Red Alert 1895

Chapter 388: Interactive discussion (below)

Seeing that someone was promoted and reused by Wang Guorui on the spot, this made many people even more tempted, and immediately began to express their opinions, but there were no more people who made Wang Guorui shine. And these students have not participated in the war, so naturally they can't say too much, but Wang Guorui is not too disappointed, because such top talents are always in the minority, so Wang Guorui will not be too much. Disappointed. However, next, Wang Guorui naturally wanted to test them about tank defense methods.

"Now that you have enough knowledge of this tank, think about it, how can you crack this tank? Now that we have tanks, what should we do if the enemy also has tanks in the future? You should You know, the armor of this tank is very thick, and the bullets of ordinary rifles and machine guns cannot penetrate this tank. So, do you have any good ways to contain this tank?" Wang Guorui asked.

And soon, someone replied: "Then develop a rifle that can penetrate tanks! As long as we can develop such a rifle that is specially used for anti-tank and has strong penetrating power, then we can not only use For anti-tank, it can also be used to hit enemies behind cover."

"Well, it's a way!" Wang Guorui replied.

This kind of anti-tank gun is actually some rifles specially used to target tanks, and this kind of rifle has special bullets and a particularly long barrel. Even the people who use this kind of rifle are very physically strong, after all, ordinary people cannot bear the recoil of this kind of anti-tank gun. And this anti-tank gun was also very popular after the First World War in the original history. Even many countries have developed and produced a large number of them, which can be regarded as a way to crack enemy tanks. However, this student mentioned this method. Wang Guoruibing didn't care too much, because this method of relying on weapons to restrain the enemy's tactics didn't deserve too much encouragement. Because once on the battlefield, the enemy suddenly appears a weapon, it is difficult for an opponent to develop a restrained weapon in advance. As an officer, the best way is to use the existing conditions, and then use the existing conditions to restrain the enemy's new weapons. Instead of thinking about developing weapons that restrain him. The research and development of restrained weapons is also something after the battle.

on the battlefield. Adaptability is the most important ability, instead of thinking about letting the technical personnel in the rear develop weapons to restrain opponents. Even if you can't restrain the enemy's weapons on the spot, you must have the ability to restrain the opponent's new weapons, and this method should be simple. And this student said that he wanted to invent an anti-tank gun. This is actually not a very good idea, because once the enemy uses a new weapon, it means that you have lost a battle. If you lose a battle, you will be at a disadvantage in one battle, and if you are unfavorable in a battle, it means that you have to adjust your strategy. Strategic adjustment means that perhaps your war is not far from failure. Back then, the British also had a story of destroying a dynasty because of a horseshoe, so the lessons learned from the past must be guarded against. It is best for any general to be able to crack the enemy's new weapons on the spot. Instead of relying on the failure of the battle to invent new weapons to crack the enemy's weapons.

"What if the enemy's tank armor gets thicker and thicker in the future? Ordinary anti-tank guns are out of date and unable to penetrate the enemy's armor. What do you think?" Wang Guorui asked again.

Immediately someone said: "Then we can use cannons to fight. Cannons have a very low trajectory and can be used as flat-firing guns. And we can even develop artillery with a very flat trajectory so that we can directly use it to target tanks. This cannon It is so powerful that even if it cannot blow up the tank, it can still stun the enemy's driver to death. In this way, the tank will not be able to exert its combat effectiveness."

Wang Guorui nodded, this person's idea is slightly better than before. Because he proposed to use cannons to fight. The cannon has a low trajectory and is a direct-firing artillery, which can hit tanks to a certain extent. And this kind of cannon is used to fight tanks, which is the way many people will use against tanks in the future. This person's idea is obviously better than that of the anti-tank gun just now, because he used the existing conditions to fight back, rather than expecting to develop new weapons in the future. Being able to use the existing conditions to fight back is the basic ability that a general should master, so this student performed much better than the one just now. However, this was not enough to make Wang Guorui's eyes shine.

"If you don't have anti-tank guns, and you don't have any cannons. You only have infantry and some foot soldiers. How do you think you should stop the enemy's tanks? You must know that you don't have any artillery, you don't have any cannons, and your weapons are all It is a weapon under the existing conditions, so how do you plan to solve this condition?" Wang Guorui asked.

Hearing Wang Guorui's conditions to restrict them, let them have no anti-tank guns, no cannons, and this made everyone secretly complain. Because the conditions are so limited, isn't that a problem for them? But Wang Guorui is actually giving them a problem, because if they don't restrict some conditions, then they will definitely become dependent on weapons in the future. Although weapons are becoming more and more advanced, the personal qualities of soldiers are also very important. After all, it is only human beings who use weapons. Weapons can never be suitable for all situations. Weapons can only work when they are suitable for the specified situation. If the weapon is not suitable for the situation, then they want to rely on their own heads to solve the problem. The human brain is always the most powerful weapon, and those weapons made of steel and even various materials will always need the human brain to control. Even if unmanned weapons will be equipped in large quantities one day, human brains will ultimately be required to direct them. In this world, there will be no wars where intelligent computers are used for supreme command, and human brains will ultimately be required. Therefore, human beings cannot rely on weapons, and it is human brains that ultimately solve problems. Wang Guorui does not encourage those soldiers to rely entirely on weapons, but hopes to encourage them to use limited conditions to fight against the enemy. This is the most fundamental and effective method.

Soon, when everyone was using their brains, a student from the engineering branch immediately said, "Dean Wang, I think we can imitate the ancients. Because this tank is actually an ancient chariot, that is, an ancient steel Cavalry. In fact, the history of the clan is so strikingly similar. We might as well learn how the ancients fought against the cavalry. There is a way for the ancients to fight against the cavalry, that is, to use trenches to fight against the enemy's cavalry. And this method can also be used by us. For example, we can dig a trench on the ground, so that when the enemy tank comes over, it will inevitably fall into the trench and cannot move. Secondly, even if the enemy cannot be tricked, it can also stop the enemy tank , cannot continue to attack."

"Yes, this anti-tank trench is also a good idea. It can be excavated with the most limited conditions. And this method can be done with only the manpower of engineering shovels and soldiers. It is a good method. In the limited Under the conditions, it is good to use anti-tank trenches, so your method is good. However, I still want to go deeper again, and then make this condition more difficult. For example, the local land is hard, and those lands are covered with some The rocky ground is not soft soil. And in such a situation, what do you think should be done? Or in winter, the ground in winter is very hard, let alone whether the soldiers can dig such trenches in time, even if Our soldiers were able to dig it out, so how much physical strength did it consume? At that time, the physical strength of the soldiers was exhausted, so even if there is a trench, it cannot be used to fight against the enemy!" Wang Guorui said again.

And everyone immediately started to use their brains to On the other hand, another student from the engineering branch immediately said: "I have a way, since the ground is hard, why can't we use cement to build one by one What about the cones? We make cones protruding from the ground one by one, and then we can stop the impact of enemy tanks. Under the action of these cones, we can all effectively block the attack of tanks."

"Well, this method is fine, very good." Wang Guorui said.

Immediately, another student from the engineering branch immediately added: "It will take a lot of time to build a cone, and the geographical environment at that time may not allow you to use cement to build a cone. Then we might as well consider making an anti-tank Resisting horses, we imitate the ancient way of fighting against cavalry, prefabricated resisting horses, and then put them on the battlefield, so that these resisting horses can be used to fight against enemy tanks. We can use reinforced concrete to create a triangle similar to Because of the things that reject horses, so that we don't have to temporarily mix the cement, and then let them use it immediately on the spot. And after the anti-tank rejects horses are used once, they can be recycled and reused, unlike those temporarily built anti-tank triangles Cone, after one use, there is no way to use it, and it must be blown up, causing waste.”

"Well, it's really good. What you said is very good. It seems that you engineers are also talented!" Wang Guorui said. (to be continued)

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