Red Alert 1895

Chapter 567: A cat and a dog (Part 1)

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"Master Zheng Zhicai, you have to think about it now. If it weren't for us in the Qing Dynasty, would you be able to live so carefree? So, Master Zheng Zhicai, once the rebels in Taiwan take control of the court, they will allow you Do people dominate the capital? Can they allow you people to grab territory here? So, you should think about it for me, and don't go the wrong way?" an **** said to Zheng Zhicai.

Zheng Zhicai, he is a "overlord" in the east of the capital, and he has a lot of influence in the east of the city. However, this kind of person who dares to be king in the capital is definitely a person with a very background. This Zheng Zhicai also had a relationship with the Manchu Qing Dynasty. He was supported by people in the Manchu Qing court, which allowed him to reach the position of the top in the east of the city. And since the Taiwan army entered the city, it made him very nervous and very uncomfortable. Because after the Taiwanese army entered the city, the troops of the Guards Division also completely took over the security work in the capital, and the Security Department in the capital was in charge of the Guards Division. These hooligans and hooligans were also taught by the soldiers of the Guards Division that it was a miserable experience. Many behaviors of collecting protection fees in the past were also prohibited by the Guards Division.

It's a joke, even the guards didn't charge protection fees, how could these guys be allowed to collect protection fees? According to Taiwan's plan, this kind of **** will have to be dealt with sooner or later. It hasn't been dealt with yet, that's because they are not very popular yet. At present, all the dignitaries and dignitaries of the Manchu Qing Dynasty are being dealt with in Taiwan. In addition, Taiwan is also worried that they will cause trouble in the capital, causing problems in the security environment everywhere, so there will definitely be great risks. So these are temporarily treated coldly, do not contact them, and do not treat them well. These are also temporary, though, so they are, too.

"Is this..." Zheng Zhicai paced back and forth, obviously not at peace in his heart.

Zheng Zhicai, as the overlord of the capital, naturally knows that Taiwan has entered the capital, and they are not allowed to collect various protection fees and so on. It used to be that kind of petty theft and all that stuff. Almost a lot less. They didn't dare to go to the streets, because they didn't know whether they would be sent to the military court for interrogation by the soldiers of the Guards Division. Because the capital here is currently under military control, as long as a criminal offense is committed, it will also be sent to a military court for trial. The military courts are tried according to the standards of soldiers. This is not only a penalty but also a trial, which is much stricter. According to the military law, robbery, etc. are capital crimes, and these gangsters are dealt with according to the military law, so it is strange that they will not die.

so. It has been more than ten days since Taiwan entered the capital, and more than 200 gangsters have been sentenced to death. As for now, they are all hiding at home, not daring to go out to die. Fortunately, Taiwan did not continue to pursue it. They all hid at home. As long as they didn't come out to kill them, the Taiwan guards would let them go. However, those senior gangsters are still worried about this situation.

"If this continues, then I'm afraid I won't have a good life, my good life is over!" Zheng Zhicai thought helplessly.

Zheng Zhicai also knew very well in his heart that if Taiwan is allowed to be so strictly controlled, then these gangsters like them will probably disperse in the future. At that time, these **** must not dare to continue to make trouble, and I am afraid they will all be disbanded. Since the Boxers a few months ago, a large number of these gangsters have mixed into the Boxers, and now they are massacred by foreign devils in Tianjin. Those Boxers ran away, and then they **** rose again. But when they thought that the good times were coming again, Taiwan came again, and this time Taiwan came really ruthlessly. They didn't say anything to them at all, the sentence that should be sentenced, and the sentence was still according to the military law, this is a tragedy for them.

Zheng Zhicai knew. If I don't want to find a way to do something, I'm afraid that the next good time will really come to an end. Doesn't he, the leader of the gangsters, rely on his gangsters to support him? If these gangsters under him are "severely cracked down", what will happen to him, the gangster leader? All the gangsters under them have been sentenced to death one after another, so what punishment will this big gangster be sentenced to? Ling Chi. The car cracked, I really dare not think about it. It's not that he didn't think about running away, but he couldn't run away at all. The capital city had been sealed off, and he couldn't get out without a pass.

These gangsters are also officers and soldiers who want to bribe Taiwan more than once, but these are of no use. The vast majority of Taiwan's officers and soldiers are soft and hard, and many of them are even very inflexible. They don't accept bribes at all, and anyone who wants to go out of the city must check the special pass, otherwise they won't be able to get out at all.

"Zheng Zhicai is the head of the family, you have to think about it, how does this Taiwan treat your Qinggang Hongmen? I'm afraid they won't let you Qinggang Hongmen go?" said the eunuch.

Zheng Zhicai still felt a little guilty and said, "Didn't they accept the support of the Taiwan Tiandihui in Taiwan back then?"

"Hahahaha, Zheng Zhicai is the head of the family, you are so naive! You know, it was then, and now is now. Back then, Wang Guorui in Taiwan was weak, so of course anyone was willing to accept him. Besides, the Taiwan Tiandihui also had the biggest The advantage, that is, their chief helmsman is a woman, and she is also a very beautiful woman, which you can't compare to, haha!" said the eunuch.

Zheng Zhicai looked a little helpless, of course he knew that Taiwan Tiandi would be able to seek refuge with Wang Guorui, there are many reasons for that. The reason why Wang Guorui accepted Zheng Hong's refuge was mainly because the organization of the Taiwan Tiandihui was relatively pure, and he had not been reduced to those gangsters who extorted money. They all have an ideal, which is to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. Their discipline is good, so not only is Wang Guorui not afraid of them corrupting the atmosphere, but he is willing to join them as members of the political and industrial faction. On the other hand, Wang Guorui lacked people, so he naturally hoped that more people would join.

And in the end, the **** said it well, a beautiful female chief executive is also an important bonus item, so there was a special reason why Wang Guorui was able to accept this Taiwan Tiandi Association back then. Therefore, it does not apply to all gangs of hooligans. For these gangs of hooligans, Wang Guorui's policy is to crack down hard and hit hard.

"Hey, speaking of it, I'm also a descendant of Lord Guo Xing. Unfortunately, my relationship with Miss Zheng Hong is too far away. I don't know if I can climb up!" Zheng Zhicai also thought to himself.

Zheng Zhicai heard that Taiwan's "First Lady" was surnamed Zheng, and he was also a descendant of Zheng Chenggong. This made him feel a little bit like Zheng Hong's distant cousin? We must know that Zheng Zhicai was also a descendant of Zheng Chenggong, and he was also a descendant of Zheng Keshun who joined the Qing Dynasty. But Zheng Keshun and his Zheng family did not do well in the mainland, and each of them was very tragic. After a few generations, they were extorted by various officials and so on. Now, in his generation, they have become gangsters The boss is no longer that majestic Guoxing Ye.

"Zheng Zhicai is the head of the family, our queen mother said that as long as you are willing to help us, we will definitely reward you a lot. As long as you can help us, then we will definitely benefit a lot. At that time, the imperial court will definitely reward you First-rank admiral and military officer. This is a first-rank admiral, a first-rank official!" said the eunuch.

Hearing this, he could be an admiral, which made Zheng Zhicai's eyes red. Because this admiral is the military chief of a province, a prince of one side! Although in the Qing Dynasty, the status of military officers had been greatly reduced, and they could not be compared with civil officials. But this is also a high-ranking official in name after all, and this is something that is already out of reach for a gangster. High-ranking officials, how many people dare not even think about this! Just waving at him like this now, this made Zheng Zhicai very excited.

"Also, our queen mother said that this time you are a member of Lord Haicheng's clan, and Lord Haicheng had no heirs back then, so the title was revoked. But this time, if you can do enough meritorious Then we will definitely reward you well. If the contribution is enough, the Queen Mother might just give you the title of Duke Haicheng!" said the eunuch.

"Mr. Haicheng?" Zheng Zhicai's eyes turned green.

The Manchu Qing court had spent a lot of money. At this time, in order to allow people to do things, even the duke was used. At this time, it is like the end of a dynasty. For the sake of winning people's hearts, people can go to the funeral with him, so that they will all wantonly entrusted, promoted and so on. Now that the Manchu Qing Dynasty has come to the end, they have given up everything, even the Duke and other first-rank admirals, just wishing that someone would work hard for them!

However, this is even more attractive to those gangsters who have no official position or social status. These **** dreamed of becoming officials, and now they could not only become officials, but also get the title of duke, which made him feel that he had made a lot of money. This made him feel that he could get huge benefits, how could he not be tempted?

"Okay, what are you going to do?" Zheng Zhicai asked.

The **** said something next to Zheng Zhicai's ear, and Zheng Zhicai nodded immediately to show that he understood, obviously he had a plan. (To be continued.)

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