Red Alert 1895

Chapter 512: The Boxers Enter Beijing (Part 2)

"Cao Min sees the Queen Mother, and wishes the Queen Mother a long and healthy life." Tian Lihui knelt down and said.

Cixi in the Summer Palace looked at Tian Lihui and felt very weird. Moreover, this Tian Lihui was actually "invulnerable", which made Cixi very curious. And of course Cixi wanted to come and have a try, to see if this guy could really be as invulnerable as he said. If it is really invulnerable, that's really good. The reason why foreigners can come to China to run amok is actually because of their foreign guns and cannons. Of course, Empress Dowager Cixi will not find the reason from herself. He does not think that China's social system and various systems are backward. He just finds the reason from those "foreign things". But he didn't know that those foreign guns and cannons were actually the product of a certain level of social progress, not purely technological inventions. If there is no supporting social system, it is impossible to invent this thing.

As for why Taiwan can continue to threaten the mainland, isn't it because of Taiwan's strong ships and powerful guns? If you can have the magical skill of invulnerability, then you can practice it for two years, and then you can send a large army to attack Taiwan, and then your own invulnerable magic soldier can get very huge results. And this invulnerability is very important. As long as you can be sure that this invulnerability is true, then you can make your own Daqing country stable, and then everyone can practice this magical skill of invulnerability. At that time, not only could they defeat the invasion of the foreign devils, but they could even rely on this miraculous skill to counterattack the foreign devils, which was really good. Therefore, this magical skill of invulnerability not only entrusted Cixi's wish, but also entrusted the national destiny of the Qing Dynasty!

"Queen Mother, Caomin is willing to show it to the Queen Mother on the spot. I am invulnerable to swords and guns. However, my skill is still relatively shallow, so I can only withstand the bullets of pistols. The bullets of rifles are not enough. So I invite the Queen Mother Use a pistol to fight." Tian Lihui said.

Tian Lihui had already received the news that someone would help him replace the bullets in the hands of the Qing army with rubber bullets. So at that time, he could safely perform this invulnerability in front of Cixi. Anyway, as long as it is a rubber bullet, it can be easily blocked without any major damage. At most, it was just a little red and swollen, but some red and swollen actually showed the authenticity of invulnerability, indicating that it was a real bullet, not a fake.

"Come here, try to show Aijia on the spot! Let someone come over with a pistol!" Empress Dowager Cixi said.

But someone immediately said: "Queen Mother, it is very dangerous not to mention whether someone is showing their weapons in front of you. And if there is any accident in this scene, it will not look good!"

"It doesn't matter, let Rong Lu try it himself." Empress Dowager Cixi said.

When they heard that Rong Lu, a high-ranking official, was allowed to test, everyone said nothing, because Rong Lu was one of Cixi's important cronies, so it was naturally impossible to assassinate Cixi. As for the long-lived and **** issue, at least this Cixi came out of the **** court battles back then, so she is naturally not a weak person, and he must be able to adapt to this situation. And the most important thing is that he wants to test whether the boxer can stop bullets, as long as he can be invulnerable. Then Cixi would have the courage to let the Boxers enter Beijing to fight against foreigners.

Soon, Rong Lu also came over, and then Rong Lu took a pistol and prepared to test this Tian Lihui. But Rong Lu didn't check the bullets of the pistol in his hand. Because he saw with his own eyes the Imperial Forest Army loading bullets into the pistol. Although he didn't know why the bullets were black, it was definitely no problem with the bullets. And Tian Lihui's eyes lit up when he saw the black bullet, because he knew that the bullet had been swapped, and that bullet was just a rubber bullet. And Tian Lihui was also very surprised, whose network was playing tricks, and was able to reach into the Imperial Forest Army of the imperial court. If so, is it possible to kill the Empress Dowager Cixi at any time?

And he didn't know. Wang Guorui will not kill the Empress Dowager Cixi casually, because it is useless to kill the Empress Dowager Cixi. Cixi was just a spokesperson pushed to the fore by the decadent nobles of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. If you don't get the people behind Cixi down, then I'm afraid it will be useless to kill Cixi. That's why Wang Guorui would not do such useless work. Because even if Cixi is killed, not only will it not solve the problem, but it will aggravate the problem. This is why Wang Guorui will not be stupid.

"Are you ready?" Rong Lu asked.

"My lord, wait for me to perform first!" Tian Lihui said hastily.

Tian Lihui immediately pretended to be a big dancer, and then muttered: "The Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law..."

Seeing Tian Lihui's words, Rong Lu also shook his head. Although he is an official of traditional feudal thinking, it does not mean that he does not know science, nor does it mean that he approves of feudal superstition. Feudal rule and feudal superstition are not equal, but separate. So when he saw this kind of thing, he actually thought it was a fake in his heart.

"Hmph, when the next shot goes down, you will have to pay the price!" Rong Lu thought.

"Ha! Please shoot, my lord. You are invincible and invulnerable!" Tian Lihui said.

Rong Lu suddenly raised his hand, and immediately shot Tian Lihui in the chest.


With a gunshot, Rong Lu's heart was not bleeding from the shot, and Tian Lihui was still very stable in place. But Rong Lu's eyes became big, he was not reconciled immediately, and continued to fire several shots.

"Papa, papa!" Rong Lu fired four shots in a row, and all the bullets in the pistol were exhausted. As a result, Tian Lihui stayed where he was and did not suffer much damage. Rong Lu was extremely shocked, because he never thought that such invulnerable things would happen in this world?

"What's going on here?" Rong Lu asked.

And Tian Lihui immediately said: "My magical skills are invincible, and I am invulnerable. However, because I am not good at learning and I am a beginner, I still haven't been able to achieve absolute invulnerability, and I still suffered some minor injuries."

Immediately someone came over to examine the wound, and found that the skin hadn't penetrated, but the skin above was a little red and swollen, as if it had been obviously hit by a bullet just now. Even Rong Lu came over to inspect it himself. He could clearly see that these red and swollen places were the places he aimed at just now, and Rong Lu was also silent for a while. Although the performance of "Invulnerability" this time may not be so perfect, it is obvious that he still suffered some minor injuries. But something that is too perfect is not real, so although Tian Lihui suffered some injuries, it seemed much more real. If they were completely invulnerable, none of them would feel believable. Now they really believe it, after all, the reality is in front of them.

"Queen Mother, the grassroots are not good at learning, and they still suffered some minor injuries. Please ask the Queen Mother to make amends!" Tian Lihui said immediately.

Empress Dowager Cixi smiled and said, "No crime, no crime."

"Queen Mother, if I practice for another year or two, then I will definitely be able to block the enemy's rifle bullets and even cannons." Tian Lihui said.

The Empress Dowager Cixi immediately asked: "Are you willing to contribute this magical skill to the imperial court? If you are willing, the Ai family can reward you with a seventh-rank position on the spot, and you will be an official of the imperial court."

Tian Lihui cursed secretly: "Anyway, I also came up with such a 'magic skill', and you actually want the seventh-rank officials to agree?"

However, Tian Lihui said: "Queen Mother, I am not the only one who has the magical skills. There are many people in the Boxers who have this magical skill. I hope that the Queen Mother can call them into the capital and give them good conditions for cultivation, so that they can practice magical skills to serve the court." against the enemy."

"Really? The Ai family will definitely think about it."

If the Boxers can really practice "magic skills" to be invulnerable to the enemy, then maybe they can really defeat the foreigners. And the effect of this magical skill was seen by Cixi with her own eyes. After all, "seeing is believing", so naturally she saw it with her own So as long as they can practice magical skills, they can be allowed to enter the capital, and then against foreigners. This situation of seeing is believing gave Cixi a lot of confidence, and then made him feel that it was very worthwhile, and as long as he could give them the best conditions for cultivation, then he could make hundreds of thousands of invulnerable troops, at that time not only It is more than enough to defend the country, and it is even possible to counterattack foreigners, and then gain huge benefits. At that time, foreigners will also have to taste the taste of land cession and compensation.

And Cixi also carried out the so-called YY in her mind, obviously feeling very excited that she could do this. When Rong Lu saw Cixi so happy, he wanted to say something, but he swallowed it. He knew that if he disturbed Cixi at this time and destroyed the yy in Cixi's heart, he might be hated by Cixi. This means that you should never try to get lucky with a person who pretends to be asleep. Cixi is also "pretending to be asleep" in her heart, hoping to anesthetize herself through this kind of thing. If he ruined his dream, he might really face unlucky results, so Rong Lu would not wake up Cixi at this time.

"Okay, then let the boxers enter the capital, and Aijia will give them the best conditions for cultivation." Cixi said.

After Tian Lihui heard this, he immediately knew that his mission had been completed, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, the Queen Mother. Our Boxers will definitely do our best to serve the imperial court and serve the Queen Mother!" (To be continued)

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