Red Alert 1895

Chapter 665: Bombarding Eta Island (Part 1)

After Dadonggou completely wiped out the main battleships of the Japanese Navy, there were still ten battleships left in the Taiwan Navy, and these ten battleships were all seriously injured, especially those Sovereign-class battleships. Huge hit. And they came to the port of Lushun to rest and reorganize, and they saw the troops of the Northeast Military Region. Although the number of people in the Northeast Military Region is still relatively small, because the appointment with Japan is relatively early, Taiwan has already made preparations. The army has been ordered to transport a batch of naval supplies to the northeast, and then a temporary supply base has been set up in Lushun port, with shells for naval guns and some daily supplies. When those Taiwanese warships replenished 25% of their ammunition here, they could continue to fight.

"Chen Fa, this task is entrusted to you. For this task, you go to Eta Island in Japan, and then go to blow up their naval schools to death, and then completely destroy their Japanese navy training. As long as these Japanese navy Those students in the school were all wiped out by me, and the Japanese navy has broken the inheritance. Once the inheritance is broken, their consequences will be very terrible. At that time, their naval talents will definitely be severely depleted after a few years, not twenty years The above cannot be restored. At that time, Japan will become a country with no defense at sea, and that will be in our best interest." Qiu Baoren said.

"Yes!" Chen Fa said.

Chen Fa immediately dispatched the five sword-class battleships that were not fully replenished with ammunition and had not undergone much repairs, but this time they were very relieved, because no one in the Asian waters would be able to take them out. How's it going. In the entire sea area of ​​​​Asia, it is impossible for anyone to do anything to them, because the Japanese battleships have been wiped out, and the French are not strong enough to fight against the five sword-class battleships, and the British will not touch this. brow.

The member of the British observation team on the Japanese flagship had already disembarked from the Japanese flagship in a small boat. Although Ito Yuheng wanted to sink the warship, it was impossible for him to drag the British observation team to die together, because if he dragged the observation team to die together. That was a serious offense to Britain. They have already lost to China, so it is naturally impossible to continue to fight against Britain. So he chose to leave those chances of life to the members of the British observation team, let them leave in a lifeboat, and sank to the bottom of the sea with the staff soldiers on the battleship and so on. The members of the British observation team were received by Wang Guorui and the others. Then they were detained and placed under house arrest, and they would not be released back to the country until the end of the war.

However, the current task has not been completed, and Chen Fa still has one last task, which is to go to Eta Island in Japan. Then prepare for this final blow. As long as this task is completed, it will be the most painful first lesson for the Japanese navy, which will make it almost impossible for their navy to stand up in the next 20 years.

"Let's go to Jiangtian Island!" Chen Fa said.

Chen Fa headed south all the way, and after sailing for more than a day, he arrived in Shandong. After arriving in Shandong, the replenishment was accelerated, and then the navy's shells and fresh water were further replenished as soon as possible, and finally they all gradually began to rush to the east. Their goal is the mainland of Japan, which is a hinterland of Japan.

If it is on weekdays, no matter how powerful Taiwan's navy is. It is also impossible to have the courage to send warships to Japan. But now the main force of Japan's United Fleet has been wiped out, and the rest of them are just ordinary destroyers. Of course, this battleship will not be afraid. Destroyers would not be opponents of battleships if they fought alone on the frontal battlefield. Destroyers were only used as a means of sneak attack. Maybe battleships are afraid of submarines, but Japan cannot have submarines. This is the information Wang Guorui obtained through a senior undercover agent in Japan.

"Commander Chen Fa, we are going to enter Japan's Seto Inland Sea next time. We are going to carry out a sneak attack this time. I am afraid that if we go directly in, we will not be able to hide our eyes and ears! We will pass through the Seto Inland Sea here. But around the Seto Inland Sea It’s all Japanese pirates’ territory, so I’m afraid we won’t be able to sneak in. Once we get in, we’ll be easily spotted by those Japanese observation troops, and we’ll definitely be prepared. Then we’re afraid our plans won’t come true.” A Said the bridge staff officer.

But Chen Fa laughed and said: "Give our warships. Hang the Japanese flag! In this way, we can go in without anyone noticing. At that time, most of them will think it is their Japanese warships. I However, I heard from the intelligence department that the Japanese used a method of covering up the news about their navy’s fiasco this time. They did this but gave us a chance. Since they covered up the news, it means that most people don’t know Their navy has failed miserably, so we can take advantage of that."

In order to stabilize the country, the Japanese ordered to temporarily cover up the news of their navy's disastrous defeat, so no one in their country knew the news. Of course, if Taiwan's warship swaggered past, it would certainly arouse the vigilance of the Japanese, and they would definitely report it by radio. At that time, although the Japanese will not be able to send warships to stop them, they will be able to withdraw the targets in time, so that the plan to attack Jiangtian Island will be completely aborted.

And when the Japanese flag was hung, they would not be vigilant for a while, and they would think it was a battleship of their own country. Who let Japan cover up the news of the navy's disastrous defeat, so this gave Chen Fa the opportunity to carry out a sneak attack with the Japanese flag.

As for whether this would be too shameless, this Chen Fa didn't care. For Taiwan's military, they have long known the biggest rule in war, that is, there are no rules. As long as you can win, all means are available. The victor will not be blamed, so Taiwan's army can use all means to win, which is reasonable and legal. That's why Chen Fa is not pedantic, so he has no shame in flying the Japanese flag to launch a surprise attack. As long as you can achieve your mission goals, why not hang the Japanese flag?

Sure enough, Taiwan's five sword-class battleships hung the Japanese flag and walked directly into Japan's Seto Inland Sea, although there were Japanese coastal defense forces greeting them along the way. But Taiwan's Sovereign-class battleship ignored it and drove straight forward. The Japanese did not send anyone to stop them, and because of the distance, they only saw that these battleships were battleships, but they did not see the specific layout of the battleships. Taiwan's Lijian-class battleships are different from Japan's Xiangshan-class battleships, but for the vast majority of ordinary soldiers, they don't understand the difference at all. It is impossible even for an ordinary navy to be familiar with the layout of every battleship, let alone the coastal defense forces of these land battles? As long as they see the Japanese flag on the sword-class battleship, they will take it for granted that it is a battleship of their own country. Of course, they didn't know that their battleships had been wiped out, so they didn't have any vigilance at all.

The five sword-class battleships from Taiwan came directly to Eta Island, Japan, which is Eta Island City. For Jiangtian Island, maybe many people don't know what it means here, and maybe many people in later generations don't know what it means here. Many later generations only know the names of famous places in Japan, such as Tokyo, the capital of Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which was bombed by atomic bombs, and some tourist cities such as Nagoya in Hokkaido. But this Eta Island is a very important place for the Japanese navy, a very sacred, this Eta Island can almost be said to be the origin of the Japanese Navy, because there is a A Naval Academy.

Of course, the Naval Academy may still be relatively unfamiliar to the Chinese, because the crimes committed by the Japanese Navy in the history of Japan’s invasion of China were not serious, so many people do not know much about this school. But his status in the Japanese Navy is equivalent to the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy. If it was the Army NCO Academy, maybe many people would understand. And this Naval Academy is no less important than the Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy in Japan. It can be said that almost all generals of the Japanese Navy have studied in this school. This naval academy is the most basic education for the Japanese navy, and they will become the backbone of the Japanese navy. Every graduate will become one of the important backbones of the Japanese Navy, and almost every naval general is from this school. From this point of view, it is enough to explain his importance.

Of course, if this naval academy is destroyed, it will have an immeasurable blow to the future of the Japanese navy. If the Japanese Naval Academy is destroyed, then for the future of the Japanese Navy, there will really be a serious talent gap, and almost half of the efforts of the century-old navy will be disabled. If you want to rebuild, the cost is incomparable. Even, whether Wang Guorui will allow them to re-establish at that time is still a question. The goal of this sword-class battleship is to destroy this naval academy, completely wipe out Japan's naval construction for decades, and completely cut off the future of the Japanese navy. (to be continued.) ()

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