Red Alert 1895

Chapter 369: I have been looking forward to Master Wang for a long time (middle)

Sa Zhenbing and Zhu Yuan were shocked when they heard that there was such a Chinese gathering place in the south of the Philippines, and it was still in the hands of two sultanates with independent management rights. Because they didn't expect that there is actually a "country" in the south that can not be managed by the Spanish and Philippine Governor's Palace, which surprised them very much. Sa Zhenbing and Zhu Yuan have been following Wang Guorui for some time anyway, and they also have a certain understanding of the international situation, so they know what this means.

Now Taiwan is occupying the Philippines in the name of declaring war on Spain, but they did not expect that there are actually two independent kingdoms in the Philippines. These two independent kingdoms are only Spanish colonies in name and are not actually controlled by the Spanish. And when Sa Zhenbing heard about this situation, he immediately decided with Zhu Yuan to eliminate these two countries as soon as possible to avoid complications. Because they are now independent kingdoms, although not recognized by any country in the world, they must be resolved as soon as possible.

If it is too late to eliminate them, who knows if someone will deliberately use this as a political excuse to bargain with Taiwan. You must know that these two so-called sultanates are not recognized by any country in the world, but if other countries use this as an excuse to interfere in the affairs of the Philippines, then it must be very bad. Therefore, in order to avoid extra problems, they must be eliminated as soon as possible, so that Taiwan can truly occupy the entire Philippines. And this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later, if the western countries think that there are two independent sultanates here. Then it's too late to use that as an excuse. So when he heard this, Sa Zhenbing immediately started the ship, preparing to transport the soldiers to destroy the two sultanates.

And Sa Zhenbing took the initiative to send troops this time. They also immediately sent a telegram to Wang Guorui requesting ratification, and explained everything clearly, explaining that if it was too late, it might be used by other countries as an excuse, and hoped that Wang Guorui would agree to ratify his troop deployment. After all, this is different from the previous battle plan, and it must be ratified by Wang Guorui. If it is not ratified, it will be an unauthorized deployment of troops, and it will be punished by military law. It is also easy to be suspected by the superiors. So Sa Zhenbing took the initiative to request ratification, which means that he did not deploy troops without authorization.

soon. Wang Guorui also sent a telegram agreeing to Sa Zhenbing's deployment. Only then did Wang Guorui remember that later generations had seen a piece of news about the Moro people in the southern Philippines hoping to obtain a high degree of autonomy and even independence, while the Moro people in the southern Philippines and the northerners had different beliefs and beliefs. The living habits are different. Those in the north believe in Christianity. And the South is Islamic Muslims, so they are actually largely out of place. But they were forcibly assigned to the Philippines by the United States, so they barely became a country. When Spain later ceded the Philippines to the United States, it ceded the two sultanates together, so that the United States inherited this tradition. Later, the Moro people have not always accepted the central jurisdiction of the Philippines, so this made them hope for autonomy or even independence.

But Wang Guorui didn't expect that things had been an independent kingdom since the 19th century, and this reminded Wang Guorui of this matter. And since they are an independent kingdom capable of self-government, it is best to perish as soon as possible, otherwise other countries may use this as an excuse to interfere in the future. So Wang Guorui also knew that this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. They must be destroyed as soon as possible.

And in the Sulu Sea, on Palawan Island, the Sultan of the Sulu Sultanate heard the report.

"Sudan, a fleet is coming outside, it is a Chinese fleet. They have entered the Sulu Sea, what should we do? They seem to be coming for us!" said a minister.

But the Sultan still said: "Let's not provoke the Chinese. The Chinese are not as good as they used to be. The Chinese can even defeat the hundreds of thousands of Dutch troops who occupied Nanyang. Then we should not be able to provoke them. And how can we take the initiative to do so?" Provoke. And they have no reason to come to us!"

"Sultan, the Chinese have declared war on the Spaniards. Maybe they are really coming after us!" The minister replied.

"Why are they coming at us? Aren't they going to fight the Spaniards? What do we have to do with the Spaniards?" Sultan asked.

It has to be said that because the sultans of the Sulu Sultanate have not been directly ruled by the Spaniards for a long time, they seem to have forgotten that they belong to the Philippines, and the Philippines is also a colony of Spain, so they are also in name Spanish colony. Taiwan can also use this as an excuse to attack the Sulu Sultanate. And this Sulu Sultanate has always regarded itself as an independent country. Although no one in the world recognizes it, they all think so. So their sultans don't know why Taiwan came to them now, they didn't regard themselves as a Spanish colony at all!

"Sudan, we didn't sign the autonomy treaty with the Spaniards, but we are a place where the Spaniards are in name. And we only have a high degree of autonomy, so if the Chinese use this as an excuse to attack us, then we may really want to No one supports it," said the minister.

"How is this possible? We do not accept the direct jurisdiction of the Spaniards!" Sultan asked.

For the leaders of such small countries, their national governance thinking is still very primitive. They all think that the actual governance is their own. They don't know the situation of international exchanges, and they don't have any international diplomatic ideas. So now they all think that they can manage themselves, that is, an independent country. But they don't know at all that their so-called independent statement is not recognized by anyone in the world, but they only think it themselves. They couldn't figure it out at all, why did Taiwan take the initiative to attack them?

"Immediately send a fleet to stop the Chinese, and explain the matter clearly! We must tell the Chinese that we are an independent country, not the territory of the Spaniards, do you understand?" Sudan asked.

And Sudan's fleet immediately started to move, and their hundreds of ships soon arrived in front of Taiwan's fleet. They want to block Taiwan's fleet. After all, if Taiwan's fleet is allowed to continue to attack, they will all be destroyed.

Compared with the fleet of the Sultanate, Taiwan's fleet is much worse. Although Taiwan's fleet has more than 100 ships, at least 50 of them are troop carriers, with almost no combat effectiveness. The real combat effectiveness is more than forty destroyers and frigates, which is much worse than the hundreds of warships in the Sultanate. But no one doubts that the winner of this battle will be Taiwan's fleet, because Taiwan's fleet is all made of steel, and the caliber of the artillery has reached 75 mm. And the fleet of the enemy's Sulu Sultanate is all made of wood, and there is not much steel on board. And their cannons are all old models more than a hundred years ago, and even many ships don't even have this kind of antique cannons, and they all rely on cold weapons such as bows and crossbows to fight. Therefore, this serious asymmetry in weapons cannot be solved by quantity at all. Once there is a generation difference in weapons, it will be useless.

"General, we are not Spaniards. We are the Sulu Sultanate, an independent country. We are not Spanish vassals, so please don't attack us." The envoy of the Sulu Sultanate said.

But Sa Zhenbing said: "You say you are an independent country, do you still have countries in the world that recognize you?"

"Admit, do you still need to admit?" the messenger asked.

"It goes without saying that you are all Spaniards. And aren't you a highly autonomous region of Spain in the Philippines? Even if you have a high degree of autonomy, it is also a region of the Philippines, and you are also a place of Spaniards, so We have the right to occupy this place!" Sa Zhenbing said.

"General, we are..."

The emissary was pulled away, then sent back to their boat, and forced back to his side.

"Tell your destroyers and frigates that it's time to let them play freely. They can play freely in this battle, and I won't command them. This kind of enemy can't all jump into the sea together !” Sa Zhenbing said.

Sa Zhenbing also hopes to let his subordinates perform on their own, and then exercise their commanding skills. After all, only after training can they be truly familiar with commanding fleet operations, so that they can have a better development prospect.

"Commander Zhu Yuan, why don't we sit down and have a drink or two now? Isn't it nice to watch these soldiers fighting and killing the enemy while tasting Western milk tea?" Sa Zhenbing asked.

Zhu Yuan also took the initiative to sit down and said, "Okay, let's see how your troops are doing, Commander Sa, this is blood-stained."

"However, this is the blood of the enemy, not our Chinese!" Sa Zhenbing said.

"Hahahaha..." The two laughed together.

And soon, Taiwan's destroyers and frigates also began to fight those Sulu Sultanate fleets, and then they began to annihilate the Sulu Sultanate's fleet. As for these unpopular things, the Taiwan fleet is of course very rude, and it is simply a living target, so they don't have to be polite at all. Such a good opportunity for actual combat training, how can you miss this opportunity? (to be continued)

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