Red Alert 1895

Chapter 398: to sum up

"If there are no accidents, the West Borneo Military Region should start a general offensive soon, right?" Wang Guorui thought.

Those Spaniards are at the end of their wits, so it is naturally impossible to continue to make trouble. Because they have no way to deal with the Taiwan army at all, the method they thought of has already proved a failure, and they will wait for the tragic blow of the Taiwan army next. And then they must be dealt with well. Although they have hundreds of thousands of troops, it is impossible for them to defeat the more than 40,000 elite troops in front of Taiwan. Because the firepower and weapon advantages of the two sides are not at the same level, it is impossible for those foreign devils to do anything to the Taiwan army. The Taiwanese army will soon take the initiative to attack, and at this time they will inevitably suffer heavy losses. At that time, they will either surrender or choose to be completely annihilated, and then become heroes.

"Husband, the new British Consul in Taiwan is here to see you!" Kang Tongwei said.

"Hebrew? What is he here for?" Wang Guorui asked.

"I don't know, it seems to be related to our war with Spain and the Dutch!" Kang Tongwei said.

"It seems that they can't sit still and want to give in. The more than 200,000 troops of the Dutch are working hard in our hands, and the more than 100,000 troops of the Spaniards may be defeated at any time. God. So can they not be worried? They know they can't go on fighting, and if they go on fighting, there is no chance of winning. After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is too big. Their weapons and firepower are not our opponents at all. Naturally, it is impossible Defeat us." Wang Guorui said.

Kang Tongwei thought to himself: "As for the local tyrants in Taiwan, the average firepower density of each soldier is almost equal to that of a squad of other countries' troops. It's no wonder they can stand it!"

But Kang Tongwei knew. The stronger Taiwan's army is, the safer it is for Taiwan, so Kang Tongwei will not worry about the fierce firepower of his soldiers in Taiwan. On the contrary, the more intense the firepower, the better, so as to ensure Taiwan's security and Taiwan's interests. Since Kang Tongwei is already Wang Guorui's woman, she is naturally tied to Wang Guorui's fate. And Wang Guorui's fate is tied to the fate of Taiwan, which is naturally very critical. So Taiwan is stronger. Kang Tongwei's life is getting better and better.

"Governor Wang Guorui, this is the first time we have met. This time I am here. I want to discuss with you an issue about world peace." Heber said.

"Oh? Hebrew Consul, do you have anything to say?" Wang Guorui asked.

Hebrew immediately said: "Governor Wang, regarding the war in the Far East and Southeast Asia, we think it should be enough. We should not continue to fight. Instead, we should take the initiative to resolve it through peaceful means, so that both of us can A consensus can be obtained so that common interests can be reached.”

Wang Guorui felt very speechless about this Hebrew's words, because this Hebrew would say something to be resolved through peaceful means at this time, and then he would say that he would safeguard the common interests of both parties, and then he would say something for the sake of world peace. And this kind of guy is actually the same as some guys in later generations in China. You reason with him, and he plays hooligans with you. And you are playing hooligans with him. He reasoned with you. If they were facing the Manchu Qing government, then they would definitely threaten them vigorously, and even use war as a threat at every turn. And this is because they knew that the Manchu government did not dare to fight. I don't want to fight, I would rather cede more land and maintain my right to rule. So they can threaten war at will, that is, they are playing hooligans.

But this move is different for Taiwan. Taiwan has the strength and courage to safeguard the interests of its own nation, and they know that they can no longer threaten war casually. Even if Taiwan does not invade, they are already going to shout Amitabha, so how dare they start a war against Taiwan casually? So now they naturally want to be very busy in terms of international peace by slapping big hats and paying attention to big theories. This is "reasonable". They can't "play hooligans" with Taiwan, so naturally they have come to reason with Taiwan.

"Respected Governor of Taiwan, Mr. Wang. I am Caleb, the special representative of Spain. I have come to Taiwan specially this time, and I am going to settle the result of this misunderstanding with you, Governor of Taiwan." Caleb said rather politely.

"Misunderstanding?" Wang Guorui asked jokingly.

"Yes, it's a misunderstanding. This is actually a misunderstanding between both of us. All this is because our fleet commander Abel is ill. His ancestors have a history of serious mental illness, so he may have suffered a sudden onset this time. As a result, this That’s how it ended up,” Kareb said.

"Really? A mental patient became the commander of the fleet?" Wang Guorui sneered.

The Spaniard wants the fleet commander Abel to be a scapegoat. Anyway, as long as there is this scapegoat, both parties will have a basis for the next negotiation. Then? This responsibility was defined as a misunderstanding, and then the two parties just had a conflict and friction, so there will be no major problems. Of course, the scapegoat this time is the Spaniards, not China. If it was any other time, the Chinese would be the scapegoats. In the end, not only is it a sin to lose, but it is also a sin to win!

"Yes, this is our Spanish mistake, and we will definitely investigate it strictly. However, we still hope that this time it can be resolved peacefully, instead of letting the soldiers on both sides continue to bleed. After all, every soldier is a son, a husband, Father, so we hope to resolve this conflict peacefully, so that both parties can get good results! We Spaniards are very peace-loving countries, so we hope that we can resolve this conflict through peaceful consultations." Kareb said.

"Peace-loving? When you plotted against us, did you feed your peace-loving heart to dogs?" Wang Guorui sneered inwardly.

However, this is often the case. It is impossible for Wang Guorui to point his nose and scold the other party for plotting against him. Anyway, it's hard to talk about these things that can't be put on the table in public. Once it is said publicly, it will be immortal, and a big war will inevitably break out next. At that time, neither Wang Guorui nor Spain had good results. Because if Wang Guorui and Spain broke out in an endless war, it would inevitably bring down all the foreign devils in Europe, so it would be too difficult for Taiwan to fight against the entire Western world by itself.

And Spain is naturally unwilling to break out an endless war, because it will be enough to drag Spain down, because at that time Spain will definitely assume the main responsibility for fighting Taiwan, and even pay for people. This is not what Spain is willing to do. . Anyway, winning this war will not benefit Spain much. Instead, it will have to pay for people, and even if it wins, it will suffer heavy losses. That's why Spain is not stupid, and took the initiative to start an endless war. So everything will go back to the negotiating table to resolve. Anyway, if it is not resolved properly, Spain will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Then what should we do next?" Wang Guorui asked.

"I think we'll stop the war first, and then say something else after the truce! After all, the soldiers on both sides are bleeding a lot, so I might as well let the front line truce, so that we can avoid too many problems. We must first ensure that the soldiers on both sides Only in this way can it serve as the basis for the next peace," Kareb said.

But Wang Guorui said: "No, you must order your front-line soldiers to lay down their weapons, and then voluntarily surrender to the army in front of us. We can treat your soldiers as prisoners of war, and I will not take away your soldiers' personal property. , as long as you hand over your weapons. However, your soldiers must do some labor within their ability before the two sides negotiate a peaceful settlement, in exchange for the conditions of your survival supplies. But we will not randomly arrange your soldiers to go to What kind of dangerous work to do. So, if you are willing to order the soldiers on the front line to put down their weapons and surrender, then we can have a good talk."

" is not okay, our great Spaniards cannot lay down their weapons and surrender to the enemy!" Kaleb said.

Wang Guorui said directly: "Then we have nothing to say, please go back directly! Let your soldiers surrender, that is one of the most important conditions we will discuss next, if you do not surrender, then we will have no What a good talk."

Of course, Caleb could not accept the order to order his country's army to surrender voluntarily, because the Spaniards also knew that once the surrender was ordered, it meant that the Spaniards had no cards. It can be used as a hole card to prove that one's strength has not been lost. If you voluntarily put down your arms and surrender, it means that you will face a very tragic situation next, and you can only let Taiwan slaughter you. Then the more than 100,000 troops are also hostages of Taiwan, and they will be threatened by Taiwan at any time.

Kareb left soon, because it was impossible for him to order the soldiers to surrender voluntarily, so he naturally didn't need to negotiate further. If the two parties still cannot reach an agreement, it is naturally impossible to continue the negotiation.

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry. Order Ma Junhui to force the Spanish army to surrender quickly, so that the Spaniards won't have any cards to negotiate terms with us!" Wang Guorui said. (to be continued)

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