Red Alert 1895

Chapter 675: Killing a Chicken for the Monkey to Watch (Part 2)

"Immediately launch a full-scale attack on those Americans inside our encirclement, and then we will not accept surrender this time!" Feng Wentian, commander of the Third Army, said. ☆→☆→,

Those staff officers couldn't help shivering when they heard this, this is really cruel. What is meant by not accepting surrender is actually another nicer way of saying that no prisoners will be kept. In fact, no prisoners were left, and all were slaughtered. But for the things decided by the superiors, the subordinate staff of course have to make a plan. Anyway, when the sky falls, it will be carried by the superiors. And Wang Guorui hopes to use the lives of more than 80,000 US troops to tell the world that Taiwan is not so easy to mess with. And it is not so easy for the Americans to take revenge, unless he can send millions of troops across the ocean to China. Not to mention whether they can gather millions of troops, even if they can gather together, they will not be able to transport them! They Americans are not the world police that will be attacked globally in later generations. Anyway, the United States is weak now, so there is no need to be afraid of them. Anyway, it is easier to deal with the Americans than the Japanese. Japan is too close to China. If they are stimulated too much, China's defense will be under great pressure, and the Americans will be nothing.

"Come on, tighten the encirclement against those American troops, and then we will not keep any prisoners in this battle!"

"Boom, boom, boom..." Several heavy artillery brigades from Taiwan began to bombard the American army gradually. This time, several heavy artillery brigades from Taiwan dispatched together, and did not hesitate to blast the land in Tianjin into scorched earth. Anyway, it is to annihilate these Americans and keep no prisoners.

The reason why Taiwan's army was able to specifically select American troops to annihilate them was because each army also had its own defense zone and would not mix easily. You must know that they come from different countries, and it is impossible to mix them in terms of culture, living habits, weapons and equipment. So they each have their own defense zone. Not easy to mix and match. And this also gave Taiwan the preparation to attack the Americans specifically, and Taiwan did not attack the Japanese, but the Americans, which greatly increased the pressure on the Americans.

"Chinese heavy artillery, heavy artillery!" "Chinese heavy artillery seems to be thrown down like they don't want money. What should we do!" "Yes! Chinese heavy artillery is very strong. What should we do?"...

Those U.S. Army teams were all confused by the bombing of the three heavy artillery brigades. The power of this heavy artillery is not like that of ordinary army artillery, but there is no grass within half a football field after one shot. And these are all high-explosive bombs, not the kind of armor-piercing bombs, so the power is even more powerful. The tens of thousands of American troops were bombed so badly that they couldn't fight back at all.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Bomb them, kill them, and then we'll kill them all, and the world will be peaceful that day! Our heavy artillery brigade rarely has the opportunity to dispatch together. We must work hard this time!

When everyone started bombing together, those Americans couldn't bear such fierce artillery fire at all. Before their cannons could launch a counterattack, they were immediately suppressed. Their so-called fortifications are completely vulnerable to such heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 100 mm. Some of their fortifications may be able to withstand the bombardment of the cannons, but the human beings in the fortifications cannot resist such a powerful force at all, so many of them also bleed to death from seven holes, and then died inexplicably in the pit.

"We want to go home. We want to go home!" "I don't want to die, I want to die!" "I want to go home. I still have my parents, wife and children!" "Yes! My son is still waiting for me to come back Home, why did we come to China to fight this war?” “Yes! Why did we fight this war!”…

Only then did those Americans regret why they came to fight this war. They had always heard that the Chinese had hurt the interests of their overseas Chinese, so they naturally wanted to come here to protect the interests of those overseas Chinese. They originally thought that they came to China this time, but in fact they were just here for vacation. There will be no danger. Americans have also been promoting China's prosperity, but China is very weak and vulnerable. The Americans have not fought against Taiwan head-on before, so they are all hearsay about Taiwan's combat effectiveness. Even if they heard about it, they were the ones who heard about it. Ordinary soldiers don't know this.

And they naturally have a comparison, because there have always been many Chinese railroad workers in the United States, and they can naturally measure China's strength from those Chinese railroad workers. They think that these Chinese railway workers eat the worst, get the lowest wages, and do the most work, which is worse than blacks. Even when they met Americans, they kept their heads down. When they encountered injustice, they all chose to be tolerant and surrender, without thinking about protecting their own interests. So these ordinary Americans naturally think that China is very weak and incompetent, and can be bullied at will.

So when they knew that they were going to fight in China, and heard that China was very rich and could loot many wealthy families, they were also tempted. And they put up a high-sounding excuse, that is, the interests of their own expatriates have been lost, so it is reasonable for them to invade China.

But the Americans came here, and at the beginning they all suffered counterattacks from the advance team sent by Taiwan, which caused them to lose some people. But when they faced Taiwan later, although they felt a lot of pressure, Wang Guorui's main purpose at that time was not them, but to clean up the opposition forces in Beijing, so he showed mercy to them. But now that the people in Beijing have been smoothed out, it is natural to attack them. Now that Wang Guorui attacked them, they really couldn't fight back and might be wiped out at any time. But this time, Wang Guorui has played a ruthless hand. He wants to use the lives of Americans to warn other countries, letting them know that Wang Guorui is not a bad guy, but he is going to kill people.

"Okay, our heavy artillery brigade has already plowed the American positions once, and there should be no one left for them. You can go and collect their bodies!"

"Okay, let my troops charge forward, and we won't accept any surrender this time!" Feng Wentian said.

When the infantry started to rush forward, they didn't receive much counterattack at all. Most of the Americans on the positions were also killed by shells, and then many of them were **** and bloody, and many The corpses are all gone, and they can't be found in this chaotic place. Even the American soldiers who were not incompletely bombed by the shells were shocked to death. And this let everyone know the fierceness of this kind of heavy artillery. This kind of heavy artillery is indeed a sharp weapon for killing the enemy, and it can be used as a strategic weapon. Once dispatched, it is a devastating weapon. This kind of heavy artillery force is generally directly managed by the highest military department in various countries, and ordinary troops have no power to mobilize at all.

"We Surrender!" "We Surrender!" "We Surrender!"...

Some Americans under the heavy artillery bombardment shouted to surrender, hoping that the Taiwanese army would accept their surrender. But they didn't realize that what they called was English, and they didn't know Chinese. But in contrast to them, that is, most of the Taiwanese army can't speak English. English is an elective course in the military academies of the Taiwan Army, not a compulsory course, so there are relatively few officers who can speak English. Only the navy takes English as a compulsory course, but there is no navy here. Even if it is a compulsory course for naval officers, ordinary soldiers can't speak English! This era is not for later generations. English is one of the compulsory courses for later generations, so even if everyone can't fully understand it, they still have a certain foundation. But in this era, the vast majority of Chinese people don’t know any English at all. They really have no foundation at all, so who knows what they are talking about without translation!

Those soldiers in Taiwan knew what "bird language" those Americans were talking about, so they took out their rifles and shot them. Those Americans were really wronged. They yelled to surrender, but Taiwan's army didn't know what they were talking about, so they shot them dead. And even the Taiwan army has accepted the order. This time they will not accept the surrender, and they will not accept the surrender of any American. In this way, they also want to give those aggressors a warning, kill chickens and dogs!

"Report to Commander Feng Wentian, this time we have wiped out 82,000 US troops, except for the senior US military officers at the Eight-Nation Alliance Command and some headquarters ~They were all wiped out by us." A staff officer said to Feng Wentian.

Feng Wentian crossed his arms and asked, "Why didn't I come to the prisoner this time?"

"This..., isn't this your order not to accept the surrender?" One of the staff officers said.

"Idiot, this is the end of your future!" Feng Wentian cursed in his heart.

Immediately another staff officer took the initiative to say: "Mr. Feng, the Americans have been deeply educated that they would rather die than surrender, and then they will fight to the death with our Chinese Communists. They would rather drag one of our Chinese Communists as a backup after their own death. We The Chinese squadron did not capture a single prisoner. They would rather die than submit. Our squadron deeply respects them. Although we have no choice but to kill them, we have great respect for their spirit of preferring death to submission, so we will specially perform a rescue for them. I hope they can go to the Western Paradise. We will definitely call on our soldiers to learn from our opponents and learn their spirit of preferring death to submission."

Feng Wentian patted the staff officer and said: "Okay, you have a future, I will recommend you to work in Mr. Wang's attendant room tomorrow." (To be continued.)u

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