Red Alert 1895

Chapter 732: Army Reorganization (1)

"Now, in my capacity as the chairman of the Military Commission, I am announcing the reorganization of the Military Commission. Originally, our Military Commission had only one chairman, but there were only three people. We will then reorganize the Military Commission and expand the number of places in the Military Commission. Next The military committee will set up a chairman, and the chairman will be concurrently held by the current emperor in accordance with the usual practice. However, the chairman of the military committee generally does not have the power to directly mobilize troops. He must obtain the consent of more than 70% of the members of the military committee before he can mobilize troops. It cannot exceed one division. After the founding of the country in the future, if you want to mobilize troops, you must obtain the approval of the parliament to enter a state of war, emergency, or large-scale emergency rescue and disaster relief.

Wang Guorui started another army reorganization before ascension to the throne, but this time the army reorganization was only in the highest department, and the lower troops would not be reorganized. A certain degree of reorganization will be carried out in the highest-level management and command organs, adding, reducing, and merging some departments, and then the highest-level reorganization will be carried out in this way. For those units that fight specifically, there is no reorganization. This reorganization is for Wang Guorui to make an official announcement about ten days before he ascends the throne, and then it will be implemented in detail, and then it will become a relatively stable military system.

Wang Guorui first announced the future plan of the Military Commission, which must strictly control military power in the future. Military power is a sweet poison. Since ancient times, China has often caused troubled times due to the loss of military power. Of course Wang Guorui couldn't be so contemptuous. However, Wang Guorui also disagrees with the emperor having the power to deploy troops without restriction, because the emperor has the power to deploy troops without restriction, and in the end, I am afraid that it will easily cause the emperor to use military power to clean up the government. This is also turning history back. Therefore, Wang Guorui thinks that the future emperor will personally serve as the chairman of the military commission, but the chairman of the military commission is similar to that of foreign countries. The British kings of later generations and the Japanese emperors were actually commanders-in-chief of the armed forces in name. But in fact, they hardly manage soldiers directly. And even if the president of the United States claims to be the commander in chief of the armed forces, he seldom directly commands the troops. This kind of head of state who personally serves as the military commander is more symbolic than practical, especially in a country with a sound political system, the head of state concurrently serves as the military commander is more of a symbolic meaning. Or leave it to the professionals. 〗『〗『〗『〗『, m.♂↗m

"Next. We will reorganize the Military Commission and set up two vice-chairmen of the Military Commission. The two vice-chairmen of the Military Commission are soldiers and officers with military ranks. They are the highest-ranking officers in the army. In addition, we can set up several civilians when needed. The vice-chairman, one of them is one or two years before the king is ready to abdicate at the age of 60. The crown prince who is elected can be the vice-chairman. One situation. That is, when there is a national war, or when the military undergoes major reforms or major reorganizations, the head of the government can also serve as a civilian vice-chairman to strengthen coordination between the military and the government. Work to make the work go more smoothly. The crown prince and the government’s civilian vice-chairmen are generally not permanent, and they will not be awarded military ranks. In the future, according to various needs, some civilian vice-chairmen can be set up to coordinate the work. "

"As for the two vice chairmen of the military position, one is in charge of military order affairs and the other is in charge of military and political affairs. In principle, each has its own division of labor."

Hearing Wang Guorui's plan, the new military commission established by Wang Guorui adopts the management model of the integration of military administration and military orders, but internally it is also collectively led, and each has its own division of labor. A vice chairman is in charge of military orders, that is, commanding and fighting. And the other is in charge of military administration. Mainly officer selection, education, various publicity, some logistical affairs, equipment research and development, etc. These are also military affairs. As for the two vice chairmen, this is to let everyone know who has arrived in these two positions.

The vice chairman in charge of military orders was also promoted by Hu Wei, and the vice chairman of military affairs was Zheng Honglai. This arrangement is not unexpected. They were all representatives in charge of military administration and military orders before. It is not surprising that they are now promoted to a level and then become vice-chairmen. But next, the really important arrangement is the arrangement of candidates for the General Staff Department and the General Political Department. This must be a very important appointment. Who are the successors of these two departments is also worth studying.

"Under the vice-chairman of the Military Commission, several committee members are set up, and the committee members also hold positions at the Zhengda Military Region level. The specific concurrent positions can be resolved on a case-by-case basis. However, the Minister of War, the General Staff, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department, General Assembly, Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Staff of the Navy, Commander of the Marine Corps, if there are any military branches with important strategic influence in the future, then their commander or chief of staff can also be eligible to join the Military Commission as an inevitable member " Wang Guorui said.

This new Military Commission is also a place to balance the interests of all parties. The four departments of the General Staff, General Administration, General Logistics and General Assembly are necessary, while the Chief of Staff of the Navy and the Commander of the Marine Corps are two important arms. The Chief of Staff of the Army must also join here, representing the interests of all parties. And in the future, if there is a new military branch with strategic significance, then their commander or chief of staff can also be allowed to join the Military Commission, that is, the person who is actually in charge of the affairs of the military branch. And this is also for Wang Guorui to leave a foreshadowing for the next development of the Air Force to enter the Military Commission, and even the next addition of missile troops, high-tech troops, etc. can also provide a foundation.

"Master Wang, then I was promoted to vice chairman, so who will take over as the chief of staff?" Hu Wei asked.

Hu Wei knew that it was impossible for him to continue to serve as the chief of the general staff in person, because it was very taboo for a superior deputy to personally serve as the head of the next important department. If some do not play well, it is easy to become a deputy to bargain with the superior in turn through the important real power department held by the subordinate. Therefore, it is a rule that a deputy at a higher level does not directly serve as the top leader at a lower level. Except for Wang Guorui who personally served as the commander of the Guards Division in the early days of the formation of the army, there was no such thing. And Wang Guorui also withdrew from the Guards Division later, and then let Li Guodong be in charge of the Guards Division.

"Let Qiu Baoren be the chief of staff!" Wang Guorui said.

"Qiu Baoren? He is a navy!" Hu Wei said.

"What's wrong with the navy? Can't the navy be the chief of the general staff? In the future, the navy and the army will cooperate more and more, so the navy and the army should treat each other fairly. And the chief of the general staff will, in principle, be the chief of the military. In addition, the deputy chiefs of staff of the General Staff Department will set up deputy chiefs of general staff for each service, namely one for the Navy, one for the Marine Corps, and one for the Army. In the future, if there are other high-level troops It can be set up according to the needs. The future General Staff will be a multi-army mixed department, and it will not be in charge of officers from the army alone. They will assume the responsibility of the various arms Joint command, and then joint combat missions."

"Husband, what about the general government?" Zheng Hong asked.

Wang Guorui thought for a while, "Let Li Fusheng, the director of the General Office of the Military Commission, take the post!"

After hearing this, Zheng Hong felt that the result was neither good nor bad, and it was still acceptable. This Li Fusheng's initial position was the executive vice president of the military academy. He was in charge of training officers, and he had some experience in officer selection. In addition, he later served as the director of the General Office of the Military Commission, so he was familiar with various affairs. Although there is almost no experience in front-line combat capabilities. However, in this military and political system, military command experience is not a decisive factor. Doesn't Zheng Hong have no experience in commanding troops in combat? But she didn't interfere with the command of the she just took care of the military and political affairs of the army. The general government should not easily interfere with the military affairs of the army, this is not a big problem.

And Li Fusheng can be one of Wang Guorui's loyal confidantes. This Li Fusheng does not belong to Hu Wei, nor does he belong to Zheng Hong, but belongs to Wang Guorui. This Li Fusheng was promoted by Wang Guorui from the first batch of recruits, without Hu Wei and Zheng Hong's hands, so he is Wang Guorui's **** direct descendant. During this reorganization, Hu Wei and Zheng Hong lost the department they started at the same time. The new chief of staff was transferred from the navy and had nothing to do with Hu Wei, so he was washed out. On Zheng Hong's side, Wang Guorui's cronies were transferred here, and Zheng Hong's direct influence in the general administration was gradually eliminated.

But Zheng Hong wasn't worried either, because she was Wang Guorui's woman after all, and even if Li Fusheng was Wang Guorui's confidant, she still had to give herself some face, so there shouldn't be any major conflicts between the two of them at work. So Zheng Hong felt neither good nor too bad, it was barely acceptable. In the future, when she started to work, the resistance was not too great, but compared to Hu Wei, it was much better. Not only has Hu Wei been in danger of his own number two, Chen Liyan, who has just established himself, but he has also been transferred from a navy as the chief of staff as his direct subordinate. Hu Wei has suffered much more than Zheng Hong. Therefore, Zheng Hong would not have any opinions. After all, her relationship with Wang Guorui was a very important bond, and at least she should be given some face in all aspects. After Hu Wei, it didn't go so smoothly, and it had to take a longer time to run in. (To be continued.)

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