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Chapter 584: atheism

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After Wang Guorui sent those religious people away, he immediately received a group of people from the Imperial Academy during the Manchu Qing Dynasty. In fact, the status of these members of the Hanlin Academy is equivalent to that of the later National Academy of Social Sciences, officials who specialize in the study of various academic theories, and their "Academy of Social Sciences" is more inclined to Confucianism. However, this Hanlin Academy cannot simply use Confucianism to measure, thinking that your Confucianism has long been "fucked up by women" by the rulers of the past dynasties. I don’t know how many times, this kind of Confucianism has long been no longer in the true traditional sense. of Confucianism. This kind of Confucianism is just continuously processed to meet the needs of the rulers.

However, it was precisely because Wang Guorui knew the characteristics of this "cynicism" that he was so relieved. However, this cynicism is not the "cynicism" in Western Greece. Not only is that cynicism not a derogatory term, but a slightly commendatory term. But the cynics in China actually refer to those who serve the rulers, find theories in various Confucian classics without hesitation, and then find all kinds of content suitable for the needs of the rulers, so that they can be reused.

"Masters, I have one more thing to ask for your help!" Wang Guorui said.

And those "masters" kept humbly saying that they didn't dare, anyway, they didn't dare to accept Wang Guorui's humility. However, they knew that Wang Guorui needed them. They were not afraid that Wang Guorui would use them, but they were afraid that Wang Guorui would not use them. If they are not used, they will be completely abandoned, so they will definitely not believe it. They all rely on government agencies to gain power, so they are naturally unwilling to do so.

"It's actually like this. I just sent away a group of monks, priests, nuns. I don't like them very much, and they think that the so-called destiny belongs to them, so I want to help them. However, I don't believe in destiny, I don't believe in destiny. Return. What I hope is to enlighten the wisdom of the people, so that the people of the world will not be so awed by the so-called gods or the so-called heaven. I hope everyone can help me come up with a theory. The central idea is that Wang Anshi’s destiny is not enough to fear, and people’s words are not enough Fear. Our ancestors are not lawful," Wang Guorui said.

The "masters" of the Hanlin Academy are all embarrassed, they really haven't done this job! You must know that the work they did in the past paid attention to respecting the heaven and the ancestors, what the power of the emperor was bestowed by the gods, and what the destiny belonged to. But Wang Guorui turned them completely upside down. Let them think about how to turn this theoretical thought into a deterrent that does not need to fear gods and heaven, and does not need to fear gods. Let the common people face this heaven correctly, and let them know that gods are nothing, so that they can truly become people who believe in themselves and in human beings.

But. They have never done this job! They really haven't done this kind of work, and none of them know how to start the work. What's more, didn't the kings in the feudal era all pay attention to fooling the people? But now there is such a wonderful thing as Wang Guorui. Not only does he not fool the people, but he is willing to support the people to open up their wisdom. Doesn't Wang Guorui know that once the people's wisdom is opened, their ambition is not just to be an ordinary person? Once a person has a culture, he is naturally unwilling to be an ordinary person and be bullied by others for the rest of his life. And the ancient kings fooled the people. Isn't it the hope that the common people can be treated as a sheep and obey the management of the "shepherd" safely? And this Wang Guorui, what the **** is he doing, to turn it upside down, isn't this going to make his country unstable? Therefore, they don't know how to start.

"Master Wang, we really don't know this well!" someone said immediately.

"That's right! My lord, the sage has never said this!" "My lord, we really don't remember what the sage said?" "This is not in line with the teachings of the sage. We really have no way of doing it! "...

But Wang Guorui said lightly: "In this case, what's the use of keeping you? I actually want to form a social science academy to study this kind of social science. I originally wanted to let those who can help me solve this problem." Theorists enter the Academy of Social Sciences, and can even become the president of the Academy of Social Sciences. But now it seems that none of you are competent. Forget it, I’ll give you two more months’ salary, and you can go back. You are in the Hanlin Academy. In Qingshui Yamen, there is no chance of corruption, and I will not hold you accountable!"

"What? The person who came up with this idea can become the dean of the Academy of Social Sciences." Someone immediately asked.

"Yes. The president of the Academy of Social Sciences will be a provincial and ministerial official in the future, and his status is equivalent to that of the current minister! Even the first provincial and ministerial officials in the founding of the country can generally obtain the title of knighthood." Wang Guorui said.

Hearing this, these "cynics" were also tempted, and immediately "suggested suggestions".

"Master Wang, although Confucius didn't say it, Xunzi did!" "Yes! Xunzi also said atheism, so I think Xunzi's words are very correct, and this should be correct."

"Xunzi? Xunzi is not Confucian!" Wang Guorui asked.

"Well, I think that all the schools of thought can be learned, not just the sage Confucius! Therefore, I think we should be able to learn more from the hundreds of schools of thought, so as to benefit us. Besides, the sage Confucius also said Now, what you know is what you know, what you don’t know is what you don’t know. And I also said that three people must have my teacher, so I want others to learn from me, so what’s the point!"

Next, these guys immediately produced a large basket of theoretical knowledge one by one, and then began to introduce various so-called ideas. And they began to introduce their own ideas, which were the theories of the saints in those days. Attracted by official positions and titles, their belief in Confucianism has long been thrown into that corner without knowing it. Therefore, a large number of thoughts about not needing gods and emphasizing that monarchy is bestowed by the people have been sorted out at length. And this process took less than three hours to organize a long speech, which made Wang Guorui very satisfied.

"Okay, in the future, the president of the Academy of Social Sciences will be selected from among you. And, you can all enjoy the honorary title of academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, which is roughly equivalent to officials at the department level. If you are senior, you can enjoy the title of deputy minister Treatment." Wang Guorui said.

"Thank you, Lord Wang!" Those people knelt down together.

The ideas about atheism that have just been concocted are then sent to various places to be arranged and printed, and they are planned to be published.

"Mencius said: The king is the lightest of the people and the society....Tang Taizong said that the king is a boat, and the people are water. Water can carry a boat or overturn it..."

At the beginning of this article on atheism, first of all, I will start with the famous quotes of many famous people, so that I can add my own statement. And, serve as a basis for the following remarks. At this time, countless Confucian students rushed to buy them.

"This book on atheism will be one of the compulsory examinations for civil servants in the future. If you fail this book on atheism, then you will not be eligible to take further imperial examinations. Anyone who fails to pass the book on atheism will not be able to participate in the second round of professional ability. Examination. Therefore, those in the capital who are interested in taking the examination of the civil servants under Lord Wang, hurry up and buy it!"

Those Confucian students in the capital heard that "Atheism" was actually one of the compulsory questions in the future civil service exams, and they rushed over desperately to buy it. Although this is not an exam question, it is also one of the items that must be assessed. According to Wang Guorui's requirements, civil servants are not allowed to have religious beliefs, so if they cannot pass the atheism assessment, they cannot become civil servants. If it is discovered that he actually has religious beliefs after passing the exam, he must be expelled. Ordinary people Wang Guorui will not restrict their freedom of religious belief, but in the recruitment rules for civil servants, there must be no religious belief. If you have religious beliefs, you must take the initiative to resign. If they voluntarily resign, the new government will not hold them accountable, but if they are found out and then fired, there will inevitably be a bad record in his personal file.

And following this "Atheism" within two, it began to spread widely, and then countless young students who were interested in serving for Wang Guoruixin's court also started to read it. Now everyone knows that Wang Guorui may usurp the Manchu Qing at any time. Under such circumstances, everyone hopes to take advantage of this time to join the new government of Taiwan. If you join at this time, it will be different from joining after the founding of the country. Just like in later generations, participating in the revolution before the founding of the People's Republic of China will be called retirement in the future, and it will be called retirement after the founding of the People's Republic of China. There is a huge difference here!

Therefore, Sudu hopes to join Wang Guorui's government organization before Wang Guorui ascends the throne, so that they can all be regarded as small "founding heroes", and they will definitely be better promoted in the future than those who secretly want to work after the founding of the country. Many people from Zhili Province, Tianjin and Beijing also came here one after another, hoping to wait for the "imperial examination" held by Wang Guorui, that is, the public recruitment examination for civil servants.

However, the release of this "Atheism" made many people in the religious circles cry. Because they have lived in China for many years, he certainly knows that China is an out-and-out official system. If the government does not support or oppose something, then nothing can survive. For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty only respected Confucianism, and as a result, people all over the world began to study Confucianism, and other disciplines were unlucky. But now Wang Guorui wants to engage in atheism, and government civil servants are not allowed to have faith, this one is cheating. If officials don't believe in religion, shouldn't ordinary people follow suit? This is completely cutting off the path of those religious people! (To be continued.)

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