Red Alert 1895

Chapter 662: final victory (below)

"They won't let us go, these Chinese people will definitely not accept our surrender!" Ito Yuheng suddenly said bitterly.

"Why? Didn't they accept the surrender of the Americans?" the Japanese staff officer asked.

"We are different from them. We have deep-rooted hatred with them, and the rise of China and Japan will inevitably rise on the corpse of another country, so we will not let us go!" Ito Yuheng said.

Ito Yuheng is a veteran military strategist, and his strategic vision has reached a very high level. Of course, he knows that Taiwan will not let them go. First of all, let’s not say that Taiwan’s navy is almost in the same line as the Beiyang Navy back then. It was formed by the remnants of the Beiyang Navy’s defeated generals. The Taiwan Navy has had a sworn hatred with the Japanese Navy since its establishment. The Taiwan Navy may be able to accept the surrender of the Americans, but it will definitely not accept the surrender of the Japanese Navy.

On the other hand, the same is true from the general trend. China and Japan, if they want to rise, they must rise on the other side's corpse. If Japan wants to dominate Asia, it must defeat China, a traditional power. Only by defeating China, can it truly become the hegemon of Asia and use China's resources to further dominate the world. And China is not like this. If China wants to rise again, it must clean up Japan, otherwise it will not be able to achieve the ability to rule Asia.

To China, Japan is just a disobedient younger brother. If you can't even deal with a disobedient younger brother, how will you rule Asia? At present there are only two big countries in Asia, namely China and Japan, and they are so close that it is impossible not to conflict. And Japan has been rising for decades, will they be willing to submit to China again? Emperor Meiji would not allow it. After years of changes in the government of public opinion and propaganda, Japan will not be willing to continue to submit to China, a "feudal and backward" country.

If China wants to rise, it must defeat Japan, otherwise it will not be able to truly achieve the hegemony of Asia. Japan itself is an island country. They don't have much land and resources. Although they seem to be very technologically powerful, they don't have any resources at all. China is also an important source of resources for them. Therefore, whether they want to eliminate China's influence in Asia or obtain resources, they must conquer China. So they will inevitably conflict with China, and this is the root cause that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. ,

In Asia, there will never be room for two superpowers. This is caused by historical reasons, so China and Japan will inevitably conflict.

"China will not let go of any opportunity to weaken our strength, and they will not accept our surrender. They can have such an opportunity, why don't they wipe out our naval officers, and the essence of our navy will also be destroyed this time. Completely ruined." Ito Yuheng said.

On Taiwan's flagship, Qiu Baoren immediately shouted: "Hit me, hit me hard, don't let a Japanese go. It doesn't matter if you fight them hard. Master Wang has already said, don't cherish the battleship. Master Wang promises that even if it sinks He will buy it for you again. You don’t have to worry, you won’t die, our destroyer will be ready to rescue at any time, so you can fight with confidence. If the ship sinks, Lord Wang will replenish us, as long as you are alive. So don’t Be stingy with ships, don't save shells, don't feel sorry for ships, just hit me!"

At this time, the psychological pressure of the Taiwan navy was completely relaxed. Because Qiu Baoren had conveyed Wang Guorui's meaning. That is to say, there is no need to be afraid of the ship sinking, because even if these warships sink, Wang Guorui will make them again through the red police system, as long as the sailors like them are alive. You can re-board another warship of the same model to fight at any time. What's more, if the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come. These Sovereign-class ships sink, and then they will be replaced with Sword-class battleships, so Wang Guorui is not afraid of shipwrecks.

Anyway, now that Taiwan has gained an absolute advantage, what can those guys do? Even if your ship sinks. The destroyer next to it immediately went back to rescue the sailors who fell into the water. The loss of the sailors was not too big, and what Wang Guorui lost was just a pile of broken copper and iron. There would not be too many heart-wrenching losses.

"Chief of Staff Qiu has an order to shoot me closer. This will increase the hit rate and improve the armor-piercing ability of the shells. Mr. Wang has already said that it doesn't matter if the ship sinks. He will get us new ones!"

Qiu Baoren's fighting method is very simple and rough, that is to smash you to death with money, anyway close to the fight. Even if you exchange three ships from Taiwan for one ship from Japan, it is worth it. But the Japanese couldn't bear such consumption, and soon a battleship was sunk.


The Japanese battleship began to take in water, some of the sailors fell into the water, and some left in small boats. But those who fell into the water or left in small boats could not escape the encirclement and suppression of Taiwan destroyers. Anyway, these small boats are not equipped with any weapons. As long as the sailors of the destroyers catch up with them, they can solve the battle with pistols, not even naval guns and torpedoes.

"Keep beating me, beating me hard, not even a single Japanese will be left behind!" Qiu Baoren shouted excitedly.

"Bang bang bang..."

Everyone began to concentrate their firepower, attacking the last two Japanese battleships, and soon another battleship was sunk, and the sailors on them either sank to the bottom of the sea together, or were surrounded and killed by Taiwanese destroyer soldiers. In short, none of them survive.

Finally, more than a dozen Taiwanese battleships began to lay siege to the last Japanese flagship. Although the last dozen battleships in Taiwan seem to be injured and it is not clear, several battleships have withdrawn from the battlefield. But at this time, they are still insisting. This is an opportunity to beat the dog in the water, how could they miss it? If I missed it, when my younger generation asked me about this battle, how would I explain it? At that time, how could I have the nerve to say that other comrades are fighting, but I am watching from behind? What a shame! Anyway, the Japanese are already dead bones in the grave, and it is impossible for them to suffer casualties. So they all started to follow up now, and Wang Guorui also promised to allocate another ship to them if the ship sank, so they would not be afraid at all.

"Your Excellency, Commander, we only have the last flagship left!" said the Japanese staff officer.

And Yuheng Ito heard this, and then said: "We must die with dignity, and the dignity of our samurai cannot be lost. We cannot die at their hands. Let's use the navy's own way to end us!" Open the sea valve."

The so-called sea valve is actually a valve used to adjust the water level when the ship is being repaired. Once the sea valve is opened, sea water will also come in from under the ship, and then pour into the cabin. Of course, during normal driving, the sea valve will not be opened voluntarily, because this is actually suicide. But now the Japanese also plan to choose to accept this last battleship in this way, because Ito Yuheng has no hope of victory, so he chooses to open the sea valve, and then it will be their end.

"Chief of Staff Qiu, the Japanese sank by themselves? They opened the sea valve and sank by themselves!" said a Chinese naval staff officer.

And Qiu Baoren immediately picked up the binoculars to watch, and he found that the last Japanese flagship was sinking at a very fast speed. This was not ordinary being silenced by shells, but a very fast sinking, actually vertical sinking. , indicating that the Japanese themselves chose to sink.

"They chose to commit suicide?" Sa Zhenbing felt incredible.

"Hey, since that's the case, then there's no need for us to fight anymore! Command the soldiers, stop! They can be regarded as one of our opponents, let's leave them some final dignity." Qiu Baoren said.

In this era, Chinese people do not hate Japan as much as later generations. In this era, the Japanese war of aggression against China in the middle of the 20th century did not occur, so everyone's hatred for Japan is mostly ordinary, not higher than other Western powers. China has not experienced the tragic experience of being killed by Japan with tens of millions of people, so it does not hate Japan as much as imagined. So I saw the Japanese Ito Yuheng chose to sink this battleship by Qiu Baoren also chose to give Ito Yuheng some so-called "final dignity" to his opponent, so he didn't continue to shoot, and continued to insult He let himself sink on his own initiative.

Soon, the last Japanese battleship sank, and none of the Japanese sailors on it survived, and they all sank into the bottom of the sea with the flagship, including the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, and the Minister of Military Command, General Ito Yuhiro, sank together. A "sea burial" was carried out at the bottom of the sea.

"It's cheap for the old guy Ito Youheng. Originally, I wanted to use his head as a memorial to those dead comrades!" Sa Zhenbing snorted.

"Forget it, we have to forgive and forgive. Since he is dead, there is no need for us to continue insulting his body. A sea burial that can sink to the bottom of the sea is also the best destination for a navy. There is no need to insult him." They are gone. I still have to respect my opponents, there is no need to continue insulting their corpses. Let's go!" Li He said.

However, Qiu Baoren said: "We still have one thing to do, and we have completed the task after this period of time!"

"What?" (To be continued.)

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