Red Alert 1895

Chapter 576: Relatives (below)

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Zheng Hong looked at Wang Guorui, and then hoped that Wang Guorui would take the initiative to give her an answer. People from the Zheng family in the capital invited Zheng Hong to go back to worship their ancestors, but the meaning of this ancestor worship is not the same. Worshiping ancestors means that they are all a family, which means that they are a family and members of the same big family. The meaning of the Zheng family is very obvious, that is, they hope that Zheng Hong can go back to pay respects to their ancestors, which means that their Zheng family can also climb into the relationship with Zheng Hong, the descendant of Zheng Chenggong, and then they will be regarded as foreign relatives in the future. Once Wang Guorui ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, then Zheng Hong would also be the queen, and they were also relatives. Under such circumstances, they can also use their identities as foreign relatives to tell the world that they are relatives of the emperor, and let everyone come over to please them.

Originally, there was no need to do this, but Zheng Hong's lineage was far away in Taiwan back then, and they hadn't been in touch for many years. If they just promoted Zheng Hong as their Zheng family, who would know if Zheng Hong would agree? If Zheng Hong didn't agree and instead came out to refute the rumors, they would be embarrassed. Therefore, if Zheng Hong is willing to pay homage to the ancestors, it means that Zheng Hong has admitted that they are a family and have not separated. However, Zheng Hong has been a senior military officer for several years, so she naturally knows this. Zheng Hong hoped that Wang Guorui would give her an answer, and she followed Wang Guorui's arrangement.

"Hong'er, you decide for yourself!" Wang Guorui said.

"Forget it, I think I'll go another day!" Zheng Hong said.

The elder of the Zheng family felt a little helpless when he heard this. Zheng Hong didn't agree to go back to worship the ancestors on the spot, but just said another day. But this is another day, when will it be changed, maybe ten or twenty years is also called another day. However, he was fortunate that Zheng Hong didn't say he was dead, so they still had hope.

"Master Wang, I think it's better not to let Mrs. Zheng recognize her ancestors!" Li Zhanfeng said.

This Li Zhanfeng, the new director of the attendant room, was originally the dean of the Armored Branch of the Military Academy. Now promoted to head of the attendant room. And he was suspended from the position of a deputy director before, but now he can be regarded as rectified. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he didn't want Zheng Hong to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors, so he was obviously telling Wang Guorui. I hope that Zheng Hong will not be allowed to continue, this will definitely be very detrimental to them.

"Why?" Wang Guorui asked.

But Li Zhanfeng immediately said: "Master Wang, if Mrs. Zheng Hong is allowed to recognize her ancestors, it will be a very large family of relatives. This will not be good for the future son!"

What Li Zhanfeng meant was very obvious. That is to say, if these foreign relatives control the court, it must be bad. In particular, Wang Guorui now has only one son, Wang Jiazhao, who was born to Zheng Hong. As for the daughter of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, in everyone's eyes, this one cannot inherit the Chinese throne at all. Maybe in the future this Wilhelmina's daughter will not be a princess of China, but a princess of Holland. So currently the only heir who can be recognized by the grand prize is Zheng Hong's son Wang Jiazhao, because regardless of the order in which he started from Zheng Hong, regardless of whether he is the eldest or the younger, he is the first heir. Under such circumstances, if Zheng Hong had a large family of relatives, it would be easy for the relatives to affect the power of the future heir.

"Among our few women, only Zheng Hong has a relative? If so, it will definitely be affected in the future. Originally, we didn't have any relatives in Taiwan, and even if we did, they were not very big. But if Zheng Hong If a big family is formed, it must be a power no matter what." Wang Guorui thought.

Wang Guorui was indeed a little worried, because judging from the current situation, only Zheng Hong could have the status of a foreign relative, and he was still a big family to rely on. Others, such as Kang Tongwei, are Kang Youwei, and this Kang Youwei is already a dead tiger. Not worth mentioning. As for other women, such as Tanya, Natasha and the future Yuriko, it is impossible to have relatives. And Liu Xue once had an older brother, Liu Enguan, but Liu Enguan had already been executed. And the Dutch also cleaned up the Liu family, so naturally there would be no problems with their relatives. As for that Chen Lan, they belonged to the Gaoshan nationality. When the Han people were the majority, they would not allow Gaoshan people to act as foreign relatives to intervene in the country's government affairs. As for the last Duncan, how can an American be in China? In everyone's eyes. Duncan is just an adjustment in Wang Guorui's life, and he doesn't even have the status of an official concubine. As for other women, in the future, De Ling and Rong Ling will only be used to appease the old and young of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and they will not be of much use. People in the new government will not allow the old and young of the Manchu Qing to be resurrected again, so they all It is impossible to qualify as a foreign relative.

On the whole, in fact, Wang Guorui's relatives are not serious, and Wang Guorui's women do not have any huge family power. In the case of such a small family power, it is natural that there is no need to worry about being influenced by foreign relatives, so then there is no need to worry about power being left behind.

"My lord, if Mrs. Zheng recognizes them as relatives, will they let them get carried away and do whatever they want? Even further let their relatives influence the court, that's not okay! Since ancient times, it has never been uncommon for relatives to interfere in politics. Yes. So, I think it’s better for Mrs. Zheng Hong to keep a distance from them. Only by keeping a distance can they worry, be able to be afraid, and not be too arrogant. At that time, the foreign relatives will not be able to influence the new boss. The king cannot control the country." Li Zhanfeng said.

However, Wang Guorui shook his head in the end and said, "Hong'er, if you want to meet your relatives, you should go!"

"What? Husband, do you still agree with me?" Zheng Hong asked in disbelief.

Because Zheng Hong didn't expect that Wang Guorui would still allow her to recognize her relatives, especially since Li Zhanfeng had already said so much, it was natural to tell Wang Guorui that there was a huge family around Zheng Hong, once this family entered the court , which is also an inverted case. At that time, Wang Guorui's family was not big, and Wang Guorui's connection with his family was not deep. On the contrary, Wang Guorui was still very indifferent to his family and didn't have much affection. So in this case, if Zheng Hong's family Joining the imperial court together will easily cause the power to be inverted, so Wang Guorui's descendants will be in trouble.

And Zheng Hong was actually very worried, once he recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, what would happen to his son? At that time, his son Wang Jiazhao will also have a huge mother clan. At that time, this huge mother clan may also put chips on the offspring born by women in his family, and it is easy to form a nepotism. As a hero, when choosing an heir, they will not completely follow their ability, and more often they will depend on the background of their biological mother. For the background of these biological mothers, sometimes there are many considerations. Very often, when a hero chooses an heir, he often does not choose sons whose mother clan is too powerful as heirs. Once the mother clan is too strong, it is easy to cause power to fall apart. And those kings hope to choose a situation where there is a certain support from the mother clan, but the mother clan is not too strong. At present, the two women who are qualified to give birth to Wang Guorui and have the right to inherit are Zheng Hong and Liu Xue. This is not because other women are infertile, but because of their ethnic composition. Tanya, Natasha Yuriko, Duncan, etc. are all foreigners, and even if they give birth to offspring, they cannot have the right to inherit.

But Zheng Hong was also very worried, if he recognized these family members, then this would be a double-edged sword! Although acknowledging these family members can make her natal family much stronger. But on the other hand, it also made Wang Guorui very afraid. Once his son had an overly powerful natal family, it would actually affect his future inheritance rights. Especially this kind of natal family is too powerful, not only is it not a bonus item, but a major deduction Wang Guorui is still young, and he may have more women in the future. Those who want to let go to reproduce, even if the limit is possible, hundreds of offspring are possible. Even if it is reduced by half, there will be fifty. So if the family of his relatives is too powerful at that time, it may actually cause his son to be "reduced".

Zheng Hong knew one thing, that is, there was no so-called order of succession in Wang Guorui's heart. But now is a new era, and the traditional rules of concubine, concubine, elder and young have almost collapsed. Whether his son Wang Jiazhao can inherit Wang Guorui's position depends entirely on Wang Guorui's own thoughts. At that time, if Wang Guorui was afraid that his son's mother clan would be powerful and powerful, he would not be able to inherit the throne. This is what Zheng Hong is most worried about. At that time, maybe Zheng Hong lost the big because of the small loss. These relatives who have been separated for countless generations, how can the future of their own son be as important?

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much. The so-called foreign relatives are just deformed products of the imperial power. You are all a little paranoid. This kind of foreign relatives is a peculiar phenomenon produced by the imperial power. If we can rule the country according to the law in the future , even if the foreign relatives commit crimes, they can be executed in accordance with the law. If the foreign relatives are really capable and allow them to serve in the government, I will not reject it, because everything depends on the election. If the people trust him , so what if we let him be the prime minister for a few years? Anyway, when the term of office is up, they still have to leave, and the emperor can't help them. So as long as everything governs the country according to the law, there will be no problem." Wang Guorui said. (To be continued.)

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