Red Alert 1895

Chapter 541: All Quiet in Shandong (Part 2)

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"Master Yuan, you should cooperate with Taiwan!" "Yes! Master Yuan, Taiwan is also from our Qing Dynasty anyway, so why do you have a bad choice?" "Yes! Master Yuan, you can also Let’s cooperate with Taiwan, so that we can all be regarded as being loyal to the imperial court.” “Master Yuan, Taiwan is also for the north to serve the king, not for rebellion, so you should agree!”…

Yuan Shikai's officials also came to persuade Yuan Shikai to agree to Taiwan Wang Guorui's conditions, hoping that Yuan Shikai could make this condition good, so that everyone can follow Wang Guorui to continue to make a fortune. It's not like now, they can't launder the money from embezzlement, after all, some superficial work still needs to be done. And if Wang Guorui comes to rule, then all the money they embezzled can be laundered, and this will definitely help them a lot, and then they can enjoy life swaggeringly in the future without worrying about being impeached. Therefore, whether it is for their own wealth or the future of their descendants, these guys must come to persuade Yuan Shikai, hoping that Yuan Shikai can seek refuge in Taiwan.

"Brother Ju, what do you think I should do?" Yuan Shikai asked.

"I don't know. Now that the world is not far from Dingge, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to cause too much trouble. Our army is only more than 10,000, and they are all sent to the Yellow River defense line, and now the Yellow River defense line is also being defeated by the opponent In this way, our soldiers may be in danger at any time. Even their army has surrounded Jinan City, so that we have to face the alliance under the city. And this time the King of Taiwan Laiqin, it is clear that it is the King of Laiqin, it is better to say it is They came to coerce the emperor to make the princes. The purpose of Taiwan is well known by Sima Zhaozhi! But because of this, too many people want to take the opportunity to seek refuge, and then make a great contribution. Then they can get rich. The current situation is over. It is very clear that Taiwan has already entered the mainland. They can occupy the capital at any time, and then they can continuously send troops over. And their next step, I am afraid, is to go to Tianjin to fight against the foreign devils, and after building up their prestige, they will usurp for him. The country is ready," Xu Shichang said.

"Could it be that, as a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, do I just watch the Qing Dynasty being usurped by Taiwan?" Yuan Shikai asked.

Hearing Yuan Shikai's words, Xu Shichang cursed inwardly, "You hypocrite!"

As a friend for many years, can Xu Shichang not know what Yuan Shikai is? As far as interests are concerned in this Yuan Shikai's heart, it is still very questionable how loyal he is to the Qing court. When the Empress Dowager Cixi took care of the Reform Party, it was Wang Guorui who betrayed the Reform Party. After Yuan Shikai was arrested, not only did he not be tough to the end, but he immediately sold the Reform Party individually, and even led the Qing army to arrest the Reform Party. After that, Yuan Shikai was immediately reused by Cixi. Then he was promoted to be the inspector of Zhili and was responsible for training a new army. There are also quite a few new troops in the mainland, but it is not bad to be able to train a new army.

Yuan Shikai actually didn't have much loyalty to the Qing Dynasty, so now what Yuan Shikai said about the loyal ministers of the Qing Dynasty made Xu Shichang a little disgusted.

"Gong Bao, since this is the case, it's better to agree to Taiwan's conditions as soon as possible. In this way, we can all live in peace. We are not afraid of any accidents. However, we might as well put forward a condition. In this way, we can all keep one in the future. Back way." Xu Shichang said.

Yuan Shikai's conditions were soon sent to Wang Guorui. When Wang Guorui saw this condition, he immediately felt amused.

"Yuan Shikai is willing to sign this agreement to withdraw from the southeast mutual protection plan on behalf of Shandong, and he is willing to send troops to serve the king. However, he put forward a condition. That is, they must not cut their braids!" Wang Guorui said.

"Don't cut your braids?" Li Guodong immediately thought of something.

Braids are one of the unique symbols of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. After the Manchus entered the customs, they also implemented the rule of keeping their hair but not their heads, which forced everyone to keep their braids. And although the late Qing Dynasty relaxed a lot about this rule, but from the legal principles of the Manchu Qing, only braids are the only way to be loyal to the Manchu Qing. So this Yuan Shikai really deserves to be a generation of cunning politicians like a fox, he actually wants to be this kind of double-faced. Then choose to hedge your bets. On the one hand, he took refuge with Wang Guorui, but on the other hand, Wang Guorui promised them that Shandong would not cut their braids. In this way, Wang Guorui won, and they just took a pair of scissors to cut off their braids, which meant that they took refuge in Wang Guorui, and it was just a matter of scissors. As for if the Manchus win in the future, we can tell the Manchus that we have not cut our braids, and we are still loyal ministers of the court. In this way, everyone can return to the embrace of Manqing again. This is actually a kind of double-facedism.

"If he could cut off his braid immediately, I might still look up to him. But he didn't do that, and he still chose to be a double-faced man, so I wouldn't think highly of him. This kind of double-faced man, maybe in Political speculation in the old era can still reap benefits. But in the new era, everything must be ruled by law and done in an upright manner, so double-faced people like them will never end well. It seems that Yuan Shikai has not kept up with the times. " said.

Wang Guorui suddenly heard the Yuan Shikai in the original history. The Yuan Shikai in the original history was born in the old bureaucracy, and later became the first official president of the Republic of China. As for the evaluation of Yuan Shikai by later generations, it is said that Yuan Shikai was able to rise because he was needed in that era at the end of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a person who was proficient in the old society and also familiar with the new and new society was needed, so that they could rise. Yuan Shikai was such a person, and his promotion was to some extent the need of the times at that time. And later he became the president of the Republic of China, which was also the choice of history.

But his biggest problem is that although he has some new ideas in his thinking, he still has the old bureaucratic thinking in his bones. After he became the president of the Republic of China, he still used the tactics of the old bureaucrats. He became the president of the Republic of China, but his thinking remained in the past, and his methods were all the old bureaucratic methods of balancing the monarch and his ministers. This also caused no one to take over his position after his death, because he used the old bureaucratic methods, which were not suitable for the system of the new era at all. So the Republic of China was a tragedy. First of all, after Yuan Shikai passed away, Beiyang was divided. In the end, no one could lead Beiyang, so China finally split.

In fact, this has a lot to do with Yuan Shikai's thinking not keeping up with the times. Although Yuan Shikai was the end of the feudal era, he was not qualified for the beginning of a democratic era. He was able to be the terminator of the feudal era, but he was not competent at the beginning of the democratic era, but he still chose to work hard, which caused the tragedy of an era.

"Okay, come with me to meet this Yuan Shikai!" Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui saw this big round head, which was really Big Yuan in the true sense, but Wang Guorui had nothing to say. Because he didn't know what to say, Wang Guorui also felt that he had nothing to say in the face of the first official president of the Republic of China in the original history.

"Governor Yuan, please sign the agreement!" Wang Guorui said.

Yuan Shikai looked at the agreement, and it was the same as what he said before. Yuan Shikai sighed, and then said: "Okay, I will sign it."

Although Yuan Shikai knew that as long as this agreement was signed, Shandong would belong to Wang Guorui from now on, and Yuan Shikai's future and destiny would also be in Wang Guorui's hands. This is certainly not what Yuan Shikai wanted, but Yuan Shikai couldn't refuse to agree to it. Now the situation is very obvious, Yuan Shikai cannot win. Yuan Shikai could only hide the little bit of ambition in his heart, because it was impossible for him to succeed.

Yuan Shikai picked up the pen and signed the contract. Wang Guorui took the contract and dried the ink.

"Take it to the electricity, announce it, and then tell the world that Shandong is willing to go to Tianjin Qinwang with us in Taiwan."

"Yes! Your Excellency!" A communication staff officer said immediately.

Yuan Shikai looked at Wang Guorui, and said, "If it weren't for maybe the person who reached the highest peak in this country should be me!"

Wang Guorui couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this. He immediately knew what Yuan Shikai meant. Yuan Shikai meant that the cleavage did not have Wang Guorui. Yuan Shikai believed that he should be able to become the most powerful person in this country and the person with the highest status in this country. But Wang Guorui also knew that Yuan Shikai had always been driven by this ambition to take power, and Yuan Shikai had been running for power from the very beginning. If he didn't have himself, then maybe Yuan Shikai was really a "pig's foot" in this world. It is really the one who can become the pig's foot of this era and reach the peak.

"Since Shengyu, He Shengliang!" Yuan Shikai sighed, and then chose to leave.

But Wang Guorui has no idea, because this Yuan Shikai is about to leave the stage of history gradually. Then maybe he will just be assigned some idle jobs, and then he can prepare to wait for retirement. It is difficult for Yuan Shikai to grasp too much real power. After all, he is a person who cannot keep up with the times, so it is naturally impossible to gain too much power. In addition, Wang Guorui can't rest assured that this Yuan Shikai is a generation of heroes and robbers, so Wang Guorui can't rest assured that he will give him too much power. In the future, Yuan Shikai can only be used but not reused.

However, now Shandong also belongs to Wang Guorui, which is the most important point. (to be continued...)

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