Red Alert 1895

Chapter 602: arrest

When Chen Shaobai and the others were drinking and celebrating, they didn't know that Tan Ya had already brought people from the General Intelligence Agency to arrest them. ⊙, this time they actually dared to incite those Buddhist believers to make trouble, and the situation is getting worse day by day, so of course Wang Guorui paid attention to it. And as long as Wang Guorui pays attention to it, the General Intelligence Administration will definitely mobilize a lot of resources to investigate. Moreover, these gangs are all Buddhists making troubles, which must have nothing to do with religion. And what kind of atheism Wang Guorui played before made religious people hate Wang Guorui very much. Therefore, religious people may take revenge on Wang Guorui, so this is something that everyone knows very well. Now Buddhists are causing trouble, so they must be involved.

After asking the abbots of some temples very much, they found that these abbots had been recruited by Chen Shaobai. Although they didn't agree to Chen Shaobai's conditions, they didn't take the initiative to tell Wang Guorui, because they all hoped to see Wang Guorui unlucky. However, Wang Guorui couldn't bear it very much. And according to the secret capture of several small bosses who made troubles, they soon knew that it was Master Yuanzhen who was playing tricks, and this obviously made them very angry.

"Haha, if we don't report what we know, it seems that they don't have the same heart with us. However, I don't have to follow them. Since they choose not to report the knowledge, then we will take care of them. Since they want to go to the Paradise, then we Just let them go to the Paradise of Paradise." Wang Guorui said.

"Master Wang, these eminent monks and abbots are all well-known among the people!" Liu Feng asked.

"They have a reputation, so can't you discredit them? I think the propaganda department must have very powerful means in this regard." Wang Guorui said.

"I understand, as long as it lasts for three consecutive days. If the monks' bad deeds are published in the newspaper, all the fake stories will become real." Liu Feng said very clearly.

This is the benefit of mastering the power of public opinion. Any false news, as long as it is published in newspapers for several days in a row, and it is published collectively, such false news will become true. Tell a lie a thousand times. It can also become "truth", even if a small number of people understand it, but they cannot explain it. Although it is said that rumors stop at the wise and the truth is in the hands of a few, but many times as a politician, there is no need for truth or wise men at all. He just needs the confusion of the people, and if the people can't see the problems clearly, that's fine. As for those wise men. They can't change the effect of having mastered the state apparatus at all, and their propaganda ability is not at all an opponent of the government that has mastered the state apparatus.

"Listen, people inside, you're surrounded." Tanya yelled.

"What? How did Wang Guorui find out so easily that it was us?" Yuan Zhen asked.

And Chen Shaobai also cursed: "It seems that I have underestimated the abilities of those eagle dogs under Wang Guorui. Is there any authenticity here?"

As an old fried dough stick, Chen Shaobai, as a member of Xingzhonghui, he is not good at other things, but what he is best at is running around. When they build a base stronghold, the first thing they need to ensure is the tunnel. Means of escape such as back doors. These people are very good at running, so now his first thought. That is, I want to find out if there is any authenticity in it.

Master Yuanzhen blushed and said, "True, no, but I have a basement!"

When they came to the basement, Chen Shaobai and Liang Qichao felt very shocked, because there was not only a so-called "love bed" in the basement. There are also all kinds of so-called fun things. This made both Liang Qichao and Chen Shaobai feel amazed. If you find these in the basement of a rich or powerful person, it's nothing. But this is in the basement of the temple, which is simply too surprising. Because of this, they don't even know whether Master Yuanzhen is a monk or a client?

"Master Yuanzhen, this place is really..." Chen Shaobai couldn't help it either.

"Chen benefactor, don't worry about these things, let's think about how to escape this Wang Guorui's pursuit, right?" Yuan Zhen said.

Chen Shaobai and Liang Qichao looked at each other, obviously understanding something.

"This guy is a flower monk!" Chen Shaobai and Liang Qichao thought together.

Next, Tan Ya took the agents of the General Intelligence Agency to conduct a search, and then they rushed into it, preparing to conduct a search. The monks in those temples immediately went to Ali to stop them, obviously not letting them search.

"I can't be ordered to search for the rebellious party, so get out of the way quickly," Tan Ya said.

"No, you Wang Guorui is an extraterrestrial demon, we won't let you!" said the young monks.

"Okay, since you all want to be martyred, then I will fulfill you!" Tanya said.


"Da da da da..."

Those agents fired at these Yuanzhen disciples and grandchildren with submachine guns, and then those little monks fell into a pool of blood immediately.

"Not one!" Tanya said.

"Yes!" said the agent.

Soon, all the monks in this temple were also pulled out, and all the monks who did not stay were shot. Dozens of monks were all shot, this was prepared by Wang Guorui. Since you want to oppose yourself, then don't blame yourself for being cruel. Wang Guorui just wanted to warn those monks, temples and Taoists that if they didn't think carefully, if they still wanted to fight against him, they would inevitably face **** killings. Don't think that Wang Guorui only has benevolence and righteousness, Wang Guorui still has ruthless methods. Benevolence and justice are for the common people, but for those opponents, **** means must be adopted. If **** methods are not adopted, it will definitely be impossible to make them feel intimidated. A small temple dares to come out against Wang Guorui, isn't that courting death? These religious personnel only need to think about doing religious things, and don't think about mixing politics all day long. Once the limit is crossed, don't blame others for being cruel.

"Ms. Tan Ya, no! Yuan Zhen was not found!" an agent immediately said.

"Why not? Is there a back door here? Didn't I ask you to block the back door?" Tanya asked. ,

"Ms. Tanya, there is no back door. I asked many people, but there is no back door!" An agent immediately said.

"That's weird, what's going on?" Tanya thought.

Tanya began to search from room to room, and then hoped to find the tunnel entrance. According to Tanya's understanding, this should be a tunnel.

"No, this is a mountain, and the foundation is very hard rock. If you want to dig a tunnel, you can't dig it too long. If you want to dig a long tunnel, it will take a lot of manpower and material resources. If digging a tunnel, the manpower and material resources used are surprisingly huge, which is simply not what a small temple can afford. Besides, they don’t even need to dig such a tunnel. If they dig a long tunnel that costs so much, It is impossible to hide it from others. Such a large project will definitely not be easy, so they must use a lot of manpower and material resources, will they still be able to hide it from everyone's eyes at that time?" Tan Ya whispered.

Tanya is not only a secret agent, she is also an expert in civil engineering. She was able to find the fulcrum of the building very well, and then blast the building very well, ensuring that one blast would be successful. Tanya in the game, no matter how huge the building is, it will be destroyed by an explosion. In reality, Tanya can do this because he is proficient in civil engineering knowledge and is an expert in civil engineering. His civil engineering ability is no less than those engineers in the red police, or even higher. He could quickly analyze that it was impossible to dig such a huge tunnel in this temple. If you are really reluctant to dig, it is impossible not to alarm others.

"They must have only one basement, not a very huge tunnel. With a basement, they can't escape!" Tan Ya said.

Tan Ya soon began to search from room to room, and then used her knowledge of civil engineering to determine where the basement was. It has to be said that in the mature civil construction knowledge system in the West, this knowledge is still very rich. Engineering science is developing very rapidly in the west, but it has lagged behind in the east. Therefore, the development of these civil engineering constructions in the East relying on traditional family inheritance is really too slow. The inheritance method of this kind of family experience accumulation is not as good as those open research in the West. Let’s discuss together . This is also inevitable. China's occupational inheritance system is indeed somewhat unhealthy, and it is not a suitable system for scientific development.

Now Tan Ya found the entrance of this basement in a place behind the Daxiong Palace through his civil engineering expert ability.

"Go to the engineer and give me some explosives. I will blow up this entrance!" Tanya said.

"Yes!" A soldier said immediately.

Tanya didn't use her own dynamite packs because she knew they were too powerful and would kill the people inside. So Tan Ya didn't plan to use her own special explosive pack, but this time Wang Guorui said that she should catch as many people as possible. So Tanya also planned to just use ordinary explosives of this era. But Tanya is not only proficient in civil engineering, but also proficient in blasting, so Tanya is not afraid of this. She is confident that she can use the explosives of this era to only blow up the gap, but it will not hurt the people inside. This kind of high-precision blasting is one of the abilities that Tan Ya must master. Even ordinary special forces can do it, let alone Tanya? (To be continued..)

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