Red Alert 1895

Chapter 518: Combine vertical and horizontal (1)

Prime Minister's Residence, 10 Downing Street, London, UK

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, our Great Japanese Empire hopes to unite with your British Empire to attack China together. Then we can gain benefits together, and then teach those Chinese who don't know how to live or die. Your Excellency Prime Minister, what do you think?" The Japanese envoy said.

The Marquis of Salisbury said very flatly: "I will consider this matter, you go back first!"

"Your Excellency, the Japanese Empire is very sincere. I hope that the British Empire can send enough forces to attack Taiwan, so that we can make China pay the price together. The Chinese have already besieged our legation area. If the time comes If there is a problem with the legation, who can take this responsibility. They besieged our legation, which is equivalent to declaring war on us! So, Marquess of Salisbury, I hope you will think about the face of the British Empire, so treat China It is inevitable to go to war." The Japanese envoy still said.

But the Marquis of Salisbury immediately said lightly: "I see, you go first!"

Hearing this, the Japanese envoy immediately realized that too much was too late, and left voluntarily. After the Japanese envoy left, the Marquess of Salisbury immediately snorted coldly.

"These dwarfs from the East want to take advantage of our British Empire, but they are too young! Is it so easy for them to take advantage of our British Empire?" the Marquess of Salisbury snorted coldly.

However, the Marquess of Salisbury looked at the map and felt a toothache. Geographically speaking, Taiwan has occupied Borneo, which was the original Kalimantan Island, and that is the mouth of the Strait of Malacca. It is impossible for any fleet passing through the Strait of Malacca to escape the surveillance of the Taiwan Navy. At present, the Strait of Malacca is actually controlled by three countries, and the Netherlands controls Sumatra. Britain controls the north, while Kalimantan can monitor the Strait of Malacca at any time. However, at present, Taiwan has no idea of ​​​​blocking the Strait of Malacca, but once the war starts, the problem will inevitably arise.

Once the British go to war with Taiwan. Then they must mobilize all the naval battleships across the country, otherwise the British will not have the confidence to break through the Strait of Malacca. But. It is obviously impossible to mobilize all the capital ships of the whole country, and the homeland still needs to be defended. Neither the French nor the Germans are vegetarians. They are very happy to build ships now. Their battleships are like a sword hanging over the heads of the British, and they may fall down at any time. If the British rashly withdraw a large number of warships, what will they think, and Europe will lose its balance.

But if you send a small number of warships. It will certainly not be able to break through the layers of resistance of Taiwan's navy. The first thing to face is Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet and Banda Sea Fleet. These two fleets are very close and can support each other. If the British did not have enough capital ships, they would not be able to break through this line of defense at all. And even if they were lucky enough to break through the line of defense, the second line of defense is also defended by the Taiwan Strait Fleet and the Taiwan Strategic Fleet. Can they still break through? But if you take a detour, it is impossible. Is there still a detour to the Pacific Ocean? This is simply impossible.

"These island country dwarves want us to fight to the death with the British Empire and Taiwan, so that they can also use their knives to kill people and reap the benefits of the fisherman. Don't think that we Connor can't come out. This kind of method actually wants to be used in On our British Empire?" the Marquess of Salisbury snorted.

The Japanese plan is actually very simple, nothing more than to pull the British into the water, and then let the British send a large number of troops over. Then attack layer by layer, from the Strait of Malacca to mainland Taiwan, fighting with Taiwan all the way. And the process of this rush is not only protracted, but also very time-consuming, military and financial resources. Even if the British attack in the Strait of Malacca, it will inevitably delay Taiwan's energy and troops to the south, unable to support the north.

And once Taiwan and the British fight, the opportunity for the Japanese will come. Japan is farther north than Taiwan, and they can land from many places. It is even possible to attack Liaodong from North Korea, and then attack all the way. They can also land from Tianjin to directly occupy the capital of China. It is even possible to land from East China and attack any point. But their biggest opponent is Taiwan. Once they attack and land on the mainland, Taiwan will not sit idly by. Taiwan is actually in the "Three Kingdoms" state strategically. In fact, Taiwan and the mainland can have a great basis for cooperation, but there is no basis for cooperation with Japan. The current state of the "Three Kingdoms" in East Asia is very cheating, which is very unfavorable to Japan. Now Taiwan, the most powerful "Wei State", and the weakest mainland "Shu State" are working together to clean up Japan, the second-ranked Wu State. But Japan wants to fight the mainland, and then accumulate strength to fight Taiwan. But Taiwan, the "Wei State", will not sit idly by, because Wang Guorui will not tolerate them being able to attack the mainland.

Therefore, Japan naturally has no way to enter the mainland under Taiwan's marking. They can only find a way to find an opponent for Taiwan, and it is a powerful opponent. The Japanese hope to drag the British into the water, so that the British can gnaw on Taiwan, a particularly hard bone, and then the Japanese can take advantage of the time when the British and Taiwanese are out of their minds, land from Tianjin, attack the capital of China, and force Manchuria The Qing Dynasty signed the alliance under the city. At that time, it was impossible for the Manchu Qing to have any resistance. This could force the Manchu Qing to cede a lot of things.

The behavior of the Japanese is actually hoping that the British will smash this "walnut shell", and then Japan will take the opportunity to eat the "walnut kernel" inside, so that the Japanese can get great benefits. But the British are not fools, how could they allow this to happen? Therefore, the Marquis of Salisbury did not immediately agree to the Japanese to attack China, but had his own ideas.

"It's difficult! The Chinese besieged our legation. This is no less than declaring war. If we don't fight, it will damage the prestige of our British Empire. But if we fight, the consequences will not be easy. Maybe those dwarfs from island countries took advantage of it. Damn it, why is there such a monster as Taiwan in this era?" the Marquis of Salisbury said angrily in his heart.

Now the British are fighting the Boers in the Boer War, and the Boer War has not yet been resolved. The Boers control the world's largest gold mine and own half of the world's gold. This is a very important strategic interest. But China is also a very important place. If Taiwan is allowed to enter the mainland, it will set up a very important opponent for Britain in the future. These two are completely a very embarrassing question. Should we choose to strangle China or choose gold?

"I don't want to give up on both!" the Marquis of Salisbury said with a wry smile.

Whether it is the gold of the Boers or Taiwan's entry into the mainland, it is a very embarrassing choice. If you choose one, you must give up the other. If the British did not abandon the Boers and get away from the evil people, it would be impossible to concentrate their strength and fight against Taiwan. Therefore, it is very difficult to choose whether to fight the Boers or fight Taiwan. Both of these are related to the future development of the UK, and it would be a pity to give up either one.

"Your Excellency, haven't we been able to reach an agreement with the Germans?" asked the secretary.

The Marquess of Salisbury shook his head and said: "No, we have not reached an agreement with Germany. Germany is not too keen on whether to go to war after all. They have a lot of transactions with Taiwan now, and Taiwan uses various resources to make peace. Germany exchanges a lot of basic technologies. Many basic technologies of the Germans have been transferred to Taiwan, and then Germany can exchange a lot of resources from Taiwan, and then store them. Living in Taiwan can also obtain a lot of basic technologies from Germany. Then these technologies will be sent to Taiwan Strait University or various technical schools for careful "dissection" and become the foundation of Taiwan, successfully consolidating Taiwan's technological foundation. As early as more than a year ago, Wang Guorui visited Germany, We have already reached some agreements with Germany on exchanging technology for has begun to cooperate with Taiwan. The Germans have not had time to do their work this time. Germany People are not very interested in going to war with the Chinese."

"Okay, let's try our best to convince the Germans! If we can convince the Germans, then we can all consider going to China, but it's just a symbol of sending troops. We don't want to be taken advantage of by making wedding dresses for others!" The Marquess of Salisbury said.

The Japanese want the British to contribute their efforts to start a war with Taiwan, so the British are not stupid, and naturally they will not fall into the Japanese trick of Li Daitao. If the British and Taiwan are desperate, they are happy to be Germany, France and Japan. Germany and France are the competitors of the British, and Japan hopes that the British will hold Taiwan down, and then they can concentrate on fighting the Qing Dynasty, so that they can get maximum profit.

However, what neither the Japanese nor the British expected was that when they were conducting diplomatic operations, Taiwan's diplomats also began to be active and began to act in various countries. And this is called He Zong Lian Heng, and there was such a knowledge as early as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, and it has been enduring until now, but it has become more and more important in the new era.

In Germany, the director of Taiwan's Economic and Cultural Exchange Office in Germany is also meeting with the German emperor. (to be continued)

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