Red Alert 1895

Chapter 381: The Last Cavalry (Part 1)

At the Spanish army position, a group of about 8,000 cavalry was gathering, and then they picked up their sabers, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and then they seemed to be ready to fight. And the Spanish military commander Boris looked at these cavalry, and then immediately went to order them.

"Warriors of the Kingdom of Spain, you are our Spanish knights, you will use your sabers today, and then teach those Chinese who do not have any chivalry, they will become your ghosts. And when the time comes, you We must be able to kill them fiercely and use their blood to realize the glory of our Spanish knights! Go and serve His Majesty the King!" Boris shouted.

"Long live, long live His Majesty the King, long live the knight!" The cavalry shouted.

And soon they all rode their war horses and began to rush towards the Taiwan army's position in the dark, and Boris saw this scene, and there was nothing he could do.

"General, can you succeed this time?" the staff officer asked.

"Hope it works!" Boris replied.

"Hope, don't the generals have confidence? This is the most elite cavalry in Spain, the most important cavalry, they are all knights! They are the important core of our Spanish army, if they can't defeat the Taiwanese , then I am afraid no one will be able to defeat the Taiwanese!" the staff officer asked.

"Cavalry? Knights? Humph!" Boris snorted softly.

The cavalry of more than 8,000 people rushed to the position in Taiwan, but they did not rush directly to the position, but went around from the side under the leadership of the cavalry division commander.

"Master, what shall we do next? Are we going to attack the Taiwanese positions head-on?" Someone asked.

"Hmph, of course we are not going to attack the Taiwanese position, because the frontal firepower of the Taiwanese is too fierce, and we can't resist it. However, if we can attack from the flank, then we can sneak attack the Taiwanese flank .As long as we can break through the flanks of Taiwan, we will be able to carry out mass killings in the belly of the Taiwan army at that time. At that time, our cavalry will be the heroes of the Spanish army. We are all the heirs of the Spanish knights, of course we We cannot lose to those lowly infantrymen! We knights will always be noble, and will always be nobler than those infantrymen!" shouted the Spanish cavalry commander.

And I have to say that the chivalry in the West is very profound. The so-called chivalry has penetrated into their bones, even in later generations. There are still many people talking about chivalry in later generations, but in fact knights have long since died out. But there are still many foreign devils who believe in it. This has to be said to be a speechless answer.

The cavalry has always been a noble arm in the Western world. And infantry are all lowly arms, which is normal in the eyes of Westerners. Pay attention to cavalry, and this is because of the continuation of the chivalry spirit of the year. And the cavalry also consider themselves noble, a nobler branch than infantry, for no other reason than that they are the continuation of the spirit of chivalry. In the Middle Ages, only nobles could ride horses to fight. The knights are all selected by those nobles, and they are all selected by those who have been trained for many years since childhood. As for ordinary infantry, they are all used as cannon fodder on the battlefield. Never mainstream in wars in the western world.

However, in order to avoid the nobility of the knight class, the western devils were able to limit the development of bows and crossbows, to prevent this weapon from threatening the dominance of knights, and to prohibit the use of bows and crossbows in the course of war. This so-called maintenance of knights is simply pathological. You must know that a crossbow can kill a knight by a farmer who has not been trained for a long time, and this kind of foreign devils can actually limit the development of crossbows in order to preserve the superiority of the ruling class. And this is actually in order to ensure the advantage of the Manchurian cavalry with the Manchu Qing. Then restricting the development of firearms is a reason. And the foreign devils couldn't get rid of the influence of chivalry until the age of firearms. This has to be said to be a tragedy.

"Kill, let's attack the flanks of the Taiwanese and tell them the yellow-skinned monkeys, the nobility and bravery of our Spanish knights." The cavalry commander shouted.


soon. The sound of horseshoes sounded from the land of Sumatra, and the Spanish cavalry began to circle around from a distance, hoping to sneak attack on the flank of the Taiwan army.

"Da da da da..."

"What's this sound?" An engineer responsible for monitoring the ground said holding a listening urn.

The engineer is still responsible for continuing to monitor the ground to prevent the enemy from digging tunnels. But when he was monitoring the ground, he heard a lot of "da da" sounds, as if some things hit the ground densely, this business surprised him very much. What exactly was this voice, he couldn't even think of it for a while.

"Did you hear it? What is this sound?" Someone immediately asked.

"You heard it too?" "Yes! We all heard it too. It's like a 'da da' sound, what is this sound?"

"By the way, could it be that cavalry came over?" Someone asked.

"What? Cavalry? Where did we get the cavalry?" Someone immediately asked in confusion before he could react.

"Idiot, we have cavalry in Taiwan, they are the enemy's cavalry, hurry up and report!"

At present, there is actually no cavalry for Taiwan. This is not because Wang Guorui does not want to form it, but because it has no horses! Taiwan is located in the south, and has never been a place where horses are produced. At most, there are some Sichuan horses and Yunnan horses in the southwest, but these horses are not excellent war horses, they are ordinary horses that cannot be used as war horses horses. The civilian use of these horses for farming and transportation is okay, but once they are used as war horses, it is a waste of soldiers' lives. As for Man Qing, it is impossible to sell them war horses. After all, Man Qing controls the source of war horses in China, so it is naturally impossible to sell war horses to Taiwan. As for Nanyang, there are no war horses to use, so it is impossible for Taiwan to form cavalry. If the cavalry is found at this time, it may be the enemy's cavalry.

Thinking of the enemy's cavalry coming to attack, they immediately reported.

"Huh? Those guys actually sent cavalry. Since they dare to die, don't blame our subordinates for being merciless! How far are they from here?" Ma Junhui asked.

And an engineering staff officer immediately said: "Commander, according to our experience of reading ancient books, listening to the urn can hear the sound of troops mobilizing more than ten kilometers away, so how can we know that the enemy's cavalry should be more than ten kilometers away?" Besides. And after we just heard it, we immediately came to report, they ran a few kilometers at most. As long as we can be faster, then we can clean them up."

"Okay, immediately mobilize three machine gun battalions there, and then temporarily form a machine gun headquarters. Today, we want to let all these cavalrymen die under our machine guns!" Ma Junhui said.

And those Spanish cavalry didn't know at all that their troop mobilization was unlucky in an ancient Chinese technological invention, and the effect of this listening urn was a very powerful weapon. Although he may not be able to hear very precise sounds, he can definitely hear the sound of large-scale mobilization of enemy troops a few kilometers away. After all, any large-scale troop mobilization requires loud footsteps and tremors, and although the tremor sound does not seem to be able to travel very far in the air, it can vibrate to a distance that ordinary people can't imagine on the ground. The ancients also used this method to put a listening urn on the ground and then judge the enemy's attack more than ten kilometers away. This method is the wisdom of ancient warfare and the wisdom of Chinese civilization, but Western devils never imagined that there would be such a thing as a listening urn in China. What's more, even if they thought about it, they might not think that this kind of old weapon that was thousands of years ago can have such a huge effect in modern warfare.

"It seems that what Mr. Wang said is correct. There is no most powerful weapon in this world, only the most suitable weapon. I really did not expect that this kind of urn in the era of cold weapons, which is rarely used, can actually be used twice. You saved us, it's amazing!" Ma Junhui also sighed.

Now Ma Junhui's admiration for Wang has also deepened a bit, because even a small listening pot can be useful to him. And he didn't know at all that Wang Guorui distributed these listening urns to various troops for use, and the various troops did not take it seriously. After all, such old-fashioned things would be distributed from above. But now it confirms a sentence, that is, there is no most powerful weapon, only the most suitable weapon. As long as a weapon is used in the most suitable place, then he can also exert great power. No one thought that the listening urn, which was invented more than two thousand years ago, could have such a huge effect.

"Crack, click!"

The three machine gun battalions began to prepare, and they had already seen several kilometers away, the enemy began to charge here with torches. They obviously wanted to attack the flank of the Taiwan army from the side. However, the Taiwanese army did not panic at all, because they knew that the machine guns in their hands were not fake, but instead they were powerful weapons that could kill them.

But Ma Junhui looked at the cavalry charging from a distance, and suddenly sighed: "These cavalry may be the last cavalry in the world. I am afraid that from today onwards, there will be no cavalry on horseback in the world anymore." (To be continued) Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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