Red Alert 1895

Chapter 569: Strike hard (on)

In mid-April, 1900, on this day, for some unknown reason, those local hooligans who had been strictly restrained by Wang Guorui's guards actually took to the streets one by one. @, Originally, all these **** were restrained in their lairs because of the harsh military law, and they dared not come out to do bad things to interfere with public order. But now they dared to come out one by one, which made countless people nervous. After the Taiwan army came, it did not affect the voices in the capital too much. In addition to sealing off the capital to prevent outsiders from coming in and people inside from going out, those who do business with locals are still able to do so. Except for those inn industries, no other industries were affected.

And as long as there is a special pass, those vendors who transport food and dishes can also enter and exit, but they need to be inspected. So this does not have much impact on the lives of local people. What everyone should buy is to buy vegetables. Except for a small number of businesses that are relatively affected, others have not been affected too much. But now these gangsters suddenly took to the streets collectively, which made everyone feel very scared. If they suddenly come up with something, it's really too much trouble.

"Give us a big plate of mutton, and a big plate of beef!" said a gangster.

And the owner of the roadside vendor also felt very hesitant. He was very afraid that these gangsters would not pay if they ate, and his loss would be huge at that time. These small vendors are all small businesses with small capital and small profits, so they can't afford to lose money. So when they saw these gangsters taking to the streets, they all felt very distressed, and they didn't know whether to feed them.

"What's the matter? Don't hurry up and serve the food?" the gangster asked.

"Master, have you brought any money?" the boss asked.

But the gangster immediately said: "What? What do you mean by that, Grandpa, I'm going to eat in the capital. Do you still need to pay?"

"Hurry up and serve the food! If you don't serve the food, believe it or not, I'll beat you up?" the gangster said angrily.

"Then I really can't serve food anymore. You have to know that now we are under the control of the Governor of Taiwan, Mr. Wang. How dare you **** be dishonest? If you don't pay, then I will invite you out !” said the boss very bluntly.

But the gangster said: "No matter how you say it, Wang Guorui is a courtier of my Qing Dynasty. He is a colleague of mine."

"What? A colleague with you?" The boss asked in disbelief.

"Hahahaha, I am now the chief executive of the Qing Dynasty, and I am a senior official of the fifth rank. Even if I eat some of your mutton and beef, what can you do to me? Let me tell you, I am now the Qing court Hitting you as a fifth-rank high-ranking official is nothing. At that time, if you think about it clearly, I will convict you as a traitor and kill the nine clans! Let me tell you. Now our master belongs to the Qing Dynasty First rank admiral is of the same rank as Wang Guorui in Taiwan. We are not afraid of him! Besides, he is what the court calls a traitor, and we just clean up the rebellion for the court. And what you said just now is to support the rebellion. I can accuse you of treason and punish you!" said the gangster viciously.

Those Manchu Qing courts are giving those gangster leaders some first-rank admirals. After conditions such as conferring dukes and marquises, a certain number of official positions were also given to them. Then they can "appoint" some officials by themselves, so that many low-level gangsters under them have become thousands of households, and the middle and high-level gangsters have also become deputy generals and generals of the general army. Countless gangsters suddenly became officials. Those gangsters don't know the strength of the high-level Wang Guorui, they just know that the governor is from the first rank. And their boss is also a first-rank admiral, so they naturally don't need to be afraid of anything.

This is like many people outside the officialdom, and the level of this officialdom is also clouded. Many of them look at officials of the same level, but their real power and influence are completely different. And they think that officials of the same level have the same status. Since Wang Guorui is the governor of Yipin. His boss is a first-rank admiral, so Wang Guorui is no different.

"Hmph, you shameless bastards, you all want to be officials? It seems that you should let Mr. Wang be the emperor. If you guys become officials, you are all harming the people!" The boss said immediately.

"Okay, okay, since you're looking for death like this, don't blame me for treating you as a rebel! Little ones, hit me!" said the gangster leader.

"Papa papa..."

Soon, a group of people also came out here to beat up the little boss, and the little boss was beaten all over his body. And the diners around were also dumbfounded, what's the situation? This gangster has become an official. This is obviously to make them not know what's going on. And they left one after another, and then chose to report to Huang Hua, the chief of security in Shuntian Mansion.

However, the police chief, Huang Hua, didn't panic too much, because he had already received the news in advance that these gangsters would collectively make trouble, so he had already started preparations. And he has already discussed with the officers and soldiers of these guards. Next to Huang Hua, Li Guodong, the commander of the guard division, has formed a joint military and police command, and then everyone is commanding and maintaining law and order together.

"Mr. Li Guodong, we will have to suppress these people in the future. If we let them continue like this, there may be problems!" Huang Hua said.

And Li Guodong also said: "Yes, it must be suppressed, but why didn't you inform us earlier, inform us earlier to arrest those gangsters, and then prevent them from organizing this group to provoke trouble?"

But Huang Hua said: "Mr. Li Guodong, you haven't done security work, maybe you don't know much about it. These gangsters usually don't take to the streets together to make troubles, but now they are taking to the streets to make troubles, that's very Abnormal. Such an abnormal situation makes me take it very seriously. I can be sure that they must be covering up some actions. They use this kind of collective rioting behavior, and then they can cover their behavior in this rioting. Most of them It is to attract our troops, and then do something secretly!"

"You mean, these **** are hiding in secret on the Mingxiu Plank Road? Also, are they making a fuss?" Li Guodong replied in military terms.

Huang Hua nodded, apparently telling Li Guodong, that's what he meant, these gangsters had their own goals. In fact, these gangsters rarely act in groups like this, and they are organized by four big gangsters from the east, south, west, and north of the city, which is definitely extraordinary.

"What are they going to do?" Li Guodong asked.

"I don't know, that's why I didn't startle the snake. I hope they can take the initiative to expose themselves. Now, you go to arrest those gangsters, but I still hope that you can keep alive, so that they can interrogate something Come out." Huang Hua said.

However, Huang Hua also said: "Actually, I still have another idea, which is to take advantage of this gangster disturbance to launch a thorough crackdown. The situations of these gangsters in the capital are very complicated. It is complicated. If we only arrest a few ordinary people, then we are not afraid of any problems. Once a large number of arrests are made, there must be a reason. Many of these gangsters were supported by Manchu officials. With a stable territory, it is impossible for the imperial court to have no one to help as a protective umbrella. So when we first came, they all followed the rules, and we couldn't pursue their past too much. So we have been waiting Let them make trouble, and then severely punish those gangsters after making trouble. But if those gangsters are small-scale troubles, and then we arrest them, it will not hurt them, and we can do whatever we want. I have been brewing once Crack down hard, and then you can attack the hooligans in the capital, which will be of great help to maintain the law and order in the capital. As the saying goes, if you cut the grass and don't get rid of the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows. It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt them. We will directly let them suffer once. Crack down on them thoroughly, so that the warning effect on those gangsters is far greater than the deterrent effect of ordinary arrests one by one."

These hooligans in the are deeply intertwined, if you want to deal with them, you have to have a chance. If there are not enough opportunities, I am afraid that it will not be possible to achieve one size fits all, then such a spring breeze will inevitably become the norm. Only by cracking down once and for all can he really cause them to suffer losses, and only then can he truly maintain the law and order in the capital. Especially since the capital city is the future capital, it is impossible to let these chaos easily.

"I understand, it's up to us next time!" Li Guodong said.

"Order, the first regiment of the Guards Division, let me immediately start hunting these gangsters throughout the city. Anyone who commits crimes such as beating, smashing, looting, taking advantage of the fire, etc., will be sent to the Military Court of the Guards Division, and then interrogated after hearing. These Guys, this time we are going to carry out an irritating and down-to-earth crackdown, and we must achieve the effect of stopping children from crying!" Li Guodong said.

"Yes!" The first guard regiment of the guard division immediately started to act, and then they all went to the streets to arrest these gangsters, and this time they had to crack down hard.

However, on the other hand, Zheng Zhicai, the gangster leader in the east of the city, was also thinking about whether their secret plan could be completed this time. (To be continued..)

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