the Spaniards are "the same breed", so it is naturally impossible to truly give freedom to those indigenous people.

In fact, in the original history, the aborigines also went to the Americans. In the history of the Spanish-American War, the aborigines hoped that the Americans could help them gain independence. But the fact is that the Americans are also a colonial country. Of course they want to acquire colonies, but those natives have no real long-term vision at all. They simply think that the enemy of the enemy is also a friend, so they think that the United States People should help them. But in fact, once the Spaniards "sold" the Philippines to the United States. The Americans also began to turn their faces against those indigenous uprising troops, and then overthrew the Republic government of the Philippines.

"Of course, we don't want to persecute them too deeply. We can also use these natives. And if we persecute them too deeply and drive them to the Spaniards, then maybe we will As a result, they teamed up to beat us. So, we might as well appease them first, and then let them fight the Spaniards. After they and the Spaniards have lost a lot, we come to clean up the mess. And we all take advantage of this It is time to send troops to the Philippines as soon as possible. Then pass this running-in period as soon as possible." Wang Guorui said.

Hu Wei also immediately said: "Yes, it is not suitable for us to directly force them to our opposite. First of all, our troops stationed in the Philippines have not yet been formed, and a certain degree of running-in time is needed. And if the time comes The natives and the Spaniards were forced to come together. Although we are not afraid of them, why do we bother? So it is not impossible to let them divide them and let them fight together. It is not impossible for us to reap the benefits of fishing of."

"You know, once the natives and the Spaniards collude, the effect will not be one plus one equals two. The natives are familiar with the local conditions and are good at guerrilla warfare, while the Spaniards are good at positional warfare and have enough military thinking There are also all kinds of strategic and tactical talents, and they have good weapons and equipment. If they collude with us and then fight guerrillas with us, then the effect will add up to a result of one plus one greater than two. Although we are not afraid of them , But why do we have to suffer on our own? Soyi let them conflict, and then let them fight by themselves, so we don't have to be afraid of anything."

After listening to Hu Wei's analysis, everyone also approved of this plan. After all, although Taiwan is not afraid of them, it must also prevent them from colluding. Once they collude to form a complementarity, it may also cause Taiwan's casualties and war costs to be greatly increased, which is not a very good result. So to provoke their struggle, we might as well appease the conflict between the natives and the Spaniards, and then Taiwan will take advantage of this time to form troops stationed in the Philippines, and then we can continue to support the natives to fight with the Spaniards, so that after the Spaniards are defeated, Taiwan can also pretend to attack Guo to clean up those indigenous people again. This kind of false way to attack Guo is actually used with great proficiency.

"But, will they collude? After all, the Philippines has been carrying out uprisings before, and they and the Spaniards should be sworn enemies!" Zheng Hong asked.

But Yao Wendong immediately replied: "Madam, there is no problem with this. Because if the Spaniards are attracted by agreeing to their independence, it is not impossible for those indigenous people to do it again and fight us with them. After all, the Spaniards are very concerned about this. This kind of political method is already perfect, so they can easily make this method. And the natives will definitely be tempted by then, because they think that as long as they cooperate with the Spaniards, they will be able to gain freedom."

"No way? All freedom should be fought for by oneself, but I have never heard of freedom being obtained by cooperating with the colonists!" Zheng Hong said.

"There is no way, we cannot understand the thinking of these indigenous people!" Wang Guorui said.

In fact, Wang Guorui couldn't understand the thoughts of those indigenous people. You must know that many indigenous colonies in Southeast Asia will be able to establish independent countries in the future, but many of the reasons for their independent establishment are not their own efforts, but relying on the charity and helplessness of the colonists. For example, India, the guy who proposed some kind of non-violent non-cooperation, seems to want to use this method to get the British to give them alms and give them freedom. He actually thought that as long as he could cooperate with the British, he would be able to gain freedom, such as mobilizing Indians to join the British army to help the British fight. Later, various non-violent methods were proposed to resist, and various means were used to make the British helpless against them.

Rather than saying that the independence of India and other countries in Southeast Asia was achieved by themselves, it is better to say that the general trend of the world allowed them to be independent. In the future, the colonial system of those countries will also collapse, which will allow them to become independent. And the political vision of these natives is really not flattering. The British use the so-called independence and autonomy to seduce India from time to time, and many elites in India are actually played by the British to death, but In the end, there is no way to truly gain independence and So these things will not work at all, but those indigenous people are still very keen on this kind of thing. Therefore, ordinary Chinese people can't understand the ideas of those indigenous people at all. They also hope to gain freedom by relying on others' charity, and they can't understand that others can't gain freedom by giving charity.

"If the Spaniards use some so-called independent autonomy, or allow them to be independent as a condition, they will also choose to be hostile to us. The indigenous people are like this, they all hope to rely on others, and never want to rely on their own strength to gain freedom. If we don't help them, they will probably fight against us under the temptation of Spain, and then exchange for the so-called independent power. But they don't know that even the Spaniards are deceiving them. Once we After leaving, they will definitely abolish the independent power. The international political level of those indigenous people is too naive, and they don’t even think that strength is the basis of everything. They are not strong enough, how can others give them freedom? However, in order to prevent these natives from coming together with the Spaniards, it is absolutely necessary for us to give them the necessary support to let them fight the Spaniards," Wang Guorui said.

And not long after, in Manila, Sa Zhenbing said to Macabros: "Our lord Wang has called back, and he has agreed to our cooperation to fight against the Spaniards, and he will support some weapons for you. But you must exchange your wealth for these weapons, so that we can give you those weapons." (To be continued)

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