Red Alert 1895

Chapter 535: Chinese don't beat Chinese (1)

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On Liugong Island in Weihaiwei, the new Beiyang Navy Admiral Lan Jianshu is resting on Liugong Island. And he received an order from the central government to monitor the coast of Shandong and prevent the Taiwan Navy from landing in Shandong. And this order made Lan Jianshu sigh.

"Hey, the imperial court!" Lan Jianshu smiled wryly.

And Lu Wenjing, a general soldier next to him, said: "What is the imperial court thinking? They still don't forget to crowd out people at this time. Taiwan is already the imperial court's last savior, and they are still ordering that we must prevent Taiwan from landing in Shandong. We know that although it is impossible for Taiwan to land from Tianjin, Tianjin has already been occupied by the navies of various countries, and Taiwan will inevitably be hindered in the past. However, it is the best way for them to land from Shandong, which is not only close to Tianjin, but also easier to march. It won't be long before we can go to Tianjin to fight against foreigners. But is this imperial court going to kill themselves?"

"The imperial court, they are still worried that once Taiwan enters the capital, they will probably coerce the emperor to order the princes. At that time, I am afraid that they will face being emptied by Taiwan and then lose the country. In the eyes of the queen mother and the clan, Although the foreigners are powerful, they can’t make them lose their country. But Taiwan is different, Taiwan and us are of the same language and the same race, so they would rather cede land and pay compensation to foreigners, it is impossible for Taiwan to come to support.”

"Hmph, what do we need them to do with such a stupid court?" Lu Wenjing said angrily.

But Lan Jianshu immediately said: "After all, the imperial court is the imperial court. As soldiers, we should obey orders. The imperial court treats us with great kindness, so we cannot betray the imperial court."

Lan Jianshu was very grateful to the imperial court. Because he failed in the Yellow Sea War a few years ago, but the court activated it again after returning. And because Qiu Baoren, Ye Zugui and other veterans of the Beiyang Navy all betrayed the imperial court and chose to seek refuge in Taiwan. And when there was no one available in the Manchu Navy, Lan Jianshu, a junior, was appointed. Later, Lan Jianshu was also very enthusiastic. He desperately hoped to get the new Beiyang Navy right. On the one hand, he asked the imperial court for wealth to buy warships, and on the other hand, he also worked hard to stabilize people's hearts, so that people in the Beiyang Navy would be stable.

And he doesn't know. The stability of the hearts of the Beiyang Navy is based on the fact that Taiwan does not dig into the wall on a large scale. If Taiwan uses all its firepower to dig into the wall, I am afraid they will all change their minds. Although in the beginning, Taiwan mainly focused on poaching, but later they were all naval officers trained by themselves. An officer who came to dig a wall. The sense of belonging is definitely not as good as that of people cultivated by oneself. Digging the wall can only be an emergency method, but if you can choose, it is better to train your own talents. At that time, in order to form a navy in a hurry, they could only choose to dig the wall. The downside of not being able to dig into the wall is that they don't have a sense of belonging, which caused Ye Zugui to actually hope to use the navy as a threat to bargain with Wang Guorui. Fortunately, Wang Guorui made a prompt decision. Ordering this Ye Zugui to change jobs to become the director of the General Administration of Oceanography completely shocked those old Beiyang Navy members. And the rest of Wang Guorui will compete to be able to train the new generation. This is because their status was low in the past, and they are more likely to be loyal, have a stronger sense of belonging to this group, and are less likely to betray.

But Lan Jianshu didn't know, he thought it was his ability that could be reused by the court. Not long after, the imperial court began to form a new Beiyang navy, which was not only larger in scale than the original one. There are more warships, and even the country has begun to pay attention to the navy. This makes Lan Jianshu feel that the imperial court is very kind! But in fact, he didn't know that the reason why the Qing court was like this was that Taiwan had a navy. If Taiwan's navy was not strong, then they would not even think about building a navy. These Beiyang naval forces are also used to fight civil wars in order to contain the existence of Taiwan.

Lu Wenjing soon left the scene, and after he left the scene. But there was a hint of a smile in his eyes. And he came to his room, and saw a man in ordinary sailor clothes. And Lu Wenjing immediately bowed his hands to the man in ordinary sailor clothes. If outsiders saw this situation, they would be very shocked. Lu Wenjing has the rank of chief soldier. At least it is equivalent to a major general, but it is unbelievable to be so polite to a young man.

"Colonel Wu Tianning, that Lan Jianshu still hopes to be a loyal lackey of the Manchu Qing court, but he is not willing to seek refuge with Lord Wang!" Lu Wenjing said.

And this Wu Tianning, no one knows that he is the deputy director of the United Front Office under the General Intelligence Agency of Taiwan. And this United Front Hall. It originated from the enemy work department of Taiwan's military and political department at that time. As for the united front hall, it was just for beautification, and it was used by Wang Guorui to beautify the duties of this department. The responsibility of this department is actually the guidance department responsible for instigating rebellion against the officials of the Manchu and Qing government in mainland China through various means, some through bribery, some women, some even through threats, official positions and so on. And this is what the United Front Office is responsible for, and it is responsible for instructing mainland intelligence personnel to do this kind of thing. And this kind of work of instigating rebellion, of course, cannot be called instigating rebellion and buying, that would be too direct, and might scare people away. And for the sake of a better sound and to make the heart of the bribed feel better, Wang Guorui also used the term of the united front in later generations, saying that it is for the purpose of making a Chinese rich and powerful, so to unite the front, everyone is "Comrade" ah!

Of course, this is just a nice word, but the effect is good. Because it is not directly talking about instigating rebellion, etc., and this means that the identity of a Chiguoguo who accepts bribes, betrayal, and traitors has changed, and has become a person who fights together on the united front for the sake of the country and the nation. Of course, while "strengthening the country", they also seek some self-interest for themselves, shouldn't this be the case? With this good title, many people are willing to join the subordinates of this "United Front Office" and serve Taiwan.

"Well, since Lan Jianshu so disagrees with us in Taiwan, we can only choose another person who is willing to cooperate with us." Wu Tianning said.

And that Lu Wenjing licked his face, obviously hoping that Wu Tianning would choose him. Wu Tianning also said before that as long as he is willing to cooperate with Taiwan, he will definitely be promoted in the future. What's more, everyone in the Manchu Qing court knew that it was a broken ship, and everyone knew that it would sink. Sometimes, that’s how it is. Once a ship is about to sink, the people on the ship often don’t think about repairing the broken ship together so that the broken ship can be safe, but hope to jump ship and escape, or even to go to another ship. work on the ship. If necessary, he could even hit the wreck in reverse to make his wreck sink faster.

The Manchu Qing was just a wrecked ship, and everyone knew that the Manchu Qing was no longer feasible. And this Lu Wenjing also knew, so that Wu Tianning found him, and he also hoped to cooperate with Taiwan and sell the Beiyang Navy for a good price. But Wu Tianning first hoped to cooperate with Lan Jianshu, and then let him lead the Beiyang Navy to return to Taiwan. But Lan Jianshu always refused, and then Wu Tianning almost left helplessly. But at this time, Lu Wenjing took the initiative to come to his door, choosing to cooperate with Taiwan. In this way, with the help of Lu Wenjing, Wu Tianning changed into the clothes of an ordinary sailor, and then lived in the Beiyang Navy, and instigated rebellion against these middle and senior officers of the Beiyang Navy at any time.

"Colonel Wu Tianning, I think we can welcome Taiwan's army, and then let them land in Weihaiwei, so that we can go all the way to Shandong, and then we can go to support Tianjin. This kind of road is relatively short, and Dou E can also avoid the invasion of foreigners. The division came to attack and block. Now the foreign fleet is concentrated in Tianjin. Although the Taiwan army is powerful, it is not suitable to touch that bad luck. Therefore, it is the best choice to land from Weihaiwei of our Beiyang navy. At that time Weihaiwei of our Beiyang Navy can land you at any In this way, not only are we all in the navy, we are very familiar with the maintenance and mooring of warships, and we also have a military port in Weihaiwei, which can make everyone safe together You don’t have to worry about eating and sleeping on the ship.” Lu Wenjing said.

Wu Tianning immediately said, "How sure are you that we will be able to control Weihaiwei? Can you guarantee that the soldiers of the Beiyang Navy will follow us?"

"I'm more than 90% sure, because the soldiers don't want to fight anymore, and everyone is tired of the civil war among their own people. They don't want us to fight against ourselves. They want to be able to show their prestige outside the country and be able to The Japanese pirates who went for medical treatment went to fight once. But the imperial court was afraid of Japanese pirates like tigers. This time foreigners came to invade Tianjin, and many of our soldiers also asked for orders to fight. But the imperial court did not allow it, and they still asked us to guard against Mr. Wang in Taiwan. We are very angry, so we all hope to attack the foreign devils, and do not want to fight a civil war with Taiwan! If they know that we are going to fight foreign foreign devils with Taiwan, then our soldiers will be very happy." Lu Wenjing said.

Wu Tianning also immediately said: "Our lord Wang said that our civil war can still be avoided, and we have to be thin-faced. The Chinese will not fight the Chinese!"

Lu Wenjing also immediately said: "That's right, we Chinese don't beat Chinese people!" (To be continued.)

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