Red Alert 1895

Chapter 762: Municipality (on)

Wang Guorui still has to choose national security in terms of national security and the development of the national economy. If there is a comprehensive egalitarianism, then of course everyone has no opinion. But anyone who is qualified in politics knows that this kind of absolute egalitarianism is undesirable, and that absolute egalitarianism is courting death. If there is absolute egalitarianism, it will not be possible to establish its own industrial system in the last hundred years, and then no one will be able to obtain national security. So the only thing that can be done is to use the selection of key cities for development, and then establish an industrial system, and then drive the surrounding industrial and economic development.

As for the rise in housing prices and the siphon effect in big cities, this is unavoidable, but it can only be a compromise when it comes to national security. Any policy must have pros and cons, and it can only be judged whether the benefits are great or the harm is great. The rapid establishment of an industrial system is necessary for national security, and economic development can only come second. Instead, we can only temporarily sacrifice the interests of those places that do not have the conditions for development, and then let them gradually get the funds to develop a small number of key areas, and then let them slowly drive them. Otherwise, it is absolutely average. It looks like hello, me, hello, everyone, but this is definitely a brain-dead approach.

"Your Majesty, we have already selected several places as key points. As for the key cities we will arrange next, these cities will become municipalities directly under the Central Government, and then the prefects of the municipalities will be renamed Fuyin, The same rank as the governor will be adopted. The first batch of municipalities directly under the Central Government will be Beijing Shuntianfu, Taipei Dongningfu, Shanghai will remain the same name, and Quanzhou will be Chengtianfu. Xi’an and Xianyang will be merged to form Chang’anfu. "

An official took the initiative to raise the situation of the establishment of a municipality. And this municipality has actually existed since ancient times. The municipalities directly under the central government also gradually began to mature as early as the ancient Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, counties were divided into different levels, and one of them was called Jing County. The grade is much higher than other counties, it is the fifth grade. And this has already had a higher status later. And he directly belongs to several key cities. For example, the Tang Dynasty established several key cities such as Chang'an Mansion, Luoyang Mansion, and Taiyuan Mansion, and these cities belonged to the second rank in terms of pure grade, but in fact they were led by the prince, not directly managed. The two Shaoyins who were really in charge were from the third grade, almost equivalent to the two governors of Shangzhou in the Tang Dynasty.

And these places are all key places, and their status is much higher than other places, so this is the stage when the municipality system begins to mature. However, in the early Tang Dynasty, the imperial court directly managed the prefectures and counties. This level is not saved, so the effect is not so prominent. Later, during the Song Dynasty, the "Four Capitals" of the Song Dynasty were established, and the governors of the four capitals were all higher than the Minister and lower than the Minister, so they had a much higher status than other places. The Song Dynasty already had the administrative unit of roads, and in the Song Dynasty, Kaifeng in Tokyo, Daming Mansion in Beijing, Henan Mansion in Xijing, and Yingtian Mansion in Nanjing would not be too much influenced by local officials, and they would directly obey the orders of the central government. This is another further development of the municipality directly under the Central Government.

In the Ming Dynasty, it became even more mature. Nanjing was called Yingtianfu, and Beijing was called Shuntianfu. There is even a Fengyang mansion and so on. The Qing Dynasty also had such a two-capital system, namely Shuntian Mansion and Fengtian Mansion, that is, Beijing and Shenyang. Such municipalities actually existed in ancient times, but their political significance is far greater than economic significance.

Wang Guorui saw this about the division of municipalities directly under the Central Government, and then Beijing is Shuntian Prefecture. administrative district. No matter how small the territory is, it still has the same status as other first-level administrative regions. Washington DC in the United States is also a first-level administrative region, although the number of people is less than 300,000. But it is definitely a first-level administrative region.

Therefore, since Beijing is the capital, Shuntian Prefecture must be a first-level administrative region. There is no doubt about this. And Shanghai, as the future bridgehead of economic development, is naturally also a place for key development, and it is understandable to merge some regions to form a large administrative region.

The merger of Xi'an and Xianyang to establish a new Chang'an Mansion is to balance the interests of the west and the focus of the development of the west, which can be regarded as a comfort to their officials in the west. Moreover, Chang'an and Xianyang are both ancient capitals since ancient times, and they still have economic foundations. The reason why Chang'an was abandoned as the capital in ancient times was because of poor transportation capacity. During the Tang Dynasty, why did Tang Gaozong and Li Zhi almost move the capital to Luoyang? Although Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian didn't move their capital in name, they actually moved the entire central organization to Luoyang?

In fact, it was because the transportation was inconvenient at that time, and the west could not carry so many people. In addition, businessmen from various Western countries also came to do business, and a large number of people lived there. But what is even more deceptive is that the vast majority of these people do not produce food, but consume food. Even a large number of relatives of officials swarmed up, putting a lot of pressure on Chang'an's food supply!

And the pressure on various resources in Beijing in later generations was also great, but it was able to persist because the transportation capacity of later generations was strengthened. The increase in transportation capacity will definitely reduce the loss. Otherwise, if some grains were transported like in the Tang Dynasty, if they lost 10% in the middle, it would be unbearable. The development of various transportation equipment such as trains and automobiles in later generations allowed him to transport a large amount of materials, but the cost was very low.

Therefore, after the Tang Dynasty, no one dared to set up the capital in Chang'an, because the local area simply could not bear so much population pressure. The capitals of the later dynasties all chose suitable places. The Song Dynasty chose Kaifeng, and Henan is the main grain producing area, which can carry it. The Yuan Dynasty was established in Beijing because of the opening of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which reduced food pressure. As for Nanjing and Beijing in the Ming Dynasty, it was actually because of the role of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which allowed food to communicate from north to south. Beijing can be the capital because of the transport capacity of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the central government was established in Luoyang, didn't it also value the transportation hub of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Luoyang?

However, when the time came to this era, the food pressure in Chang'an was also easily resolved. In particular, the current passage of trains and railways is enough to greatly increase the local transportation capacity. There will be no transportation of one hundred catties of grain in the past, but only 10% or 5% will be left there. And the transportation of this train not only saves manpower, but also has very low loss, and the transportation volume is large enough to meet local needs. So it is also appropriate to turn around and focus on the west.

"The establishment of a new Chang'an Mansion will also be beneficial to control the land in the west in the future, such as Xinjiang and Gansu. It will even be beneficial to the next war against the Middle East, becoming an important transportation hub and supporting the core of the front line. So this new Chang'an Mansion is not impossible, so that the new Chang'an Mansion can drive the surrounding development." Wang Guorui approved of this new Chang'an Mansion.

As for the fact that Taipei is called Dongning Mansion, this also has a history. The name Dongning is the name of the Zhengzheng regime in the Ming Dynasty in the past, and Dongning is the name of the Zhengzheng regime in Taiwan at that time. During the Zhengzheng period, there was an official position called Dongning General System, which was the de facto prime minister.

The Zheng Jing of the Zheng Dynasty also used Dongning as the country name of Taiwan at that time. Foreign countries called Taiwan the Kingdom of Dongning, and the historical documents of the Qing Dynasty also called Taiwan at that time Dongning Province. Therefore, Dongning is already another name for Taiwan, and it is not impossible to change the name of Taipei to Dongning Prefecture.

However, this Dongning Mansion and Quanzhou, which was renamed Chengtian Mansion, made Wang Guorui frown. Obviously, these two seem to have no scientific basis! Do these two municipalities seem too redundant? There is no need to establish such a municipality in the southeast area, especially if a municipality is established in the southeast area, what is the significance of it? Can municipalities be established if they want to? Municipalities directly under the central government must have their special significance, especially political economy and military affairs, etc., and even political economy and military affairs are indispensable, and it will not work if any one is missing.

Beijing is the capital It has both political, economic and military meanings. The new Chang'an Mansion is an important hub to help control the Northwest region and suppress the West, and even an important military logistics base responsible for the development of the Middle East in the future. In addition, Xi'an Xianyang is an important economic zone in the West, so municipalities can also be used. As for Shanghai being a window for foreign exchanges and the highlight of future foreign trade, militarily, it is located on the edge of East China and belongs to the east of East China. In the future, a naval base will be set up in Shanghai, which can completely radiate the eastern coastal areas of China, which is of great significance to coastal security. .

Therefore, the establishment of municipalities directly under the Central Government is indispensable in terms of politics, economy and military affairs, and it cannot be established just by scratching your head. But this Taipei and Quanzhou, these two cities are so close, why do they plan to set up municipalities directly under the Central Government? One belongs to Fujian, the other belongs to Taiwan, and the distance between them is very close. What's more, their military significance is not obvious. Wang Guorui has the Nanyang region, so the focus of coastal defense in the future will be on the Nanyang theater instead of Fujian and Taiwan. After controlling the Nanyang region, the military significance of Fujian and Taiwan has been greatly reduced.

So if Wang Guorui agrees to set up these two regions as municipalities directly under the central government, he is really out of his mind!

"Who can explain to me what is the significance of establishing municipalities directly under the Central Government in Taipei and Quanzhou?" Wang Guorui asked bluntly. (To be continued.)

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