Red Alert 1895

Chapter 516: Blocking Dongjiaomin Lane (Part 2)

"Brothers of the Boxer Regiment, follow me! You are invincible with magic skills, you are invulnerable to weapons and guns! You are invincible with magic skills, you are invulnerable to weapons and guns." Someone shouted immediately.

"Invincible with magic skills, invulnerable to weapons and guns!" "Invincible with magic skills, invulnerable to weapons and guns!"...

Those common people also began to rush into Dongjiaomin Alley one by one, and then looked like they were going to destroy Dongjiaomin Alley. And those foreign devils were shocked immediately, and then one after another began to panic. The British Minister Zhu Erdian immediately asked loudly to see if there was any reply from the Qing government.

"My lord, there is no reply from the Chinese government. His mother's inquiry to us is like a mud cow, without a trace." The telegraph operator in Dongjiaomin Lane said.

"Damn it, how dare these Chinese people be so bold?" Zhu Erdian said angrily.

But when Zhu Erdian watched the tens of thousands of people rushing towards this place, he was also terrified. Because don't look at the armed forces of thousands of people in Dongjiaominxiang, which seems to be the armed forces protecting the major embassies. And now the embassies of various countries have also accepted many nationals from their own countries to protect them from being robbed by the Boxers. But now these boxers are so courageous, they rushed over directly, obviously going to loot the legation. Although they are armed with thousands of people, they are still very worried about the tens of thousands of Boxers. After all, this is China's territory. There are not many Chinese people, but there are too many people. With such a large population, it is absolutely possible to attack Dongjiaominxiang. At that time is the real huge threat, what can these more than 1,000 embassy soldiers do? Once the bullets ran out, were they a match for the constant stream of Boxer soldiers? And these more than a thousand soldiers are the opponents of hundreds of thousands of Chinese?

Although all countries require the garrison of troops in embassies and consulates, this kind of garrison is mainly more symbolic than practical. Because even if there are troops stationed in the embassy, ​​how many troops can there be? A country can have at most hundreds of people, not too many. In fact, what a country can really protect the safety of foreign embassies is not stationing troops in foreign countries. It is precisely the strength of their country. The embassy is in a foreign country, in the capital of the other country, and they can deal with you at any time. It is basically a matter of one sentence. Although you can garrison troops, you can arrange security. But in the end, it is impossible for you with a small number of people to be the opponent of so many enemies. Especially those countries can mobilize tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of troops to come here, so your hundreds of people are not enough for others to deliver food! Even if the weapons are advanced, even if the tactics are advanced, but they haven't been able to achieve that everyone can take out a nuclear bomb to protect themselves, right? So once the enemy has reached their own hundreds of times, even if they have weapons such as machine guns, they will fail. The bullets are limited, and it is impossible for the soldiers of these embassies to be transported from the country, so their bullets are bound to fail in the face of so many troops. So these garrisons faced tens of thousands of Boxer soldiers. And there are hundreds of thousands of Boxer mobs in action behind them, which makes them all feel a burst of despair.

"Your Excellency, what should we do? Shoot? If they don't shoot, they will rush over. What should we do?" asked the garrison leader.

Zhu Erdian then immediately said: "If they dare to cross the line, then we will shoot! Let's do our best! Anyway, if the country knows our situation here, it will never stand by. As long as we can persist until the domestic army comes over , then we'll be safe."

The military officials next to him complained secretly, insisting on the arrival of the domestic army, what kind of joke is this. It would take at least a few months to transfer troops from another hemisphere. Can you hold on for a few months? There are only more than a thousand troops from various countries here, but there are hundreds of thousands of Boxer mobs, so he doesn't even have the confidence to last for a few months!

"Minister Zhu Erdian, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for our domestic army. Because Taiwan has already occupied the Strait of Malacca, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for our troops from the British Empire to come over. As long as we come from the Strait of Malacca, we may be attacked by the Taiwan Navy. At that time, we will not say whether we can defeat Taiwan. At that time, I am afraid that we will lose a lot if we defeat it. If we want to go to war with China this time, it will be an all-out war. Our British Empire is ready Is it?" The military officer said hastily.

And Zhu Erdian couldn't help being taken aback, he suddenly remembered that the situation is different now. Wang Guorui's Taiwan forces occupy Kalimantan. This means that the Strait of Malacca can be blocked, as long as the Strait of Malacca is blocked. Don't even think about coming to China in a sampan. But if you don't go through the Strait of Malacca, you have to go around it. Then walk a lot. Another set of routes is to go from Australia through the Banda Sea and then go north. But this is also Taiwan's territory, which means that it must be blocked by Taiwan and cannot be supplied. They had to make a detour to Australia, then to the South Pacific again, pass through the North Pacific, and finally turn around in the direction of China. But this way is only feasible in theory, in fact it doesn't work at all. Because of such a long distance, the coal consumption is extremely huge. The supplies of the sailors on board also need to be replenished, but there are not many places to supply them in the Pacific Ocean at such a long distance. With such a huge Pacific Ocean, it is impossible to replenish it. Not to mention coal burning, but also food and fresh water, which cannot be replenished.

So Zhu Erdian thought of this, and immediately knew that it was over.

"Is our British Empire ready for a full-scale development with China?" Zhu Erdian thought.

Zhu Erdian also thought in his heart that when the British sent troops, they must pass through the Strait of Malacca. This is the only way. But it will inevitably be blocked by the Taiwan army, first of all, Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet, and then the Banda Sea Fleet can also come to support. Even if it breaks through the Java Sea Fleet, it will face the Taiwan Strait Fleet next, as well as the newly formed strategic fleet, and finally the fleet of the Philippine troops will come to support. And the shore artillery on the mainland of Taiwan can also bombard them.

The British had to attack step by step along the way, and then they could finally defeat Taiwan, and only after defeating Taiwan could they support Beijing's embassies and consulates. Not to mention whether the British are ready for a full-scale development with Taiwan, even if they are ready for a full-scale development with Taiwan, they will attack Taiwan first. It is impossible for the British not to know that their main enemy is Taiwan, so even if they want to attack, they will attack Taiwan first. But is Taiwan a soft persimmon? Taiwan is obviously not a soft persimmon, but very hard. It is not easy for the British to defeat Taiwan. According to Zhu Erdian's estimation, being able to defeat Taiwan within more than half a year is already super blessed by God, and it can only be so smooth after eight lifetimes of **** luck. If it doesn't go well, it won't take a year or two, or even a few years, to defeat Taiwan. At that time, I will be trapped in this Beijing city with only a few hundred soldiers and no logistical supplies. Will I be able to defeat the hundreds of thousands of Boxer mobs?

"Forget it, I just hope God can perform a miracle!" Zhu Erdian said.

"Your Excellency, those mobs have crossed the cordon!" said a British soldier.

"Hit me, hit them hard, beat them back!" Zhu Erdian said.

Zhu Erdian just hoped that these Boxer mobs could know the power of bullets through the bullets. As for saying that they were invulnerable, he didn't believe it at all.

"Papa papa..."

The soldiers of the various * troops began to fire on the Boxer mob, and the firepower was mixed with some submachine guns, and the Boxer mob began to fall to the ground continuously.

"Invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to swords and guns!" "The Taishang Laojun is invulnerable like laws!"...

"Hmph, magic stick!" Zhu Erdian said angrily.

Under the suppression of several submachine guns, those boxers were immediately beaten down like cutting wheat, and then they began to retreat in a hurry. Now that they found that they were not invulnerable, they all began to retreat one after another.

"Magic invincible, invulnerable to swords and guns!" Immediately someone continued to, what magical invincibility is invulnerable to swords and guns, do you believe this? " Someone scolded immediately.

In this capital, I am afraid that only the Empress Dowager Cixi would believe that she is invulnerable. At this time, the Empress Dowager Cixi still hopes to rely on the invulnerability of the Boxers to defeat the foreigners, and then defeat the rebellion in Taiwan, and then dominate the world and revive the Qing Dynasty!

But that's what Cixi thought, and everyone else knew that these boxers were fakes, and that invulnerability was all a lie. But this is like the emperor's new clothes. Everyone is afraid of the power of the "emperor", so they dare not tell the truth. Last time, the head of the Ministry of Punishment wasn't trying to avenge his daughter, but Cixi took care of him instead. Now no one dares to tell the truth, now Cixi is already a person intoxicated in a dream, not because he can't wake up, but because he doesn't want to wake up. It's like when a person is sleeping very comfortably, someone suddenly wakes it up, which is definitely very angry. Maybe, if it is a tyrant, he will punish the other party. In this way, they must be unlucky, so everyone dare not tell the truth.

However, in the future, foreigners will not pay attention to you, the queen mother. Once they reach the point where they can't bear it, they will probably do it directly and will not be polite to you. So, now the officials in the capital are also thinking about their future retreat! (to be continued)

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