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Chapter 599: Sacrificial Daughter and Restoration of the Country (Part 2)

Wang Guorui sent those Korean nobles away, and they were willing to go back to the country, and then used guerrilla warfare to harass the various logistics of the Japanese and encourage the courage of the Korean people to resist Japan. Wang Guorui promised that in the future, for the person who has done the most meritorious service and can be united with China, China will definitely support him to become the king of North Korea. As for the Li Family North Korea, no one cares about this anymore, so everyone is thinking about how to obtain this power. After all, being the king of North Korea is nothing in front of Wang Guorui, the future Chinese emperor, but in North Korea he is the emperor of a country. Everyone hopes to become this king! According to the situation in the past dynasties, the status of North Korea would not be stable without the support of China. This is the case even in future generations. If there is no food support from China for North Korea in later generations, they would not be able to survive long ago. And if South Korea does not have the support of the Yankees, it may not be stable.

This is the tragedy of a small country. Maybe a small country can make its economic conditions better and better, and it can provide more and more benefits to its citizens. However, such small countries will never be able to aspire to the position of world hegemony, and some short-sighted people may think of joining the nationality of these small countries to obtain benefits. However, they have forever given up an opportunity to make their motherland a world hegemon, and the world hegemon will also be ≯≯ in later generations, and few countries can be qualified to be established. A strong country is not only about having a developed economy and welfare.

"My lord, those Korean nobles have already left. What about those women? These women are not suitable for our servants to manage. My servants are all men, and they are all soldiers. What's more, these women may be emperors in the future. Concubine, how dare we take too much care!" Li Zhanfeng asked.

"What? Didn't those Korean nobles take their daughter away?" Wang Guorui asked.

"They don't intend to take them away. The more than a hundred of their daughters have also been sent to Mr. Wang, and they don't plan to take them back! What they mean is to dedicate them to you, Mr. Wang. What will Mr. Wang do?" For them, that is all your business, Mr. Wang." Li Zhanfeng said.

"More than a hundred. Think of me as a pig!" Wang Guorui scolded in a low voice.

Li Zhanfeng then explained: "Master Wang, you also said just now that only those who are loyal to China can obtain the throne of the new king of North Korea. And how to show loyalty, in fact, this is to hope that your daughter can often be in the presence of Lord Wang. You said a few good things in front of you. They want their daughter to blow pillow wind in front of you, which is more useful than they won ten times in North Korea! This is the idea of ​​​​the nobles in North Korea who love you. They think that instead of working hard in North Korea , why don't you let your daughter blow the pillow wind here, and then the throne will be in your hands. These guys are extremely cunning. It may not be possible to let them go to war, but let them do such crooked things, they are definitely very good at it of."

"Hmph, it's full of crooked ways, North Korea is just like this, and it still wants to be a powerful country? It's the most powerful country in the universe!" Wang Guorui scolded.

And Li Zhanfeng asked: "Do you want to send these women back?"

"Husband, it's not suitable! If you send them back, I'm afraid they won't feel at ease in the future. Besides, husband, you really need some women who are good at daily work to do it. Besides, you don't have one in government affairs." A special secretarial department! Now you have only set up a secretarial department in the army, which is the attendant’s room. But there is no government affairs. Kang Tongwei’s office has always been in charge. But since Hu Wei’s father Hu Wei It is said that after resigning from the position of the director of the general office, Kang Tongwei took the position, and now Kang Tongwei's main responsibility is to be in charge of the affairs of the entire general office, and it is impossible to be a secretary for your husband."

"Therefore, it is imperative to choose a special new secretary. Moreover, with your current status, Husband, it is fine to set up a special secretarial department. There is a department in the army, and there should be a department in government affairs. A department dedicated to assisting the husband in handling government affairs. Only in this way can we arrange it."

Wang Guorui heard what Zheng Hong said, and then asked, "Then send all these North Korean women to this new department?"

"Yes, could it be sent to another department? But. Do they dare to accept it in other departments? These women were all given to you by the Koreans, and they are all candidates for the concubine. How dare they order the concubine casually! And In the future, even if your husband doesn’t want them, they can only be sent back to North Korea, and they cannot be sent to other places. Because according to the Chinese tradition, they are your women in the eyes of many people. In China, maybe they You can never get rid of this hat, and you can only get married if you send it back to North Korea." Zheng Hong said.

Wang Guorui couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "Am I so overbearing?"

"It's not that you are domineering, my husband, but that's the way the traditional Chinese thinking is. Any woman who has worked in a place close to the emperor is generally regarded as the emperor's woman, and it is the emperor's taboo, so other people don't Can move. This is the influence of traditional thinking, and it must be eliminated with time." Zheng Hong said.

And Wang Guorui couldn't help but smile bitterly, this kind of thinking has not been completely changed even in later generations. Because Wang Guorui knew that in later generations, many people would suspect that the boss and the female secretary had some shady relationship, and even said that when they were rich, the secretary was also his wife. This is actually a fallacy. In fact, it is just a folk demonization of the profession of secretary. In fact, most of the bosses and secretaries are innocent, but the relationship between them has been demonized by the people. A person's personal clan is blindly suspicious in private, and their prejudice or hatred of the rich makes them have such an attitude.

In fact, the more educated they are, the more educated they are. Most of them can clearly distinguish the difference between work and life, and they will not easily have an affair with a secretary. Only those nouveau riche with relatively low moral quality will hook up with women everywhere. A boss who really has a certain cultural heritage will not easily have an affair with a secretary, even if the secretary is a woman.

But the ancient times were different, and the ancient thoughts and various wisdoms of the people had not been opened up. They even think that all the maids in the palace are the emperor's women, which is actually a bit prejudiced. It has to be said that Wang Guorui discriminates against these women and has never touched these women, but they are regarded by countless people as Wang Guorui's future concubines, and they will all be branded with this brand in China in the future.

"Then let them be responsible for a few years, and then send them back to North Korea after I liberate North Korea from the Japanese. Then it's better to keep a low profile, don't make a big fuss, and let them live for the rest of their lives." I can’t get married. At that time, it’s enough to keep a few, not too many.” Wang Guorui said.

What Wang Guorui said was to keep a few, that is to say, those who were favored by Wang Guorui should stay. As for those who were not favored, they should be sent back. It is impossible for Wang Guorui to favor all the more than a hundred women, so even if Wang Guorui is a boar, he can't stand it! Why did Wang Guorui never lock his women in the backyard, but let them go out to do things. The reason for this is that apart from the fact that Wang Guorui came from later generations and he respects women more, there is another important reason, that is, Wang Guorui does not want these women to calculate their lower body all the time, hoping to be favored. If they had their own careers, then they would not have to take being favored as their "career" all the time. In this way, Wang Guorui could enjoy the beauties while also gaining stability. Otherwise, those "little fairies" hope to win your favor all the time, even if your body is hardened, they can't stand it! Wang Guorui knew this that's why he wouldn't lock women in the palace. As for the cuckold crisis, this is actually not a big deal, because everyone knows that they are the emperor's women, so who would dare to be rude to them? The big deal is to arrange some secret agents to follow secretly, and nothing major will happen.

Anyway, the source of concubines in the future will not be the same as in the past, because the selection of concubines is actually compulsory, and it is to force women to follow you. And what this woman likes is not you, the emperor, but the oppression of power. Only in the situation of oppression with power, the emperor would feel very unconfident, thinking that the concubine would not cuckold himself all the time, for this reason, a vicious, inhumane **** system was born that affected China's history for thousands of years. In the future, the number of concubines of Chinese emperors will definitely be much less. Wang Guorui knows this very well. Anyway, in the generation of his own son, the emperor may also want to marry a wife. It is impossible to just order countless beauties to choose for you. Moreover, the number of emperors and concubines is probably very small, like the seventy-two concubines of the Sangong and Six Courtyards. Special spray risk. Therefore, there is no need for any huge system to restrict concubines to the palace in the future, because the future emperor and concubines generally have a relationship foundation, so that the degree of trust will be greatly increased. If it is like the old concubine selection model, it simply means that there is no emotional basis at all, and they are all oppressed by power. In this way, even the emperor will not trust his woman to be loyal to him, so he made such a concubine. So many feudal harem systems. (To be continued..)uw

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