Red Alert 1895

Chapter 523: clean the house

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In a restaurant in the east of Taipei City, no one knew that this place had been taken over by the General Intelligence Administration and the General Intelligence Administration. It had temporarily become the stronghold of the General Intelligence Administration and the General Intelligence Administration. However, the General Intelligence Agency is for external intelligence, while the State Security Bureau is for internal intelligence, so people from these two agencies will come together. Obviously, something unusual happened. Liu Feng, director of the General Intelligence Agency, and Hu Ling, director of the State Security Bureau, met together to discuss the next steps.

"Hu Ling, the next responsibility is that you are more important! Next, you are responsible for cleaning up those guys. Our Taiwan is about to enter the mainland. Before that, it is very important to keep it secret. I have also received news that many foreign The intelligence personnel have also activated many undercover agents in our territory. They have started to investigate our news, hoping to find out our information and do things for their masters. However, they have all been exposed now, and we can all Clean them up and let them see how powerful we are!" Liu Feng said.

Hu Ling also replied: "Okay, we will arrest them immediately and let them know how powerful our State Security Bureau is. This is our first operation by the State Security Bureau. This time we will arrest all of them. Time will definitely not leave a fish that slipped through the net. This time we go out, we must clean the house. If our house is not clean, how can we go out with peace of mind? If the house is full of flies and mice If it is occupied, then we will never be able to go out and go to work without worry!"

"Yes, only when the inside of the house is clean can we open up to the outside world, otherwise these flies and mice will also take the opportunity to make trouble. Order the people below, we can start to act immediately!" Liu Feng said.

"Yes!" Liu Feng's secretary replied.

Soon, in a small church in Taipei, which is mainly located next to the industrial area, many believers come to worship and pray every day. And these believers are all those who believe in Western religions in the mainland. They are called parishioners. And the believers are protected by foreign missionaries, so the believers will inevitably be more arrogant in the mainland. But in Taiwan, foreigners can't be arrogant, so naturally they can't be arrogant. But. These religious people are not necessarily all hearted to China. Once they believe in that religion, their hearts may not be of the same heart with China.

"Father, this is what I just found out. Recently, our Taiwanese army has placed a lot of orders for our factory. The order is almost ten times more than usual. And this is at least the order for our quilt factory, other things like canned food , according to more than 20 times the number of orders. It seems that the army is going to make a big move this time!" said a Chinese.

After the priest heard this, he immediately frowned. He realized that Taiwan was going to be dispatched, because if there were no large-scale military operations, it would be impossible to mass-produce quilts and canned food for military use. In daily training, the army does not eat canned food, and only eats heated canned food when marching and fighting in the field. So there are cooking classes to make meals on weekdays. But now that there are so many cans, it is obviously a large-scale dispatch. But at this time, according to the news that the priest got from China, most of the Taiwanese troops want to take advantage of this time when many countries enter China to enter the mainland, and then fight against other countries.

"I want to spread the news quickly!" said the priest.

However, news suddenly came from outside the church.

"Come on, surround this church!" Someone shouted immediately.

"No, people from the State Security Bureau are here!" the priest said.

The priest immediately ignored the Chinese intelligence agent. They went back to their room and opened the tunnel. When he just wanted to drill into the tunnel. But suddenly froze. Because there was a gun pointed at him in front of him, and this pistol was pointed at his head. If he dared to do anything wrong, his head would be blown off immediately. This shows that the tunnel has been captured by someone, and they blocked themselves from the tunnel.

"Father William, are you doing well!" the squad leader of the National Security Police asked.

Father William immediately asked: "I am a priest, why did you arrest me?"

"Father William, it seems that you are dishonest! Could it be that God taught you to act as a spy for the British? We have been watching you for a long time, and your church is also an information transfer station. It is responsible for delivering various information. Information, and then send it to your intelligence agencies in the UK." The National Security Police asked.

Father William's face was ashen, and he obviously never thought that he was being targeted.

"Take it away!" the State Security Police said.

"You can't catch me, I'm British, I'm British!"…

But no matter how Father William shouted, the national security police did not let him go. Because the identity of the British is not easy to use in Taiwan, anyway, if the British dare to commit crimes in Taiwan, they must be dealt with properly.

As for the Chinese who was in charge of delivering the information, he immediately knelt down and cried, "My lord, I have been deceived by lard. My lord, please forgive me, I have been deceived by lard."

"Hmph, as a Chinese, you actually work for the British. Could it be that your factory didn't educate you about secrecy?" the State Security Police asked.

"My lord, the priest said that God needs these, so I also..."

"God? What's the use of you believing in these things? Also, since you like this God so much, you should go see your God! Take it away!" the National Security Police snorted.

Soon enough, that guy was taken too, and then the same thing happened in many ways. For example, in the churches of the Westerners, there are many small churches in the Western churches that are the transfer points for those information, and then they send it out. And these churches are mainly used by immigrants, those who immigrated from the mainland, such as Fujianese in Guangdong, especially those in coastal provinces. The coastal provinces opened up earlier, and although they are more open-minded, they will become places where revolutions break out. But the influence of these Westerners is also very deep. For example, they have many survivors of foreigners, missionaries and so on. They came to use local people as intelligence personnel, and then developed them to join those foreign peripheral intelligence organizations. For example, any religious organizations are asked to transmit information.

As for other aspects, there are many. Many foreign businessmen invest in Taiwan, and they also help those foreign intelligence personnel as a stronghold. Many people help the government to do something, and then at least hang it under their name. And many people from those intelligence agencies were also targeted. After all, the State Security Bureau is not a vegetarian.

"Hu Ling, put away this list, and then clean them up according to this list!" Wang Guorui said.

"Master Wang, who is this list?" Hu Ling asked.

"This is what I found out. The Japanese and the Xingzhong Society are undercover agents in Taiwan. Go and arrest them," Wang Guorui said.

Hu Ling opened the list and found that a small number of them had been taken away by the State Security Bureau, but most of them hadn't been taken away. And Hu Ling felt like breaking out in a cold sweat, because he didn't expect Japan to have so many undercover agents. However, Japan is indeed better than other Western countries. Japan not only has the same language and race, but they are all Asians, so they can "become" a Chinese without much pretense. Moreover, Japan regards invading China, occupying and cannibalizing China as their national strategic guiding ideology, so they naturally train a large number of undercover spies in China. Therefore, among these foreign spies, there are many Japanese spies, and the concealment is very deep.

Police dogs in Taiwan are only able to identify low-level spies who don't have much training and are therefore easily exposed. However, those professionally trained spies may not be able to be recognized by police dogs. So they are very hidden at night. This time Wang Guorui came up with a list again, which shocked Hu Ling extremely. Hu Ling has been hearing from Liu Feng that Wang Guorui also has an intelligence organization outside the State Security Bureau and the General Intelligence Administration, which is very powerful in investigation~ and can often get a lot of foreign intelligence.

Especially the intelligence of the Japanese, which got a lot of things. This makes Hu Lingxin very scared. He is similar to Jin Yiwei. Although he has five people and six people outside, he dare not be arrogant in front of Wang Guorui. Because he knew that Wang Guorui didn't know if there was a more powerful intelligence organization in his hands. Although he was doing intelligence, who knew whether Wang Guorui would also have people around him, so it would be troublesome.

But Hu Ling didn't know that although Wang Guorui had no "human" hands by his side, his pet dog was always watching over him. Wang Guorui can monitor him through the eyes of the pet dog at any time, and if he behaves in any way, he can order the pet dog to kill him at any time.

People in this kind of intelligence organization must be guarded very carefully. This kind of people is a double-edged sword. If they are not done well, they will hurt themselves first, and then the enemy. If he doesn't use it well, he will suffer heavy losses, so Wang Guorui is always on guard against him. If he dares to make any moves, then Wang Guorui will not let him go easily.

As for the Japanese undercover list sent by Akashi Genjiro, in addition to being able to catch those undercover agents, it can also let Hu Ling know how good he is, and let him know that he can't just mess around. (To be continued.)

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