Red Alert 1895

Chapter 543: Seize 9 Doors (Part 1)

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On the road leading to the capital, a group of more than 1,000 people were rushing forward on bicycles. And the weapons they all carry are the most advanced in Taiwan, and even if other troops do not have the Chinese Type 1 automatic rifles that can be fully equipped, they are all equipped. The equipment on them is very elite, and the bicycles under their feet are rattling, obviously working very fast and overloading. As for the common people near the capital, they were also very surprised to see this scene, because people who ride bicycles have always been a symbol of rich people, but now there are more than a thousand people riding bicycles, which is simply unbelievable.

We must know that the car was not long after it was invented, and those who can use the car are rich or powerful, and few people are familiar with the car. And what can really make ordinary Chinese people know is riding a bicycle. A bicycle costs more than ten years' income of an ordinary person, which is an incomparably huge number. So everyone feels that these people can ride bicycles, which makes them feel that a group of local tyrants have come running over. However, none of them knew what they were doing in the capital. At this time, the foreign devils could break through Tianjin at any time, and then reach the capital at any time. Wouldn't they seek death if they went to the capital?

"Director, are we going to **** the Nine Gates this time to lock up the court officials in the capital?" Someone asked immediately.

Yang Wanchun, Director of the Special Operations Command of the Taiwan Army, said affirmatively: "Yes, these guys must be locked up in the capital, otherwise how can we control them. Once they move the capital, our hard work will be in vain, so we don't To allow them to move the capital, we must **** the Nine Gates as soon as possible, so that we can block them in the capital."

"Director, do we have someone to respond? If there is no one to respond, then I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to sneak into the capital! The capital is the capital of the Qing court, and the defense is very tight. If we rush in, our military uniform will expose us Yes." A special forces staff officer said.

"Haha. Naturally, we have someone to take care of us. General Liu Feng's General Intelligence Administration has already made preparations, and they can come to take care of us at any time. Zhou Chen, the director of the Beijing Office, has not been in the capital for nothing. They have a lot of people. Under the eyes of the imperial court, they made a lot of preparations under the cover of various identities. They hope that this day will come for us, that we can enter the capital, and then put Lord Wang on the throne! Time. We are all founding heroes.” Yang Wanchun said.

Yang Wanchun rode the bicycle under his feet, and then shouted: "Continue to accelerate me, we must reach the inner city of the capital as soon as possible, and then go to seize the nine gates of the capital."

The bicycle team of more than a thousand people arrived a few kilometers outside the outer city of the capital, and immediately someone was waving Taiwan's blue-and-yellow tiger flag here, apparently to welcome them. Dare to hold the yellow tiger flag with a blue background at this time is actually very risky, maybe you will be arrested by the Qing court.

"Who are you?" Yang Wanchun stopped and said.

"General Yang, I am the director of the Military Affairs Department of Taiwan's Beijing Office. My military rank is colonel, and my name is Li Bingfeng. I'm here to greet you. This is my ID."

After Yang Wanchun checked it, he believed Li Bingfeng's ID, and immediately asked, "Are you here to meet us?"

"Yes, I'm here to meet you. The Military Affairs Department of Taiwan's Beijing Office is in charge of the mainland's military work, responsible for developing our personnel in the mainland army, and responsible for integrating and coordinating the management of various military affairs that have already been established. Undercover instigators and so on, these are things we have to prepare to deal with," Li Bingfeng said.

"Okay, since that's the case, then we've all listened to you. How do you plan to arrange us next?" Yang Wanchun asked.

"General Yang. Please come with me, we will bring you in." Li Bingfeng said.

Li Bingfeng took Yang Wanchun to the outer city of the capital, and then Yang Wanchun met several people. Yang Wanchun also felt very surprised by these people, because these people were all wearing the clothes of the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. And the status is not low! The identities of these people are obviously officials of a certain status in the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, but the staff of the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties also came here, and they were all bought by the people in the Beijing Office.

"I've met some masters!" said a man who looked very soft-boned.

"Who are you?" Yang Wanchun asked.

"My lord, I am Niu Lu Zuo Ling of my Daqing Bordered White Banner, and my name is Shanbang." Said the very soft-boned banner man.

"Why did you ask me to meet these people?" Yang Wanchun asked.

Li Bingfeng immediately said: "General Yang, don't underestimate them. Although they look like slaves, they are all willing to rely on our Lord Wang. And each of them has hundreds of people The subordinate Niu Luzuo leads, and they will lead you in later."

"Oh, that's it! You even bought the Eight Banners?" Yang Wanchun was surprised.

But Li Bingfeng said: "Where, in fact, sometimes it is easier to buy the Eight Banners than to buy the Green Camp. These Eight Banners have already declined after hundreds of years, and they are not useful at all. There are many low-level bannermen in them. Life is harder than many Han people, because they belong to the Eight Banners. According to the rules of the Qing Dynasty, they were born as soldiers and could not engage in other jobs. It is also a very sad result. There is a limit to the number of soldiers they have in the Qing Dynasty. If they are not able to serve as soldiers, they will have to live on the standard salary every year. But the standard salary is not high, only so much every month. One or two taels of silver is much lower than our ordinary workers in Taiwan. It will take a month for such a one or two taels of silver. work, and then subsidize the family. But there is a ban from the imperial court, which makes it impossible for them to do so."

"However, these banner people are desperate to save face and suffer. They are obviously extremely poor, but they have to pretend to be uncles in front of the Han people. They have no proper job or income, but they have a more noble status. But noble status depends on wealth. To maintain it, so they often live on their own, and end up in debt. Of course, they can pay off, but most of the time they can’t afford it. In the capital, many loan sharks don’t care whether you are What kind of banner people, if they catch them, they can find and beat them. Now those banner people can only pretend to be uncles among the poor people, but people with a little power and power don't take ordinary banner people too seriously .And in the imperial court, countless big bosses have nothing to do about this situation. After all, the face is earned by themselves, these bannermen can't do it themselves, and the big bosses in the court can't do anything."

"Under such a large amount of wealth pressure and economic pressure, as long as we are willing to spend some money, they will also be willing to join us in Taiwan. Buying banner people is often easier than buying Han officials. You say it is weird Bar?"

The good gang immediately said: "Yes, yes, we banner people have long been looking forward to the arrival of Lord Wang. Our banner people have lived a very hard life here, and the court can no longer control us. So Wang The adults are the real sons of heaven, the ones who can truly be emperors!"

It was only then that Yang Wanchun realized how unstable the foundation of the Manchu Qing was. The Eight Banners, which the Manchu Qing relied on as their foundation, were all so rotten that they could no longer be used. However, the Manchu Qing court still did not forget to rely on the Eight Banners to repel the Han people. It is conceivable that they all regarded themselves as an invader, not a real Chinese. However, the ordinary Eight Banners children also have great opinions on the imperial court, and the monthly banner salary is not enough for them to live on. However, the imperial court prohibited them from engaging in other industries, and they could only live on the banner salary. In this way, their life is actually more miserable than that of many Han people. They do not have much financial income, so they naturally have to borrow money to survive. But according to their status in China, they are the masters of the Eight Banners, but this master of the Eight Banners has a very hard life, so now they are all betraying the court for money.

It's ridiculous that the Manchus still regard these Eight Banners as their But in fact, these Eight Banners have never received any education of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness for generations, and their loyal thinking may not be as good as that of the Han people! Especially those low-level banner people, their lives are very hard, and they will follow whoever gives them money. They don't have any opinions on changing the dynasty, because life is hard anyway, and if they can live better when the dynasty changes, that's actually not bad.

Anyway, the Manchu Qing court could no longer take care of their interests, so it was easy for them to betray without any hesitation.

"Masters, put on these clothes, and we will take you in later. If you want to be able to use your guns, then replace those guys and trick them away in the name of changing defense." Shanbang said.

But Yang Wanchun immediately said: "We don't speak Manchu, so what if we meet Manchus?"

"Oh, my lord, how many of our banner people can speak Manchu? There are not many princes and ministers above the court, and of course we can't do it. Our banner people all speak Chinese, which is different from Han people. There is almost no difference. If we don’t look at the so-called flag registration, we are actually a Han Chinese!” said Shanbang.

"That's good, act now!" Yang Wanchun said. (To be continued.)

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