Red Alert 1895

Chapter 702: The Yellow Peril Theory (Part 2)

"My lord, in the past, those European countries used this yellow peril theory as an excuse to invade China. Although they all proclaimed the yellow peril theory, in fact they didn't really take it seriously in their hearts, they just took it as an excuse. It’s just an excuse for aggression. And they themselves know that China is a soft persimmon, so although they “take it seriously” in their mouths, they despise it in their hearts. They don’t take China seriously at all. They just want to fool the people into supporting them to invade It’s just an excuse to benefit those capitalist consortiums and bureaucrats.”

"But it's completely different now. Now they have discovered the strength of China, and then they are really afraid that once China becomes stronger under the leadership of Lord Wang, they will retaliate against them. In this way, they began to seek unity and deal with it together We China. Maybe they used to be out of a kind of aggressive political propaganda, but now they are worried that the past propaganda will become true, so they use this as an excuse to hope to promote the cooperation of European whites and unite together as a fight against our Chinese yellow race It's the so-called yellow peril."

Wang Guorui thought about it again, and then asked: "You mean, the purpose of declaring the yellow peril in the past is different from that of declaring the yellow peril now. The declaring of the yellow peril in the past was to make excuses for aggression. But now the declaring of the yellow peril , that is for the real desire to resist us."

"Master Wang, why don't we understand?" Li Fusheng, director of the General Office of the Military Commission, asked.

And Zheng Hong next to Wang Guorui seemed to understand, and then said: "This should be a few bandits from the hills teamed up to rob a fat sheep, and then they deliberately gave those fat sheep an excuse to rob themselves. The sheep buckle is for the rich and unkind, what kind of robbing the women of the people, and even what kind of excuses to oppress the people, and then these gangs of thieves join forces to rob those fat sheep. They even took the initiative to help Xiang Ang to brag, saying that the other party is powerful, and if they don’t defeat them, they will definitely fight back against themselves. When they find this excuse, they can go to pick up jobs and rob.”

"In fact, those bandit leaders also know that this so-called fat sheep is actually a benevolent person on weekdays, and has never been unkind to the rich. They are not armed with any servants, and it is impossible to threaten them. The reason why they declared so, It was to find an excuse for his evil plundering behavior, to find a seemingly just excuse, to appease the bandits who had just joined the gang and had not yet adapted to robbing with peace of mind. But those bandits have robbed wealth. Most of the wealth is handed over, and in the end, those who really work hard can't even drink soup."


Those with a relatively low level of education heard Zheng Hong's very "down-to-earth" explanation, and immediately understood the meaning of it. Isn't it just the so-called excuses in bandits? It's obviously robbery, but they also add a hat of robbing the rich and giving to the poor. In fact, after they robbed wealth, they just gave some things that were not even soup to ordinary people, and then ate them all themselves. This is the so-called robbing the rich and giving to the poor. As for those people who are rich and unkind, they don't care whether you are really "unkind". Anyway, being taken a fancy to by them is "inhumane", and they all deserve to be robbed.

Since ancient times, the so-called robbing the rich and helping the poor is nothing more than the self-consolation of those bandits, thinking that this can make them rob with peace of mind, and it is also a plausible excuse for those bandits who have not yet dared to rob. .

Zheng Hong saw that everyone understood, and then explained in a very down-to-earth way.

"But those thieves have been walking around so much at night, they finally saw the hell. They misread one of the family. They thought it was a soft persimmon, so they prepared to rob according to the old routine. But they soon discovered that the other party was not a soft persimmon. , this family has a lot of armed servants, and their strength is very strong. They even found that the combined strength of their several hills may not be able to compare with this big family. Then they were afraid instead. They wanted to rob this family before. The big family, and this big family knew about it. What will happen to this big family next? I am afraid that no big family is willing to tolerate a large group of bandits who are ready to rob him of his wealth at any time, right? So the big family will definitely encircle and suppress these bandits. And these bandits They are also scared, so they want to unite to deal with this big family, so that they will once again throw out that so-called big family as rich and unkind. And then all kinds of bad deeds, etc., and hope to increase their internal cohesion."

"I understand. When they first went to rob, although they said that this big family is powerful and unkind, everyone knows what's going on, so no matter how much they publicize, they can't make them twist together. Everyone is dividing In terms of interests, there must be a very big conflict. But once they find that the enemy is powerful, they will definitely cooperate. In the past, our China was not strong enough. Even if they said that China was strong, they knew what was going on in their hearts, and they did not We will not unite because of this yellow peril theory. But now we are able to become stronger under the leadership of Mr. Wang, and they will all be forced to unite because of this yellow peril theory. In this way, we will definitely face the whole of Europe pressure." Li Fusheng also understood.

In this case, there are actually many more. In the early days of the founding of New China, didn't the Yankees also say that China was a threat to neighboring countries? But in the 21st century, they are concocting the so-called China threat theory again, so there is a fundamental difference between the two. If there was any China threat declared when New China was first established, it was because they wanted to find an excuse to go to war against China. As for the so-called "China threat theory" in the 21st century, they were really afraid of China, so they wanted to unite to deal with China. This is the biggest difference between the two.

Li Enfu went on to say: "Therefore, this time Europe has set off the yellow peril theory again, which is fundamentally different from the yellow peril theory of the past few decades. Although they claimed to hope that the white people in Europe would unite in the past, they would not do so within themselves. Yes, after all, they know that we are a soft persimmon, so they will not take it seriously. But once they pay attention, they also think that they can use this as an opportunity to unite everyone to deal with us."

"We must consider the feelings of the Germans. If the Germans listen to this so-called yellow peril theory, then we may not have many allies in Europe! We need to find an ally in Europe. This ally must be able to contain European countries, let us Reduce the pressure. And if we have an ally in Europe, then we can develop more easily. If Europe is monolithic, it will definitely be very bad for us. And the most suitable allies for now are Germany, Germany and France Britain and Russia can't **** in a pot. And Germany hopes to expand outward, so it will naturally oppose the old empires of Britain, France and Russia, so they must cooperate with us. But if because of this yellow peril theory, it goes to European countries , so we definitely can’t do it.”

"Germany, a potential ally, must be held back. Otherwise, once the major European countries become monolithic, we will definitely be very disadvantaged. If Germany, the shit-stirring stick, is in Europe, then our pressure will definitely be much less!"

But Zheng Hong tried to ask: "Isn't sister Wilhelmina the queen of the Netherlands? Besides, my husband's daughter is the crown prince of the Netherlands, so the Netherlands can be regarded as our in-laws. Can they help us?"

Li Enfu immediately shook his head and said, "It's not the same. Queen Wilhelmina is Queen Wilhelmina, and the Netherlands is Holland. You must know that Europe does not value this relationship as much as we do in You must know that the marriage between Britain and France was also the same There are a lot of them, but they fought the Hundred Years' War mercilessly. Even if the king's daughter inherits the Dutch throne one day, the Netherlands will still fight us when the time comes, and they won't show much sympathy. Moreover, Queen Wilhelmina has lived in China for a long time, so naturally she doesn't have much influence in the Netherlands. Originally, the Netherlands was already a constitutional monarchy, and the queen no longer had much power. So the influence on the Netherlands is already very low, so we cannot influence the Netherlands. And the most important reason is that the Netherlands is not strong enough. If you want to be a shit-stirring stick, you have to be strong. If you are not strong enough, it is easy to be slapped to death by European countries. Even if the Netherlands wants us to rely on us, They don’t dare! It’s said that far away water can’t quench thirst. We are far away in Asia, and the Netherlands itself has to face the pressure from Britain, France and many small countries in Europe. Can they bear it? At this time, they can’t choose to be with us. Come together, even if their queen is one of Lord Wang's wives."

"So our real potential ally is only Germany. Germany is powerful, so we can only rely on cooperating with Germany to really give them a **** stick in Europe, so that Europe can't twist into a rope to fight us. Once Germany is stabilized, it will inevitably pull some small European countries to fight. So we must be much more stable, so we must appease Germany as soon as possible, lest they listen to this yellow peril theory and join Europe against us!" (unfinished to be continued.)

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