Red Alert 1895

Chapter 727: Shoumo2

In the headquarters of Prince Qing's Mansion, Wang Guorui received someone he hadn't seen for a while, and that person was Zhou Chen. This Zhou Chen was originally the director of Taiwan's Beijing Office, but he also served as the deputy director of the General Intelligence Administration. But now he has also withdrawn from the General Intelligence Administration, and went to work in the United Front Work Department newly established by Wang Guorui. Now he has also successfully received Wang Guorui again. This matter is obviously very critical, and the next He will report one thing.

"Zhou Chen, how is the work of the United Front Work Department doing recently? Among the governors of the Qing Dynasty, who is willing to electrify and surrender on the day I ascend the throne?" Wang Guorui asked.

During the Qing Dynasty, there were a total of ten governors, namely the Governor of Zhili, the Governor of Liangjiang, the Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, the Governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, the Governor of Huguang, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, the Governor of Sichuan, the Governor of Water Transport, and the Governor of Rivers. However, the latter two governors of water transportation and rivers are governors of special affairs, and their real power is not as great as that of the first eight governors. Moreover, these eight governors are the real power factions responsible for managing most of the land in the country. Where there is money and land, there are people and soldiers, so they can be said to be princes of one party. Of course, if the world is peaceful, their right to deploy troops belongs to the central government, so naturally they cannot form a party of princes. But the current situation has changed. The current Manchu Qing central court has been taken down by Wang Guorui, and the so-called right to deploy troops has naturally become a dead letter. In addition, which of those local governors does not own part of their own private armed forces, in this vacuum of central power, wouldn't they have some other ideas? They can completely use their own private army and then recruit those green battalion garrisons of the Qing Dynasty in the local area, and then take control of the local area step by step.

Wang Guorui's plan was to wait until the day he ascended the throne to see how many guys would show their loyalty. Many times, when a new dynasty is established, there will inevitably be many people who show their loyalty. In particular, whether the local powerful factions show their loyalty is very important. Not to mention the new dynasty, even a prince ascended the throne. They must also be recognized by the local power faction before they can be regarded as firmly seated on the throne. If it was the day of enthronement, there would be no congratulatory message from the local governor. That means that the governor of this place does not recognize you as the new emperor, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of open and secret fighting in the future.

Of course, according to ancient sayings, after the new emperor ascends the throne, he will also receive congratulatory messages from those local powers on the same day, which represents a show of loyalty. But why do the letters from so many local powerful factions arrive at the same time? To say that the transportation in ancient times was inconvenient, it is not like sending a telegram later, it has to be sent across mountains and rivers. But why can they arrive on the day of enthronement. This is actually the truth that kung fu is outside the play. These were all discussed in advance. Before the new emperor officially ascended the throne, he also discussed with the local and powerful factions. After obtaining their support, he wrote the memorial in advance, and then sent it to the capital and waited until the day of his ascension. announced together.

But now Wang Guorui also knows this truth, so when he was in the middle of the war, he immediately asked Zhou Chen of the United Front Work Department to personally or send someone to lobby those local powerful factions in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, hoping that they would be able to do so on the day he ascended the throne. Taking the initiative to send out a power call to recognize yourself as the new emperor represents the identity of supporting the new emperor. If they don't recognize themselves as the new emperor, then they will have to solve it by force. It is better not to fight or not to fight, otherwise it will definitely not be good to solve it by force.

And if it is possible to make those local powerful factions voluntarily surrender when they ascend the throne. That can deter those jumping clowns in those places. At present, there must be many people who are not reconciled in their hearts, and many people are also thinking about how to fish in troubled waters. This must be true. Therefore, Wang Guorui hoped that those local powerful factions would voluntarily surrender. Then set an example for everyone. If even the powerful factions in these places have voluntarily surrendered, then those of them who are not strong enough will naturally have to weigh their own abilities. So if those local powerful factions can be made to take the initiative to surrender, the impact will definitely be great.

"Lord Wang, I'm guilty, I..." Zhou Chen immediately said nervously.

"Is there a problem?" Wang Guorui asked.

Zhou Chen immediately explained: "Our people went to Guangzhou. Li Hongzhang, the governor of Guangzhou, had an ambiguous attitude. He didn't agree or disagree. He sent a middle-level official all day long to prevaricate our envoys. They accompanied us. The envoys watched the scenic spots in Guangdong everywhere, and then our people talked about the matter of surrendering to you, Mr. Wang. They also talked about him, and never refused to reply directly. And so it was delayed. And we I don’t even know how to do it.”

"What else?" Wang Guorui asked.

Zhou Chen said again: "The governor of Liangjiang, Liu Kunyi, is similar. He claimed to be ill during this period. But we don't know the specific situation. In the past, the governor of Liangjiang was replaced by Lu Chuanlin, the governor of Jiangsu. Acting, but we went to find Lu Chuanlin, but he shirked it to Liu Kunyi, because he, as an agent, dared not make decisions on his own. Liu Kunyi was ill, and it seemed that he could not see anyone yet. Liu Kunyi's family asked us to go Look for Lu Chuanlin. They played football with each other, and now it has been delayed. We don't know whether it is a real illness or a fake illness, or how sick it is, and whether it is really impossible to see people. But to say that Lu Chuanlin's acting as Governor of Liangjiang started a long time ago, before I entered the mainland, so it shouldn't be for us."

"It's true, it's true, it's true, it's true. I don't know if Liu Kunyi is sick, and I'm not interested in knowing. Lu Chuanlin claims to be incapable of making decisions, but Liu Kunyi puts Kick the ball to him. In this way, Liu Kunyi really deserves to be an old man in the officialdom. It is really good to push the boat along the way! He is really ill in the position of governor of Liangjiang. He put the responsibility on Lu Chuanlin, when the time comes If Lu Chuanlin chooses to support us, and we win the world, but he sits on the position of the governor of Liangjiang, and he can "cure" when necessary, it is still his credit. If there is any chance If we fail, then Liu Kunyi can push 625, saying that Lu Chuanlin made the decision without authorization, and then let Lu Chuanlin be the scapegoat. But Lu Chuanlin is not stupid, he knows that this is also a trap , There is no credit for doing a good job, but it will be irreversible if you do it wrong. So he still kicked the ball to Liu Kunyi, so it was so delayed!" Wang Guorui said.

Zhou Chen said again: "Master Wang is wise. The next governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, Xu Yingkui, is not a fun guy. He said, Mr. Wang, you are from Quanzhou, Fujian, and the fate of Fujianese should be decided by Fujianese themselves. .And he decided to let the people of Fujian to hold a public vote to decide whether to agree. And such a public vote cannot be completed in half a year. And he said to promote democracy, so..."

"Okay! We in Fujian have such a parent officer who cares about the fate of Fujian. As a Fujian native, I feel really happy!" Wang Guorui said eccentrically.

What Xu Yingku said about wanting democracy and asking the people of Fujian to vote is completely an excuse. Leaving aside how much time it takes to hold a referendum, this referendum cannot be completed within a year and a half. After a year and a half, this Xu Yingkui can observe the situation and make a judgment again, and make a decision again.

Don't think that this voting is real, don't say that the rules of voting in this era have not been established, and there are still many links that can be cheated. Let’s say that the vast majority of people in this era are illiterate, how can you expect them to make the right choice? To practice democracy in a country where more than 90 percent are illiterate is tantamount to committing suicide. At that time, that Xu Yinggui can manipulate the vote, and then produce the result he wants according to his own needs, isn't it easy?

"My lord, those guys in other places are also like this, especially Wei Guangtao, governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, who also found an excuse to delay. There are also governors of Sichuan, Kui Jun, and governors of Shaanxi and Gansu, Sheng Yun, who are bannermen~www. Not only did they not take the initiative to surrender, but they beat us out, saying that we are traitors and thieves. But at least they saved some face for us, they didn't kill our envoys, they just drove our envoys away .” Zhou Chen said.

"The two governors who are full of people, we can deal with them slowly. Since they can't see the situation clearly, then don't blame us for being rude. As for the other three Han governors, they are old-fashioned people who are not in the officialdom. They have been around for a long time, and they are indeed a bunch of veterans. They will not express their opinions easily. They are all guys who don’t see rabbits and don’t scatter eagles. They think that we have no way to threaten them at present, so they have nothing to fear. Our The troops are all in the north, and it is impossible to use troops in so many places at the same time. Naturally, this means that they will not feel afraid. They think that our military strength is only about 400,000. Don't look at so many troops, but if they are really scattered across the country, then It is far from enough. So they think that the outcome is still unknown, and they dare not make a hasty statement. And they hope to delay until the situation becomes clearer.” Wang Guorui said.

"But what should we do? In less than thirteen days, the enthronement ceremony will also be held. If they don't send a surrender telegram, what should we do?" Zhou Chen asked.

"It seems that we have to give some strong medicine to these guys at both ends of the first mouse!" Wang Guorui said. (To be continued.)

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