Red Alert 1895

Chapter 391: Ninja (top)

When the soldiers at the outposts were chatting together, they didn't notice that a group of people in black night clothes had begun to approach quietly. And they move very vigorously, obviously they are very skilled in activities here. And these people are very thin and short, but their bodies are extremely flexible, they don't look like ordinary people, not even ordinary soldiers. And they are looking for the darkest places to walk. They rely on the lights in the night to walk. Their eyesight is very good and very sharp. So they can advance in the darkest place, and they are like ghosts in the night in the dark night, quickly moving towards the outpost.

"Mr. Hattori, it is really unlucky for us to assist these Spaniards this time. We were sent to assist these Spaniards, and these Spaniards are really useless, and they lost so badly directly I lost 20,000 people, but just killed more than a hundred people, I really have never seen such an incompetent army!" said one of the men in black.

And that Hattori-kun immediately said angrily: "What about us? If it were us, we might not be able to do better than these Spaniards. Are you also incompetent in our Imperial Japanese Army?"

"No, the army of our Great Japanese Empire is invincible." The man in black said.

That Hattori-kun snorted: "Let's not deceive ourselves, it is very terrible to deceive ourselves, especially the army, we cannot deceive ourselves. We are not as good as the Chinese people in Taiwan, at least for now. However, I believe that we will work hard in the future. They will catch up with the Chinese and then defeat the Chinese in Taiwan."

"Hi!" The five or six ninjas said together.

"You check your body, there is nothing from our Great Japanese Empire, right?" Hattori-kun asked.

"Absolutely not. Everything in Japanese on us has been disposed of, and there will be absolutely no evidence left." Someone said immediately.

"That's good. If we leave something from Japan, it might cause trouble for our Great Japanese Empire. Although we don't want to admit it, the fact is that we can't afford to mess with Taiwan at the moment, so we can only try our luck for the time being. This time we hope to consume the fighting power of the Taiwanese through the Spaniards, so as to give us a breathing space for the Japanese Empire. Once the Taiwanese find an excuse, we tear up the peace agreement of the year, so that they don’t have to do much. Just send If the navy attacks our combined fleet, then our navy will have to go around. Therefore, we must not leave anything related to our Great Japanese Empire." Said the Hattori-kun.

But those ordinary ninjas also feel a sense of shame, because Japan has fallen to this point. The point where we can't give the Taiwanese an excuse, this obviously makes them very uncomfortable. However, they will also have to complete their mission next, which is to assist the Spaniards in combat.

When they approached the post about a hundred meters away, the police dog at the post suddenly yelled.

"Wow woof woof..."

"There are enemies!" the clone squad leader immediately shouted.

And Lao Jiang also said: "There is an enemy, according to the detection range of this police dog, it should be one kilometer away!"

This old Jiang also believed that the enemy was one kilometer away based on his usual experience. And those people also went out of the outpost one after another, and then prepared to fight against the enemy. But everyone will not be too worried. Because according to daily experience, the enemy should be one kilometer away, because these police dogs are very powerful. Being able to detect the enemy from a distance of one kilometer can give an early warning. However, they miscalculated this time, because the enemy this time was different, not an ordinary enemy.

"Why is the dog barking?" a ninja asked.

"Don't care about him, it should be accidental. Let's move on!" Hattori-kun immediately shouted.

When the ninja walked about fifty meters in the dark, the police dog barked even harder.

"Wow woof woof..."

"This dead dog. He found us!" said a ninja.

When Hattori-kun saw this situation, he immediately took out a ninja dart from his lap, and flew towards the police dog.


The police dog fell to the ground soon, and everyone was shocked when they saw this situation. Because according to everyone's experience, the enemy should still be one kilometer away, but now they killed their police dog immediately, which made them feel abnormal. And they didn't know that this group of enemies were ninjas, and their ability to hide their scent and hide their hostility was much better than ordinary enemies, so they advanced to within a hundred meters before being discovered by the police dogs. They are professional sneak attackers and have received very special training, so even the police dogs of the red police system must be within 100 meters to find them. However, fortunately, there are not many such ninjas, and even Japan belongs to special forces, so it is impossible to appear on the battlefield on a large scale.

"The blood of the police dog is black, and the darts are poisonous!" Lao Jiang exclaimed looking at the black blood.

"Everyone be careful!" the clone squad leader said.

Needless to say, the squad leader, everyone couldn't help but be careful. Because the enemy is different this time, because everyone can know from the situation of the police dog that the enemy is very powerful. Because these police dogs are very physically strong, stronger than ordinary strong men, even if they are shot several times, they will not die immediately, but will go all out. But now a dart, and it didn't hurt the vitals, died in less than three seconds, which is enough to show that this poison is a poison that seals the throat when it sees blood. Everyone is also very careful. If you hit a dart at any time, it is almost dead.

When everyone was very careful, a voice suddenly came from the air, and the clone squad leader suddenly ran towards the direction of the voice after hearing the voice.

"Be careful!" The clone squad leader ran to Lao Jiang, and took the initiative to block him.

"Ah!" The clone squad leader was hit by a dart, and as a result, dark blood flowed out of the wound.

"Squad leader, are you okay?" Lao Jiang asked hastily.

Of course, Lao Jiang knew that the clone squad leader guessed the dart to save himself. If the clone squad leader didn't hit the dart, then he would be the one who hit the dart. And this dart is highly poisonous, if you get hit by a dart, you will die on the spot! But, this clone squad leader saved his life!


The clone squad leader spat out a mouthful of purple-black blood, obviously poisoned.

"Go!" the clone squad leader yelled.

According to Wang Guorui's order to these clones, if the natural person is in danger, the clone will do his best to protect the safety of the natural soldier's life. This is why the squad leader tried his best to protect the old Jiang just now. After all, the value of a natural person is much greater than that of a clone. Even after they leave the army, they can have more occupations than a clone. Even if they can bear offspring, they are more valuable than a clone. Even for some philistine reasons, Wang Guorui would have to pay an extra pension when a natural person dies, but clones don't need any pension at all, so this is a very important reason. This means that Wang Guorui would rather sacrifice a clone than a natural person. The cost of cloning a human is only a few hundred silver dollars, but if a natural person loses it, the direct and indirect losses are immeasurable, at least much more than the clone. Times!

"Squad leader, are you okay?" Lao Jiang asked.

"Very poisonous, let's go!" The clone squad leader said with care.

"Be careful, everyone, cover the squad leader's retreat!" Lao Jiang shouted.

"Toxic, leave me alone, go!"

When the ninja captain Hattori-kun saw this scene, he was immediately shocked: "What's the matter with this enemy, isn't he dead yet? According to estimates, he will definitely die within five seconds after being hit by my dart. But now it's been forty seconds , didn’t die? It’s so strange!”

And this Hattori-kun doesn't know that the body of the clone is not a perfect life body, but an incomplete life structure. Although this was incomplete, it made him less sensitive to poison. For example, the heart function of the cloned human is relatively incomplete, the liver is completely a decoration, and the functions of many organs are not as good as those of natural people. Although these functions are relatively incomplete, it makes the moderate damage less serious. Hattori-kun's poison is actually a compound type, so the internal organs of this clone are not fully functional, which instead causes his moderate speed to be not so fast. The poisoning speed was not that fast, so naturally those who had been poisoned for forty seconds did not die. If it is a natural person, it will die faster.

"No matter, kill me!" Hattori-kun said again.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

More than a dozen darts flew out together and flew towards the soldiers at the outpost. But the clone squad leader still exerted all his to block these darts with his own body, so that the natural soldiers in those outposts were not harmed.

"Oh my god! He was hit by so many darts, but he didn't die? He was hit in the heart directly, but he didn't die? What kind of monster is this!" Mr. Belly exclaimed again.

How did he know that cloning does not rely on the heart to survive, even if the heart is destroyed, it can still function for a long time.

"Let's go!" The clone squad leader still shouted.

The clone squad leader then got hit by a dozen darts, and then he was able to rush forward, and then pulled the grenade ring on his body.

"No, let's go!" Hattori-kun shouted immediately.

Soon, the ninja retreated quickly.


The grenade on the clone squad leader was detonated immediately, but it did not hurt the ninja, but because of his bravery, he also saved the lives of his natural soldiers. (to be continued)

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