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Chapter 586: The United Front of the Enemies (Part 2)

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Chen Shaobai and Liang Qichao visited those temples and Taoist temples in the capital together, and then expressed their intentions one after another. The days of those temples and Taoist temples have been difficult recently, especially Wang Guorui released the "Atheism" about seven or eight days ago, so is it necessary to say what he is pointing at? Wang Guorui ordered officials not to believe in any religion, otherwise they would have to resign, and if they did not resign, they would be fired. Under such circumstances, who would dare to get close to religion among those civil servants? In China, however, the system has been based on officials since ancient times, and the common people learn from officials, and they will do what officials do. If officials can't avoid something, I'm afraid the common people will also choose to stay away from it.

Therefore, when the officials gathered their minds and stopped going to religious activities such as worshiping the Buddha, they immediately mobilized all family members not to go. They were even able to drive a lot of people. As a result, the Taoist nunnery, which had always been very popular, suddenly became empty. And this situation is also caused by Wang Guorui's "Atheism". This atheism itself is not terrible, but what is terrible is that he is included in one of the compulsory subjects of the civil service examination, and if he fails this test, he will be disqualified from further examinations, which is the most terrible thing. This also shows Wang Guorui's attitude. Wang Guorui not only does not encourage the spread of religion, but restricts it. One can imagine what this means. And then, what they mean is very obvious, that is, to restrict this religion, to restrict religion to their own temples, and to restrict their business and other investment activities, so as not to interfere in social affairs. In this way, their power must have received a big blow, and those monks and Taoists also complained. And Chen Shaobai and Liang Qichao also seized this opportunity to unite all forces that could be united and implement their "United Front".

Of course, most of the monks and Taoists heard about Chen Shaobai and Liang Qichao's intention to come, and they also drove away Chen Shaobai and Liang Qichao, because they knew Wang Guorui's power. and. They are also unwilling to cooperate with foreigners and use them to kill their own Chinese. However, no matter in all walks of life, there are also some ethnic scum. They chose to cooperate with Chen Shaobai and Liang Qichao, chose to stand on the opposite side with Wang Guorui, and chose to stand on the opposite side with the general public.

"Master Yuanzhen, this guy Wang Guorui's atheism here recently has hit you hard. If you religious people don't rise up and resist, then all of us will end well. And we are all against the kingdom Rui, a feudal warlord, and for his dream of becoming an emperor, he did not hesitate to go against the grain and chose this kind of activity that restricts the freedom of all people in the world. And their behavior will definitely not be able to gain support. I think we still have to unite Get up, so that you can gain greater strength!" Chen Shaobai said.

But Master Yuanzhen closed his eyes and thought about it here, although he hated Wang Guorui's policy of restricting religion very much, which caused their sesame oil money and income shields of the industry to plummet. But he knew even more about the strength in Wang Guorui's hands. Wang Guorui supported 200,000 soldiers. And this is still a unit of the army, and the navy has not been counted. Even foreigners want to give Wang Guorui some face, and now Wang Guorui is fighting against foreigners. The foreigners can't advance an inch at all, and they are currently confronting each other, and a big war between the two sides is imminent.

"Master Yuanzhen, are you worried about Wang Guorui? Now Wang Guorui is looking for death by himself. He is fighting against eight countries whose strength is not weaker than ours. Isn't he looking for death? At that time, the eight countries will cooperate. , Taiwan can be wiped out easily. And we just need to do something in the rear, that's all. Those foreigners said that as long as Wang Guorui is defeated, they will not interfere in our Chinese affairs. At that time, everyone can still get Many benefits. Therefore, Master Yuanzhen, you don't have to worry about our weakness, we have foreigners to help us, so we won't be afraid at all." Chen Shaobai said confidently.

It has to be said that Chen Shaobai's words can still fool people very much. He claimed to be eight opponents whose strength was not weaker than China, but he seriously ignored it. These eight opponents are not weaker than China except Taiwan. Italy, Austria-Hungary, and these two countries are not as good as Taiwan. This time they are all here to make up the numbers, and they don't want to really attack China to get good benefits. Japan was once Taiwan's defeated opponent, but the Russians were good, but their country's industrialization strength is very poor, and even the troops use one gun by multiple people, so the outcome of a real fight is uncertain. In addition, the Russians have to transport logistical supplies from Europe, so their supply lines are too long, and the loss in the middle is too great, and less than 30% of their power is exerted.

As for the British and Germans, although they seem to be very powerful, they don't work hard. This time the Germans don't plan to fight hard, so the Germans are nothing. As for the UK, their strategic plan is to deal with the Boers first, and then take action against China after robbing the big gold mine. The British strategic plan is not here. As for the last Americans, their industrial strength is very strong, but their army strength is basically rubbish, and their strength is not very good at all.

And this war, although it sounds terrible, the Eight-Nation Alliance, eight countries no less than China. But in fact it’s not that scary. Most of the countries don’t work hard. Only Russia, Japan, and the United States really contribute. Other countries come to make soy sauce.

However, for those domestic people, they don't know this. They just know that foreigners are very powerful, much stronger than China. But how strong it is, I don't know. They don't know that as long as China is truly united, it will not be afraid of any big powers. However, because the Manchu government continued to compromise, everyone eventually misunderstood that the foreigners were very powerful and could not be defeated. Even these religious people don't know the real strength of foreigners, it's all clouded.

"Eight countries that are not inferior to ours? Then they should be able to defeat Wang Guorui, right?" Master Yuanzhen said immediately.

"Of course, Wang Guorui will definitely be defeated!" Chen Shaobai said.

And Chen Shaobai also looked at that Liang Qichao had left, and Chen Shaobai immediately said: "Master Yuanzhen, the foreigners have promised us the Xingzhonghui, as long as they defeat Wang Guorui, they will support us to become the head of the Chinese government. At that time, our Chairman Sun Dapao will definitely become the head of the government of New China, President! At that time, we can canonize you as a national teacher and lead Buddhism in the world, what do you think?"

When Master Yuanzhen heard this, his heart immediately became hot. Wouldn't it be great if he could become a Buddhist leader? We must know that many monks and Taoists hope to be canonized by the government, so that they can gain power? There are very few people in this world who don't like power. Many of these monks and Taoists are not ascetic people, they also desire power. Especially when they cannot persuade each other in terms of religious theory, they will also find ways to deter each other through power. That's how unreasonable power is. If you don't agree with me, I can punish you severely. And these powers are like this, able to transcend various religious theories, various academic theories, and so on. Many scientific theories are not worth mentioning in front of power. Because of power, some people can even prove from a scientific point of view that it is reasonable to produce 130,000 jin of grain per mu.

Therefore, when he heard that if he could get the canonization of the government and lead Buddhism in the world, it would also make him feel very excited. As for the big president, the difference between a big president and an emperor, this master doesn't quite understand, as long as he knows that he can lead the world of Buddhism, that's fine. Although he calls himself a master, his kind of master is nothing compared to the whole country. There are many such masters, and they are not very eye-catching. So when he heard that if he could use his power to gain the opportunity to lead Buddhism in the world, he was very excited.

"Okay, then I agree, what do you want me to do?" Yuan Zhen asked and Chen Shaobai immediately said: "Master Yuan Zhen, I hope you can take the initiative to make those believers stand up Let them stand up against Wang Guorui's tyranny. Let them all stand up and tell believers that Wang Guorui is the reincarnation of evil spirits in Buddhism and the reincarnation of evil obstacles in Buddhism. Let everyone oppose him. At that time, incite believers to go up and make trouble, In this way, I don’t believe that Wang Guorui will shoot at the believers. At that time, I dare not do anything to him. If he shoots at the believers, his prestige in the mainland will be greatly reduced. If he did not shoot and chose to be patient, Then we will continue to incite the people to make trouble for him, so that we can definitely prevent Wang Guorui from commanding and fighting in peace, and go to fight against foreigners, which is beneficial to supporting foreigners."

"But, isn't this putting believers in danger?" Master Yuanzhen asked.

"Master Yuanzhen, those who achieve great things don't care about small things, and those believers will devote their lives to a bright and great cause in the future. They will definitely be able to get the love of my Buddha, and they will definitely be reincarnated into a wealthy family in the next life!" Chen Shaobai looked like a magic stick. Said.

Master Yuanzhen also nodded and chose to approve, because in the eyes of these sinister monks, believers are just something to extract benefits, not really important. At critical moments, believers can sacrifice, and it is normal to fool believers into sacrificing for their own sake. (To be continued.)

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