Red Alert 1895

Chapter 371: Copying the Country (Part 1)

Zhu Yuan took a division of the army to the Maguindanao Sultanate in the north of Zamboanga, and this time they were responsible for attacking the Maguindanao Sultanate, and then gave this country with a population of only one million and an army of only 10,000 to 20,000 to the Sultanate of Maguindanao. perished. And this war may not be called a war at all, but can only be called a field training. Because the troops of the Maguindanao Sultanate were defeated at the first touch, and when they saw so many troops from Taiwan coming, they all started to flee one after another, obviously having no intention of fighting. Even if there were a small number of people who wanted to fight, they were all killed by a large number of rifles, and there were no waves at all. After all, the training level and weapons of the Taiwanese army are much better than theirs. Taiwan wiped out thousands of enemies, but did not lose a single person. Because the weapons used by their natives are cold weapons, they are naturally not opponents of firearms.

"Sultan, run quickly! If you don't run, it will be too late!" said the minister of Maguindanao Sultanate.

When the sultan heard this, he immediately sighed and said: "Is there no chance to save it? After all, we are not Spaniards, and we only obey the rule of the Spaniards in name! Could it be that the Chinese don't talk about it?" Does it make sense?"

"Sudan, the current Chinese are no longer the benevolent, gentle, forgiving and humble Chinese country. The current Chinese have become a country like the Spaniards. They are greedy and very greedy for land. And they have taken a fancy to our land. , not to mention that they all came here under the banner of revenge for the Chinese. How could they let us go so easily? How did we treat the Chinese at that time? When we heard that China was declining, it was no longer a kingdom of heaven. And At that time, our attitude towards the Chinese changed immediately, from preferential treatment to exploitation. Now that the Chinese have risen again, they naturally want to seek revenge from us. Besides, they are no longer the moderate Chinese. They are now It has become a hungry wolf, a greedy hungry wolf! Now they have an excuse, so how could they let us go?" said the minister.

"Sudan, let's go!" Many people said.

And the sultan thought for a while and said, "Hurry up and clear up the wealth in the treasury. There are also wealth from every household, take them away together!"

The sultan naturally wanted to take the wealth with him. How can he survive the rest of his life if he doesn't take away his wealth? After all, their country is about to perish, so it is naturally impossible to continue to live a luxurious life. And those who can maintain a luxurious life are those wealth, and only those wealth can allow them to continue to live a life of superiority. So naturally he would not be willing to just leave like this, he had to leave with his wealth. You can take as much as you can.

And when those ministers saw this situation, they didn't stop it, because they were also packing up their wealth, and hoped to live a happy life. And now this Maguindanao Sultanate is picking up gold and silver everywhere, because Taiwan's army is coming soon, and they hurriedly take those valuable things and hope to leave quickly, so that they can live in the future Guaranteed. If there is no power, and here is no wealth, who in this world will take you seriously. Either have power or have money. If you don't have either of these, then you're simply primed to be bullied and ruled by.

"Sultan, the Chinese army is less than twenty miles away from us! Let's go!" said a servant in the Sultan's Palace.

And the sultan watched the riches. And the wealth was only less than one-tenth of the load, and he immediately took it: "No, wait a while. Anyway, the Chinese still have a full twenty miles away, so it doesn't matter if we leave later. Hurry up and find more Car, strive for more wealth to be transported away!"

It has to be said that so many of these Sudans have been searchable since then. The wealth accumulated over hundreds of years is so easy to transport away, so many vehicles must be used to transport it away. And this sultan saw so much wealth. If he stayed here, it would be cheap for the Chinese, so he would not be reconciled. So he wants to keep getting away and get more cars to pull. If possible, he even hopes to take away all the wealth, which is enough to allow him to live a wealthy life for more than a dozen generations, so of course he is reluctant.

After hearing this, the servants also sighed helplessly, and then said nothing. Because he is just a servant, what the master wants to do is up to him to decide, and he is not qualified to say more as a servant. And because of the influence of this sultan, many former nobles also tried their best to find vehicles, hoping to transport all the wealth away, so that they could continue to enjoy a luxurious and rich life in the future. And when they heard that the Chinese army was still twenty miles away, they didn't take it seriously. After all, many people are like this, and they don't cry when they see the coffin.

"Sudan, the Chinese are only fifteen miles away from us, hurry up! If you don't leave, then we will be too late!" The servant said again.

The Sudan saw that these treasuries only contained about three-tenths of the wealth, and then thought for a while and said: "The Chinese are still fifteen miles away from us, which is still a long way. Let's continue to store and try to store more. Wealth leaves. We will leave when the Chinese are ten miles away from us!"

And those natives accelerated to load the wealth again, and then wanted to transport it away as soon as possible. And Taiwan's army is still moving forward, apparently intending to attack the so-called capital of the Maguindanao Sultanate, and then destroy the Maguindanao Sultanate. But these guys are attracted by these wealth, hoping to take away as much wealth as possible. Now he lost hundreds of years of wealth, of course he was unwilling to do so, so he tried his best to leave with more wealth, and he couldn't take advantage of the Chinese.

"Sudan, hurry up, the Chinese are only ten miles away from us! If you don't leave, it will be too late." The servant shouted again.

But Sudan looked at the wealth, only less than 50% of it was loaded, at most it was only half, and he was still not reconciled in his heart.

"Wait a little longer, Wuli, when the Chinese are five miles away from us, we will leave immediately!" The sultan still wanted to make a final effort, after all, many people had a fluke mentality.

Soon, the servant said again: "The Chinese are five miles away from our freedom, let's go!"

After seeing the situation, Sudan finally couldn't help but said, "Let's go!"

Soon, the vehicles that transported about 70% of the national treasury's wealth were also gradually driven away, and then they hoped to transport the wealth away and continue to live a luxurious and wealthy life.

"Da da da da..."

There was the sound of a submachine gun, and then there was a random sound of gunfire all over the place.

"Special Forces, let's go! I heard that this Sultanate has a lot of accumulated wealth. Let's go search and see how much wealth is still in the treasury?" the special forces captain shouted.

The special forces team of about a hundred people rode bicycles and rushed into the city, and then shot with pistols as they walked. Anyone who stood in the way was shot dead. Anyway, there are aborigines here, and they are not afraid of killing Chinese people, so they don't have any scruples about shooting Qi Ali. And they heard that there is huge wealth in the city, so they let them ride bicycles to rush over to occupy the treasury of the Maguindanao Sultanate before the big troops, so that they can occupy the treasury and allow Taiwan to obtain these wealth! In the eyes of Taiwanese people, these wealth already belong to Taiwan, so naturally they don't want to be transported away.

"Captain, I caught a tongue that can speak Chinese!" said a guy.

The captain of the special operations team immediately pointed a gun at the "tongue" and said, "Tell me where the treasury is, or I will shoot you dead!"

"General, don't kill me, I'll take you there right away!" said the "tongue".

The special forces soon killed the treasury of the Maguindanao Sultanate, and then the soldiers of the special forces saw the treasury here, and they were immediately shocked, because there was too much wealth in it. These wealth gold and silver, all kinds of jade, and many glittering things, it is impossible to describe what kind of wealth these are for a while. There are even many precious medicinal materials and so on. Although the soldiers of these special forces don't recognize them, they definitely know that they are good things.

"Generals, this wealth is only three-tenths of the original treasury, and most of the wealth in our treasury has been transported away by His Majesty the Sultan!" said the "tongue".

"Oh? Where did you Sudan go?" asked the captain of the Special Forces He and the ministers left with wealth, heading in that direction! said the Tongue.

The special operations captain looked at the ruts on the ground, and said, "Fortunately, you didn't lie to me, or I would have killed you!"

Because the ox cart of that sultan is very heavy, the weight of so much wealth is definitely not light, not to mention that the sultan is definitely overloaded, and the ruts on the ground are very deep, so he quickly analyzed the sultan and those ministers Where did you go.

"Brothers, leave a small team here to guard the wealth, and don't let those natives loot it. If anyone dares to loot it, he will be killed without mercy! The rest of you, get on your bicycle and follow me! They carry so many and so heavy Wealth can't run very far." The special operations captain shouted.


The special operations captain suddenly sighed: "This time we are not copying the house, but copying the country! No matter how small a country is, it is still a country. We are copying the country!"

I have to say that such a "copied country" is simply a high-end atmosphere, and it is really ruthless! (to be continued)

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