Red Alert 1895

Chapter 710: Information Asymmetry (Part 1)

Neither the British nor the Germans will let go of this opportunity to pull the Netherlands over, but on the other hand, they will not allow the Netherlands to be pulled over by the other side, so they must be rough. ▲ `At this time, they actually even did the thing of robbing the relatives. The British home fleet is in a state of combat readiness, and the German armies are also preparing for combat. This is completely putting pressure on the Netherlands. Then they forced the Netherlands to marry Wang Guorui's daughter Angelina to their prince. This kind of guy is really too ruthless, for Wang Guorui's daughter, he is so desperate.

But this made Wilhelmina difficult. Originally, Wang Guorui agreed to be engaged to Germany temporarily, and then regretted the marriage. But now the situation has changed, unexpectedly both countries are coming to **** the marriage, so how can she, the queen, sit still? She is very clear that she cannot lose her status as a queen. As long as she still sits in the queen's position for a day, even if it is only in name, then she will still think about the Netherlands. Now the Netherlands has become the core of the confrontation between Britain and Germany. If they are not careful, both sides will use the Netherlands as a punching bag. Under such circumstances, they must be in trouble. The Netherlands is dancing on two eggs, and it won't work if you step on any of them! So Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands has no choice but to come over and ask Wang Guorui to solve it.

"Wang Guorui, if you don't resolve this matter this time, then I have nothing to say to you. Although we are husband and wife, I am also the Queen of the Netherlands. We cannot sit and watch the Netherlands fall into the flames of war. The current war is imminent. If you can't come up with a solution, then I can only order to stop the marriage as the queen of the Netherlands, and the Netherlands remains neutral. At that time, you can see that it is done, anyway, I have no choice, I want to serve the Netherlands Your subjects will consider it." Wilhelmina said impulsively.

At this time, Kang Tongwei, who was in charge of meeting minutes, came over immediately, poured a cup of tea and said, "Sister Wilhelmina, calm down first, your husband is also trying to find a way! Have a cup of tea and calm down!"

Wilhelmina drank a cup of tea. Then he calmed down for a while, but still looked at Wang Guorui expectantly, hoping that Wang Guorui could come up with a solution to solve the problem in front of him as soon as possible. This problem must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise there will definitely be problems in the future.

"Husband, I wonder if we have overcomplicated the problem?" Zheng Hong said suddenly.

"Thought the problem too complicated? How do you say that?" Wang Guorui asked.

Zheng Hong replied: "I think we have overcomplicated the issue. In fact, the British don't seem to know Schlieffen's plan, which is Germany's strategic plan!"

After hearing this, everyone who was doing it also looked embarrassed, as if they had really complicated the problem.

Holland, it is already too late. But at this time, the Dutch Parliament was still brightly lit, and there was no intention of stopping at all. This situation has lasted for more than seventy-two hours. Members from all walks of life are arguing here, and then arguing with each other, but there is no result at all. Some were for marriage with England, some for marriage with Germany, and some were firmly opposed to marriage with either. And it is very difficult to reconcile these three aspects, and all three parties have irreconcilable places. As a result, this kind of wrangling continued without a real solution. In the past few days, no less than a dozen congressmen have submitted their resignations. At this time, they knew that the pressure was too great, so they planned to quit. And there are more and more people like this, and neither side can solve these problems. There is no way to solve this situation at all, so both Britain and Germany intend to use force to threaten the Netherlands. The British home fleet is already on combat readiness, and the German Army has also begun preparations. Both parties intend to use force to force the Netherlands to compromise.

In the Dutch Parliament, all kinds of ink, leather shoes, waste paper and stationery were flying all over the sky, and the leather shoes were thrown around like hand grenades. Everyone made a noise here. This is the original ecology of the so-called Western democracy, which is quite as effective as the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty in China. The civil servants of the Ming Dynasty in China were very powerful in gang fights, and the so-called parliamentarians of Western democracies were also the remaining methods of Chinese civil servants. These civil servants fought together. Many soldiers are also amazed, feel ashamed!

At this time, some people from various countries walked in, and the British envoy to the Netherlands and the German envoy to the Netherlands were all cross-eyed here. Both sides look at each other and neither is pleasing to the eye. As for the other, there was a more unpleasant person nearby. This person is Ye Tianfeng, the Chinese ambassador to the Netherlands and also Wang Guorui's personal representative in the Netherlands. This Chinese envoy to the Netherlands also serves as Wang Guorui's personal representative. That's because Wang Guorui also serves as the husband of the Netherlands. Wang Guorui also has the title of Prince of the Netherlands. Then the Chinese envoy to the Netherlands will replace Wang Guorui. Exercise part of the status of Prince of the Netherlands. Under the authorization of Wang Guorui, he represented Wang Guorui, the "Prince of the Netherlands", to act as an agent.

";it!" shouted the British ambassador to the Netherlands, which meant "stop". .

Those Dutch parliamentarians who were fighting in groups finally stopped, and then saw that the British, German and Chinese envoys to the Netherlands finally came, and then they were all relieved. They are arguing and arguing here, don't they have to settle it in the end? So the representatives of these three countries, in the end, the three of them will make the decision.

"Everyone, we must solve these problems today. Otherwise, our British Empire will use our methods to solve them!" said the British Minister to the Netherlands.

"We in Germany are not soft persimmons. Since the Netherlands has agreed to our marriage, there is no reason for us in Germany to give up. I hope the Netherlands will think about it carefully and don't let threats that affect us." The German ministers in the Netherlands also began to threaten.

However, Ye Tianfeng, the Chinese ambassador to the Netherlands, immediately interrupted: "Then let me say a few words!"

"Why do you interrupt? This is the internal affairs of the Netherlands. We are discussing the marriage of the Dutch princess. You Chinese are outsiders. Why do you interfere?" asked the British Minister to the Netherlands.

Ye Tianfeng cursed in his heart: "Your grandfather, Princess Angelina is not only the princess of the Netherlands, but also the future princess of our China! What the hell, I am a Chinese envoy and I am an outsider!"

But if he goes to the countryside to do as the Romans do, he can only do things according to European standards in Europe, so he has no choice.

"Everyone, don't forget that I am still the personal representative of Mr. Wang, that is, the personal representative of the Prince of the Netherlands. Could it be that I can't even say a few words to replace Mrs. Wang, the princess' biological father? Could it be that when you marry a daughter in Europe, even the father is not Can I ask a few questions?" Ye Tianfeng asked.

"Okay, since you want to say it, then you can say it! But you have no right to decide, this is the internal affairs of the Netherlands!" said the British Minister to the Netherlands.

Ye Tianfeng also felt a toothache, and the future princess of China would not be able to decide his princess's marriage, which made Ye Tianfeng also have a toothache. But he knew what he should do, so Ye Tianfeng could only do his best.

"Regarding the fact that both countries want to marry Princess Angelina, the first in line heir of the Netherlands, I am Princess Angelina's biological father and the personal representative of Lord Wang Rui, Prince of the Netherlands, so I should be qualified to be authorized by Lord Wang. Expressing his personal opinion. If a father can’t even express his own opinion on his daughter’s marriage, is there any reason? I’m here to express my opinion on behalf of Mr. Wang Guorui, not in the name of China This is just Mr. Wang's personal opinion."

This identity is very important. If Ye Tianfeng expresses his opinions as the Chinese ambassador to the Netherlands, it is interfering in the internal affairs of the Netherlands, even if this Angelina is Wang Guorui's daughter. And if Wang Guorui, the "Prince of the Netherlands", was to represent Wang Guoruiyan as a personal representative, then he would naturally be speaking in a private capacity, and he was not afraid of any problems, even if it was a father expressing his opinion on his daughter's marriage. It would be absurd if even a father is not qualified to express his opinion on his daughter's marriage.

"Our lord Wang's opinion is that we hope that this time the princess can get engaged to Prince Joachim of Germany!" Ye Tianfeng said.

The German minister smiled, but the British minister immediately said angrily: "No, why marry Germany? Could it be that the prince of our British Empire is not worthy of the princess of the Netherlands?"

"Don't worry, our Lord Wang also entrusted me to tell you something, which is a very important plan. The Dutch princess and the German prince are engaged, and then the Netherlands will set up a joint management committee of Rodan Port, which will be composed of people from the Netherlands and the UK. Formed and formed together for joint management. And the UK has a garrison of 300 people in this port of Rodan, responsible for maintaining the security of the port of Rodan. The Netherlands promises to the United Kingdom that it will never allow Germany and any foreign naval ships to be in Rodan Hong Kong is stationed, and Ludan Port prohibits any warships from entering, what do you think?"

Hearing this, the German envoy's expression changed a But it was obvious that he was not as angry as he imagined. The British envoys in the Netherlands immediately saw that this method was very in line with the British thinking, and they were obviously quite satisfied with the result.

And those Dutch MPs were also whispering to the MPs next to them, and then seemed to be trying to analyze the feasibility of this plan. Then the two sides began to discuss and analyze here, so that everyone began to really think seriously, instead of the state of arguing and wrangling just now. The progress of this negotiation has also increased a lot, and then they really started to discuss pragmatically. (To be continued.)

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