Red Alert 1895

Chapter 520: Combine vertical and horizontal (3)

U.S., Washington, Japanese envoy met with U.S. Secretary of State Hay.

"Your Excellency Hay, we are now experiencing a huge turmoil in China. You should know this, right?" the Japanese envoy asked.

Hay replied: "Yes, serious turmoil has occurred in China, our legation is already in danger, and may be captured by mobs at any time. This is a great insult to the United States of America, so we in the United States will not just sit idly by No reason."

The Japanese special envoy immediately said: "Hearts in China are already crazy. We think we should unite to attack China and rescue our nationals. Otherwise, we can only sit back and watch China violate the interests of our nationals, and then threaten the lives of our nationals. Therefore, we must send troops to protect our nationals and ensure the safety of our nationals’ lives and property. So we might as well participate in the war against China and ask China to compensate us for our losses.”

"War against China?" Hay asked.

"Yes, start a war against China and ask them to compensate us for our losses. And this battle, not only we want to participate, but also countries such as Britain, Germany, France, Russia, etc., and then fight together to attack China ” said the Japanese envoy.

Hearing that Britain, France, Germany and Russia were all going to participate in this battle together, Hay couldn't help thinking. And if so many countries participate in this battle together, the chances of winning are still quite high. Even if Taiwan resists China together, can it resist it? And this US Secretary of State Hay doesn't know that Germany has decided not to work hard, and as for that France, it is actually impossible to do too much to send troops now, because they know that Taiwan is not easy to mess with.

At present, all countries have their own ghosts in their hearts, and they are actually very hesitant to fight against Taiwan in their hearts. They believe that fighting against Taiwan is not worth the candle. Once the loss is too large, it will still damage the national strength. If so, that is the real tragedy. So every country has its own ghosts. None of them want to do their best to fight Taiwan. They all hope that other people will fight Taiwan desperately. Then he took advantage of the fisherman and borrowed a knife to kill someone.

Of course, this is based on the fact that Taiwan is strong. If it was the Manchus who conquered all the corruption, then they would naturally not be afraid of anything, and they would easily send a small number of troops to defeat the Manchus. Defeating the Manchu Qing and defeating Taiwan are not on the same level of difficulty at all. No matter how you fight the Manchu Qing, you will not lose too much national power, but beating Taiwan may cause the country to decline. It was a real loss at that time.

Therefore, Germany and France also hope that the British will take the lead, but it is impossible for the British to be so stupid and go directly to fight the Chinese. However, the British are still fighting fiercely with the Boers in South Africa, and it is impossible to effectively mobilize troops and resources to fight against Taiwan, so they will inevitably have their own ghosts. How can such a joint army, with its own ghosts, be able to effectively stop Taiwan?

During the meeting of several senior U.S. officials, President McKinley, Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, and Secretary of State Hay met together.

"The Japanese woman invited us to attack China, and Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan have already participated, and there are already five countries, and these five countries are all major powers in the world. At that time, we can fully obtain enough benefits. With so many countries participating in the war, we will definitely gain a lot of benefits. Then prepare for our colonization, and our territory can be expanded a lot at that time."

"Originally, we have already planned to go to war against Spain. If there is no problem with the plan back then, I will actually go to war against Spain in the next two years. Then we will seize the Philippines with u coins, but now Taiwan is the first Take the first step to cut off the Hu. Taiwan has robbed us, and we must also take them back this time."

Theodore Roosevelt was a very resolute expansion hawk, and he supported the expansion of the United States. And he has already made a plan, he hopes to start a war against Spain that has declined, and seize the interests of Spain. In particular, the colonies of Cuba, the Philippines, etc., have been regarded by the United States as their own. But the Philippines has now been taken away by Taiwan, and Cuba has also made the United States hesitate. Whether to go to war for a Cuba and Spain. Such benefits are not enough!

At present, the industrial strength of the United States is also constantly expanding, and then they urgently need a large number of colonies as the foundation for expansion. If there are not enough colonies. That will inevitably lead to a situation where the market dries up. The role of the colony is to exploit resources, and then dump the produced products to the colony again. In this way, people in the colonies also have to buy their products, which is tantamount to exploiting the people in the colonies. These colonies were forced to buy the products of their mother country and could not develop themselves. Coupled with the deliberate teaching of the colonial countries, the colonies will not be able to obtain industrial development. A colony is a source of markets, as well as an important provider of resources.

However, although the Americans have a huge sphere of influence in the Americas, it does not mean that they will be able to develop the Americas in the future. They are more inclined to look for countries that already have a certain level of development. Because the rest of the Americas are a group of poor haha, there is not much capital for them to exploit. So they all hope to find some places with a certain development foundation to serve as colonies and provide a huge market. The Philippines is such a place, but now it is actually occupied by Taiwan, which makes them very depressed.

"This time, we might as well join the coalition forces of various countries and attack China together. This can also gain a huge colony. We can even force China to open up the market, fully open the market, instead of the current situation. Although it seems to be open, But in fact, there are too many obstacles. As long as we can force China to open its market and lower tariffs, we can definitely get a huge help. We force them to lower tariffs, and then we can get more wealth, and then let We can get enough income. We ah economically colonize this old country," said Theodore Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt is a vice president, and the vice president is different from the vice president of China. The vice president of China is one of the positions of real power, and he has a vote in the central government. But the vice president of the United States is an out-and-out idle position with very little real power. Nominally the second in command, but not as good as the third in command Secretary of State and the fourth in command of the Minister of Defense. So Theodore Roosevelt hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to establish enough prestige for himself, and then allow himself to become the president of the United States in the future.

"President, I also agree, because the time has come for us to expand the United States. Although we alone cannot beat Taiwan and China, as long as we have so many countries participating together, we can definitely get enough benefits. At that time, we will definitely be able to obtain it, so we can unite all countries to attack China together, and then we can continuously force China to open up the market. This China is a huge market, and they have a population of 400 million! 400 million people, Even if only one tenth of the people can become the people who sell our products, that is a market of tens of millions, which is almost comparable to our population. Such a huge market is itself a very huge benefit, then If we don't take this opportunity to exploit them, how can we miss it?" Hay said.

Soon, the three of them also discussed, that is, the decision to send troops to China. They also decided to go to war against China. After all, the United States needs expansion and colonies now. If they don’t let them, they will definitely be unable to pass the development bottleneck. At that time, those countries with colonies can continue to Those who don’t Colonial countries are certainly unable to maintain a path of rapid development. Once the speed of development cannot be maintained, then this is tantamount to falling behind. The development of a country is like sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat. If others have developed but you are still standing still, then you are tantamount to falling behind. No one is willing to fall behind, so the Americans must take the initiative to attack, so that they can gain enough colonies and markets. If there are not enough resources and markets, the final decline of the country is inevitable.

So they have already decided to go to war with China, especially to gain economic colonies. Even if the colonies cannot be obtained, China must be forced to open its market, and then let China open its own market, allowing American products to be dumped in the past, and then allowing the Americans to reap huge profits and suppress China's national economic development. There is even a need to control China's customs. As long as the customs are controlled, all national economies will not be able to develop. At that time, China's export tax burden will increase, but the import tax burden will be very low. China has to accept not only the exploitation of corrupt bureaucrats, but also the exploitation of foreigners. How can the national bourgeoisie rise in the end? At that time, China can only be reduced to their colony forever. Today's China is like a cake, everyone wants to take a bite and get enough benefits.

However, it is not that simple for the United States to go to war. It must be passed by Congress. If it is not passed by Congress, it will definitely not be able to reach an order to declare war. Therefore, a bill was soon sent to Congress as an issue of war against China. (to be continued)

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