Red Alert 1895

Chapter 556: Secret Electric Storm (Part 2)

Outside a remote Japanese barracks, Natasha and a man in a black robe are here. 『』, and this man in black is also a weapon of Taiwan, called a spy. He was brought alive by the sacrificial offering by Takashi Hishigai. This spy is very useful. He can transform into a certain person with make-up, and it is impossible to tell from the appearance alone. And they were waiting one hundred meters away from the Japanese barracks, apparently waiting for someone. An ordinary person would definitely not be able to hide here, but Natasha is not an ordinary person, this spy is not low in intelligence, and his hiding ability is not bad, so they were able to escape many Japanese sentries.

"Mrs. Natasha!" Akashi Genjiro said.

"Okay, who do you want me to kill. It's finally my turn to stretch my muscles. The commander asked me to listen to you this time. Who do you want me to kill this time?" Natasha said to Akashi Genjiro.

Soon, Akashi Genjiro immediately pulled over a fainted person, and said: "This is a staff officer of a captain in our Japanese army, and this is the scapegoat I found. He happens to be the staff officer in charge of passwords, so this scapegoat is as big as a scapegoat." The length is just right. Let the spy make up to look like him, and then follow me in! Then the spy will point out where that Wu Dawulang is hiding, and then the lady will shoot him. Next, after the mission is completed , Madam, by the way, give this staff officer named Suzuki Trinity to..."

"Okay, no problem!" Natasha replied.

Soon, the well-dressed spy went in with Akashi Genjiro, but he didn't alarm others, because Akashi Genjiro went out for the reason of inspecting the front-line defense, and he followed the staff when he went out, and came back I still followed this staff officer all the time, and no one doubted it.

After Akashi Yuanjiro returned to his barracks. He didn't care about anything either. He just told the spy so that he could mark Wu Dawulang's room, and Natasha would be able to kill Wu Dawulang with a sniper rifle. And Akashi Genjiro would not do this kind of thing himself, that's why he asked this spy to come over to put on makeup, and he found a dead ghost to come out, so that he could avoid being exposed.

And the spy came to the Japanese barracks. Then, following Akashi Genjiro's instructions, he came outside the yard of the Japanese cryptographer Wu Daigoro, and he walked in directly. And the original staff officer who made up the makeup was in charge of the communication code work, so he was able to walk in soon, and the guards didn't suspect it.

When the spy walked into the Japanese barracks, he began to observe Wu Dawulang, and then he saw Wu Dawulang sleeping in the room. Then he drew a "cross" on the wall near where he slept, which represented that hitting this would also hit Wu Dawulang. Natasha's sniper rifle bullets are powerful enough to penetrate several layers of walls. So the spy doesn't need to go in himself, just draw a "cross" on the wall to indicate the target to Natasha.


There was a soft sound, and suddenly a bullet was fired from Natasha's sniper rifle, hitting the house directly, and then the wall of the house was instantly penetrated. But the bullet didn't stop, and continued to fly forward, and he directly hit the Japanese cryptographer Wu Daigoro who was sleeping on the bed.


"Mighty, mighty, mighty..."

With the sound of an alarm, the entire Japanese barracks were turned upside down.

"What's going on here? Our cryptography expert was killed?" Da Shanyan said angrily.

Da Shanyan was really angry. This time they managed to decipher the code of the Taiwanese army's telegram. And this Wu Dawulang has made great contributions. Although Da Shanyan was born in the old era, he knew very well in Japan. Even if he was born in Japan in the old era, he knew that the so-called communication ability represented one of the combat power. And Wu Dawulang is a cryptography expert, not only can write ciphers, but also can decipher the enemy's ciphers. This is the real top talent. Dashanyan is deeply aware of the role of intelligence. If he can decipher the enemy's code, wouldn't it be easy to obtain enough capital to defeat the enemy?

This time Da Shanyan came out to fight in China, but he deliberately asked Wu Dawulang to come out together, that is, he hoped to be able to decipher the telegram. In this way, the law of action of the Taiwan army can be grasped. And this Wu Dawulang had also deciphered the telegrams from Taiwan, but now he was killed? That means that Taiwan also knows that their telegram has been deciphered, so how can Da Shanyan not be angry.

"Marshal Dashanyan, there are traitors!" Akashi Genjiro said immediately.

Da Shanyan immediately said: "Yes, that's right, there is definitely a traitor. After the news of Wu Dawulang came this time, no one else knew, only a few people knew. And these people are my adjutants, even you The chief of staff didn't even know, but he still leaked the secret? The sniper attack just now was obviously dispatched by Natasha from Taiwan, in order to kill Wu Dawulang. Wang Guorui from Taiwan even sent out his own woman. It’s unbelievable. Only Natasha’s gun can pass through such a thick wall and kill the enemy. But who leaked the secret to the people in Taiwan?”

"Report to the general, your communications adjutant Suzuki Sanyi is missing! We suspect..." someone said immediately.

"What? Suzuki? Impossible. He is my adjutant. How could he be a traitor? You must have made a mistake." Da Shanyan said incredulously.

"Report, Lieutenant Suzuki Sanyi was close to that house just now, and we haven't seen him since."

"Damn it, find Suzuki for me immediately and search for me! You want to see people when you live, and you want to see corpses when you die." Da Shanyan said angrily.

And it’s good that the whole barracks became wild, Akashi Genjiro also pretended to search everywhere, and when everyone went out to search, Akashi Genjiro patted an ordinary Japanese soldier next to him.

"You can go back. When the Japanese barracks are in chaos at this time, you, a small soldier, will not be taken seriously."

After the spy pointed out the target just now, he didn't leave the Japanese military camp immediately. Instead, he disguised himself as a soldier and followed Akashi Genjiro. In this way, the Japanese did not pay attention to a small soldier at this time, so they all went to search for the captain's staff soon.

Soon, that Suzuki Sany was found in a building not far away, and his throat was cut to death on the spot. And he was still so unbelievable before he died, he obviously encountered something unbelievable. But what he saw was unbelievable, or what shocking thing he heard, then he doesn't know, after all, there is no proof.

"Marshal Dashanyan, this Suzuki Trinity should be a traitor. He may have wanted to go to Natasha to receive the reward just now, but he didn't expect that Natasha not only did not reward him, but silenced him instead. For Wang Guorui , We Japanese can use it once, not too much. This Suzuki Sany has also been exposed, so it is useless," Akashi Motojiro said.

"Damn it!" Da Shanyan said angrily.

Akashi Genjiro's meaning is very obvious, which means that Suzuki Sanyi was silenced by Natasha. In this kind of intelligence work, there are some non-core people, or those who have been bribed, and once they complete the task, they will be silenced, which can also prevent the enemy from finding themselves directly. And this method is very commonly used, and it is not a rare thing.

"Marshal Dashanyan, I also want to tell you a bad news. Before you told that Suzuki Sanyi about the new tactics of the Americans, I don't know if Suzuki Sanyi will sell this news. ?” said Akashi Genjiro.

"It's definitely sold, it's definitely sold. I understand that Wang Guorui's telegram reminded the important way ahead.

But Da Shanyan said immediately; "I'll tell the Americans that their new tactics are useless, and maybe they will be plotted against by the Chinese."

"Don't, don't, Marshal Dashanyan. If you tell the Americans directly, how can we explain that we have a traitor? At that time, we are afraid that we will be despised by all countries, so where will we put the face of the Great Japanese Empire? Anyway, the dead are all Americans, so why do we feel bad about it? The American Jared yelled at a yellow-skinned monkey. This is all pointing and cursing. Are you not angry, Marshal? I think we should just pretend I don’t even know, and let the Americans fight desperately with the Taiwanese, and then they were calculated this time, and they will definitely lose their strength next time.”

"And this time the coalition forces of all countries fight together, the one who gains the most is not necessarily the one who contributes the most, but the one who has the last laugh is the one who gains the most."

Dashanyan quickly understood what Akashi Genjiro meant, that is, to preserve his strength, to preserve his own strength, so that he can make the most profit in the future. To know who benefited the most from World War I and World War II, it was the United States! The Americans did not contribute the most, but they were just the ones who had the last laugh. When all countries suffered heavy losses, the Americans stood on the sidelines, selling arms everywhere, and then finally came to pick up cheap ones. Therefore, it is not necessarily the most profitable to say that more efforts are made. Let the Americans take the lead. Anyway, it will be the Americans who suffer heavy losses. At that time, I can reap the benefits of the fisherman. (To be continued..) u

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