Red Alert 1895

Chapter 505: They are all paper tigers (Part 2)

"Look, how does the Queen of England speak to their people? They say they are gentlemen, and we in China are a bunch of barbarians. They should not use force to attack us, they should use gentle means, use Treat us with benevolence and righteousness, which can influence us. Let us all obey their words, see, these are also the benevolence and righteousness of the British Empire, I hope they can influence us with some gentlemanly demeanor, hahahaha!" Wang Guorui laughed and said.

And Wang Guorui almost burst out laughing after hearing what the Queen of England said, the British are at the end of their rope. Wang Guorui had already seen that the british gang could not start a war against China at this time, especially at this time they were not ready. Don't think that those gringos are coaxing each other and threatening war at every turn. But they know that war cannot break out casually, let alone a casual threat from a diplomat. War is just something they use to blackmail China.

Whenever they find that China is afraid of war, they will naturally threaten it with war, so that Chinese officials will continue to spit out benefits, and then let their mother eat a lot. This kind of receiving them is already proficient, anyway, they will not break out of war anyway, this is just a means of blackmailing China. However, those officials of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were still so unsatisfied, they chose to compromise, which made the gringos continue to use this "killer tool" to threaten. In fact, wars are never easy to break out, even the world's most powerful country, Britain, cannot easily break out of war.

Which war among the world's major powers was not carefully considered, and it did not break out after careful consideration to determine that they had a high chance of winning. They have already calculated in the "temple calculation" for a long time, determining what benefits they will gain after winning, and what consequences will happen if they fail.

"You are optimistic. Those European powers are actually paper tigers one by one, and they are not useful. Don't look at them threatening war at every turn, but in fact they are just threats. They will not really explode. This kind of War, in fact, is about being soft and fearing the hard. The hard is afraid of death. As long as we fight, the European "gentlemen" will also choose to compromise. Their economy has developed, and their status in the world has been greatly improved. Yes. They are all civilized people and don’t want to solve problems through war. But in fact, they are all afraid of war. Once the economy develops to a certain level, they will inevitably cherish their own economy results, and international status."

"Once a war breaks out, not only will they not be able to produce too much economic effect, but they will suffer huge losses. And war will inevitably change the international pattern, so they will naturally not be willing to change this international pattern, and they all hope to avoid war. These foreign countries People’s thinking is that if they can avoid wars, they should not wage wars. Don’t think that they often threaten us, as if they are also very warlike. It’s okay for them to bully those black millets in Africa, but they bully us. That's definitely not possible. They can't even gobble up China, they can only get some benefits from the weak court, and they can't get too many benefits."

Wang Guorui's officials were completely relieved when they saw the reaction of the British. At first they still thought that the British were very powerful, but after Wang Guorui answered the sentence "You want to fight, I will fight", the British would go to war against Taiwan. But the facts told them that the British are nothing more than a paper tiger who is good at nothing but good at nothing. Don't look at them being so fierce every time they clamor for war. But in fact, they dare not fight an all-out war with China at all. They are not so powerful to defeat China. The so-called China can't be beaten, it's just scaring itself.

These ancient people did not know China's potential strength, they subconsciously believed that foreigners had industries and had a lot of strength to defeat China. But in fact, they don't know where China's advantages are at all. At that time, they will inevitably say that China will fail, which will make others' aspirations destroy their own prestige.

But Wang Guorui was born in the era after the Anti-Japanese War, and of course he deeply realized that those foreigners could not easily destroy China. China's advantages are also clearly written in the history books compiled after the Anti-Japanese War, and everyone knows where the strength of the Chinese is. The so-called inability to resist, the statement that once resisted, the country will surely perish is extremely absurd. This is actually impossible at all, so Wang Guorui is naturally not afraid of foreign invasion. Because as long as China has a heart to persevere and resist. Then there will be no foreign country that can destroy China. Since ancient times, as long as China does not kill itself, no foreign country can destroy China.

And this time, the officials under Wang Guorui also knew that those Western devils could not destroy China casually. They are just bullying the weakness of the Manchu Qing court in China. Without the weakness of the Manchu Qing court, it would be impossible to be so arrogant. As long as you can be strong, don't be intimidated by the strength of those so-called foreigners, and resolutely resist, then those foreigners will be afraid of you in turn. If the delay continues at that time, China will completely drag them into the quagmire of war. Once caught in the quagmire of war, the British will also decline. British people will not take the initiative to go to war with China, they are at most just here to take advantage of it, if they are said to be fully launched against China, then they will definitely avoid it.

Since the British dared to use war to blackmail him, Wang Guorui also dared to use war to blackmail the British. Anyway, Taiwan has nothing else but one life. If you dare to persecute me, then I will fight you hard. Anyway, we have nothing else but one life, so at that time the British were scared instead. As a British "gentleman", they are already a "rich man". A rich man thinks a lot. Once those pots and jars are broken, they will lose a lot. But it doesn't matter if they are poor, anyway, they don't have anything at all, and if they are broken, they will be broken, and they are worthless. Anyway, he was already poor enough, and it was no big deal to fight once.

Just like the new China of later generations, when the leaders dared to fight when the country was just founded, even the Americans dared to fight. But after decades, I dare not fight anymore. In fact, this is the mentality. I dare to fight desperately when I have nothing, but once I become rich, I will cherish my wealth and dare not fight randomly. This is true whether it is a small person or a country. Nations are made up of human beings, so they can never escape their human traits.

"What these officials need is not any ability, but the courage to face foreigners. As long as they have courage and backbone, that is the real foundation of a strong country. If they don't face foreigners If they don't have the courage of people, then it is impossible for them to become truly powerful." Wang Guorui thought.

What these ancient Chinese officials needed most was the courage to face foreigners, and the courage to fight back under the blackmail of foreigners. When these ancient officials faced foreigners, they subconsciously believed that foreign countries were powerful and they would never be able to defeat them. It's like a person who has been bullied for a long time. In fact, one day he became stronger, and the person who bullied him was also old, but the shadow in the young man's heart still exists, and he dare not face the old man directly. . And the old man kept using the deterrence established in the past to threaten, but the strong young man didn't dare to do anything at all. This is also a shadow in my heart.

If you don't get rid of this psychological, there will still be more and more traitors in the future. They don't think that China can defeat foreign countries at all, and that resistance will inevitably perish, which is why they are afraid. And the shadow in their hearts is not so easy to get rid of. Only when they see that foreigners cannot easily break out into war and see the weakness of foreigners, then they will understand that foreigners are no different. That's all. Only let them see that the foreigner is a paper tiger with a strong foreign power and a weak work in the middle. As long as the Chinese can resist unitedly, there is no way to hold China with foreigners. Only in this way can we solve the fear of foreigners in our hearts. Once this disease of fear of foreigners can be relieved, then China can truly rise. Otherwise, they will always be afraid of foreigners. If the self-confidence of these officials and even the entire nation is not restored, even if they become stronger in the future, they will be slaughtered and fattened by others.

The strength of human beings does not lie in the strength of the body, but the strength of the heart. The strength of the body is just an appearance. If Sora has a fit body but doesn't have a strong heart, then anyone can bully you. And a person with a strong heart has the ability to become a great man. The same is true for countries. If they have economic and military strength, but are still very afraid of foreigners, then they will never be able to enter the hall of elegance in the end, and it is nowhere in sight to become a world power. If a group of officials who are weak-legged when they see foreigners are used as leaders, then such a strong military force will not work! So everything is in the human heart, and the country is made up of human beings. If the human heart cannot be strong, then the country cannot be strong either. (to be continued)

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