Red Alert 1895

Chapter 720: Rebellion is justified

"Do you know the meaning of the king's existence?" Wang Guorui asked.

"The meaning of the king's existence?"

This topic is so big that everyone doesn't know how to answer it, because everyone doesn't know how to answer this topic. Because they couldn't figure out what Wang Guorui was thinking at all, and because Wang Guorui had hundreds of thousands of troops behind him, he naturally did whatever he wanted. But ordinary people can't do it. Ordinary people don't have hundreds of thousands of troops to rely on, so naturally they don't dare to mess around. They are afraid that if they make a wrong sentence, their future will be ruined, and then they will be hated by Wang Guorui, and then secretly do you. As a king, even if he doesn't deal with you on the spot, he will always seize the opportunity to deal with you when the time comes. So everyone didn't dare to mess around.

"Your Majesty, the meaning of a king's existence is to rule the people and be the parents of the people!" Someone replied.

"Is the king indispensable?" Wang Guorui asked.

Someone immediately said: "Of course it is indispensable!"

"Then why doesn't the United States have a king? They have a presidential system, and the president is elected by the people!" Wang Guorui asked.

"They are barbarians who have no father and no king. How can we compare?"

But Wang Guorui asked: "The barbarians can have no king, so their country has not collapsed, but has become stronger and stronger. Then we have a king, so why is the Manchu Qing declining more and more, and even the Ming court is also declining? So it doesn't matter whether the king and the country are prosperous or not. This earth, whoever is missing, will continue to turn around. If there is no king, all the people can choose another person or another family to be the king, so don't take yourself seriously. .Don't even think that you can do whatever you want just by sitting on the throne. Treat yourself as a sacred and inviolable person."

"In the past, it was said that the imperial power was bestowed by the mandate of heaven, and there was a similar saying in the West, which was called the divine right of kings. But what happened in the end? Didn't the great revolutions in the West also overthrow so many dynasties? So in the end, the divine power of kings, the imperial power of heaven. But it is It’s all about deceiving yourself and others! The meaning of the king’s existence is to benefit the people. If you can’t benefit the people, how can you be a qualified king? And the king should be heaven ≈▼≈▼≈▼≈▼, m. ⊕♂m is the public servant of the people. At that time, the King of Prussia, that is, German Frederick the Great, once had a famous saying, that is, 'I am the first public servant in the country'. So the king should be the first public servant, not riding on A person who dominates the people. If a king can't benefit the people, but betrays the interests of the master. How can he become a public servant?"

"How did you deal with those slaves who betrayed their master's interests in the past? You sent him to court. Even in feudal times in the past, if slaves dared to do this, they could be executed directly. Since the king is the first public servant of the country, if the king Not only did he not think about how to rebel for the people, but he oppressed the people and acted over them. Isn’t that a slave bullying the master? So, can’t it be overthrown?”

Wang Guorui's words really surprised everyone. Isn't Wang Guorui encouraging others to overthrow him? You must know that other kings also propagate all kinds of feudal superstition ideas, making the people think that they are sacred and inviolable, and no one can overthrow them, otherwise it would be a great treason. And the king is sacred, and no one can overthrow it for any reason. No matter how stupid or cruel the emperor is, he cannot be overthrown. Otherwise, it would be all treason. But Wang Guorui's words are encouraging others to overthrow him. Isn't this one asking for trouble?

"Now, I declare that if anyone of my descendants is domineering over the people, or even sells the interests of the country and the nation for power, then everyone will be punished."

Hearing this, many of those feudal scholars and even ordinary people were taken aback. This is really ruining the Three Views, because Wang Guorui's words are too harsh, and he is simply rationalizing other people's rebellion. The feudal kings in the past hoped to block all kinds of reasons for rebellion, and absolutely no one knew what was justified in rebellion. This Wang Guorui actually directly provided a reason for those rebels. Isn't this rebelling for everyone and creating a loophole for the rule of his descendants?

Wang Guorui continued: "The enthronement ceremony will be held on a certain day. If I want to be the emperor, I don't need the so-called destiny or abdication. If I want to be the emperor, can that illusory heaven stop me?"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" Everyone quickly knelt down.

Wang Guorui didn't accept Manchu's abdication, but directly said that he wanted to be emperor, who can stop that? Wang Guorui doesn't believe in the so-called heaven, because heaven cannot influence him. What's more, there is no such thing as God, so Wang Guorui will not believe this at all.

Soon, everyone began to prepare for the enthronement ceremony. After all, Wang Guorui was about to ascend the throne, who would dare to stop it? No matter whether Wang Guorui accepts the so-called Mandate of Heaven or abdication, he will be the emperor in the end. Naturally, the enthronement ceremony is indispensable, so he immediately began to prepare for various ceremonies, so this ceremony must be more grand, and it must be done better. After all, an emperor's life is almost a grand enthronement ceremony, so it must be more grand. Of course, some emperors had two enthronement ceremonies in their lifetime. However, as long as he is a normal emperor, he does not want to experience the second enthronement ceremony in his life, because this is not only a compliment, but a "sarcasm" of him!

Therefore, this once-in-a-lifetime event must be grand, otherwise Wang Guorui will definitely be dissatisfied in the future. If Wang Guorui was dissatisfied, this once-in-a-lifetime event must not be ignored, so everyone began to work on their own. As for this set, those guys from the Ministry of Officials of the Qing Dynasty are very clear, let them take charge at this time. The general office in charge of Kang Tongwei began to draft the edicts on promotion and salary increase according to Wang Guorui's wishes. Some are canonized to promote military ranks, and some are given to civil servants for salary increases. Even the canonization of concubines has also begun to be prepared.

"Husband, why do you do this? By doing this, aren't you digging a hole for your own descendants? If you do this, then as the founding emperor, future generations will not dare to refute it easily. And you are giving the world retaliation. A reason for rebellion, isn't that detrimental to the rule?" Zheng Hong asked.

Wang Guorui asked back: "Do you also think my approach is wrong?"

"Isn't it? How could anyone deceive his descendants so much?" Zheng Hong couldn't help but ask.

Although Zheng Hong also knew that his son's chance of inheriting the throne was very slim, because Wang Guorui was worried that the army would collude with his eldest son in the future, and then let the army control the country and form a warlord. But Zheng Hong also had to worry, because she was the first queen in the future after all, and the son she gave birth to could get more than 40% of Wang Guorui's wealth. And the basis for guaranteeing these wealth is the good throne of these royal families. If the Wang family lost the throne, they would definitely lose their wealth in the end.

"Hong'er, don't you know an old saying? It's called to live in sorrow and die in peace! Once a person has no scruples, he will naturally do as he pleases, and he will definitely lose his country in the end. Since ancient times, how many emperors have lived in peace in the world, Or there is no scruple in a peaceful environment, and there is no danger at all. It is because they take themselves too seriously and think that they are sacred and inviolable, so they all think that they should have power. But It never occurred to me that the emperor is the biggest usurper in the world, who has usurped the power of all the people in the world. If he can't benefit the people, but oppresses the people, and finally makes the people intolerable, and then overthrows them? If People who don’t have a sense of crisis will definitely die in peace in the end.”

"So instead of expecting him to be fearless in this position, and then he can enjoy it safely, then it will definitely cause them to be indifferent. So what we have to do is not to eliminate difficulties for them, but to make him feel that he must do this. To let them feel that this position is not so easy to do, they must be cautious. If we hope to do everything for them, then they must be fearless in the end and lose the world. Let them have to be careful, let them feel like they are walking on thin ice, so that the world can be stabilized. If there is no threat, then in the end, it will definitely decay by itself, and then decay day by day, and finally when the whole country has become helpless When it is curable, it will definitely die in peace." Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui believes that only by allowing his descendants to be overthrown by others at all times can the country be truly stable. Otherwise, if there is no threat and no threat is felt, it will definitely be overthrown in the end. Wang Guorui took the initiative to give those later "rebels" a reason, and as the founding emperor, he gave those rebels a reasonable reason to rebel. Face it with caution.

As for whether those rebels could succeed in their rebellion through this reason, Wang Guorui could only answer one sentence, that is, flies do not bite seamless eggs. If you want your descendants to do well and win the hearts of the people, no matter how many rebels and careerists there are, they will not be able to succeed. If the rebellion is really successful, it must be your own reasons. After all, flies do not bite seamless eggs, and it has nothing to do with other people's reasons.

Wang Guorui left this sentence "rebellion is justified", that is, he hopes that his descendants can feel threatened, let them truly feel that their country will never be stable, and let them truly face the rule of this country diligently. (To be continued.)

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