Red Alert 1895

Chapter 767: House of Lords

In November 1900 AD, news about the recovery of the territory gradually came. Wang Guorui's troops have also begun to conquer the Shaanxi-Gansu area, and the southern troops have also recovered Sichuan. Originally, the governor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty still hoped to rely on the so-called natural dangers in Sichuan to defend and survive. But in the end, in front of the cannons of Wang Guorui's troops, the so-called natural dangers became a big joke, so they were nothing at all. And they quickly regained Sichuan with the cooperation of internal personnel. Then Yunnan and Guizhou also surrendered without a fight, which can be regarded as peaceful liberation. The whole country has not been liberated at present, that is, Xinjiang and Tibet. And Xinjiang will prepare to be liberated in the near future, even if troops are sent, they must be defeated. As for Tibet, it depends on the situation. It would be best if it can be liberated peacefully. Why the Ming and Qing dynasties did not take the initiative to send people to directly rule Tibet, in fact, the main reason is that the climate there is really not suitable for people living in ordinary plain areas. If a large number of senior officials are sent to manage, it may be very troublesome in the end. So generally it is to send a small number of ministers stationed in Tibet, and then manage it on behalf of the emperor. And their situation is somewhat similar to the relationship between Britain and Canada in later generations. The Queen of England sent a governor to manage in name, but in fact the power is still managed by the locals themselves, which is just a vase. So this minister in Tibet is just a vase.

In particular, the conditions of ancient medicine were even worse, and it was even more unsuitable to directly send officials there. Even later, there were so-called aid-Tibet cadres. It is conceivable that the ruling power there is very weak, and this situation will not be completely resolved in later generations. The geographical location and climate environment are too deceptive to allow a large number of immigrants, so we should try our best to achieve peaceful reunification. However, if they dared to split, Wang Guorui would not even bother to send troops to teach them a lesson.

"Although China's territory is large, there is not an inch to spare. It's fine for them to know their own interests in Tibet. If they don't know their own interests, then we are not stingy to teach them. Moreover, their own buttocks are absolutely not clean. We just need to take out Our biggest move is to distribute the land. Allocating those pastoral areas to the serfs, the main thing is that we can capture the hearts of those serfs, then we can also let them come to "fight the landlord". Then we provide Just go and deal with them. I don’t believe it, but with our support, few of those serfs are brave enough to take the lead in rebelling against those chieftains!” Wang Guorui said.

However, next. Wang Guorui also said: "The issue of Tibet really needs to be solved slowly, and it cannot be rushed. Once it is rushed, there will definitely be troubles. And the strongest fortress is also breached from the inside. I might as well do it from the inside." Think of a way. I don't believe it. Everyone in them is also a guy who can't see the situation clearly. Will they not see the good fortune here? As long as we can win some over, then we can take the initiative to help them. After all, they also All of them have been subordinate to our China for a long time. Naturally, they have a strong sense of belonging to our China. I don’t believe that each of them hopes to rebel and resist the situation. However, this can be found slowly. Our whole China is unified, isn’t it? Will you still be stumped by a Tibet?"

"Yes!" Everyone answered immediately.

But everyone will discuss another matter next, and that is about the next founding election. In particular, the founding election was related to the final ruling, and Wang Guorui also began to choose the founding election. And the parties participating in the founding election this time are the Democratic Rehabilitation Party and the Huafu Party. The last so-called Conservative Party was ignored by everyone, because everyone knew that it would not be their turn. However, according to the so-called constitution, the election is carried out by the parliament, and the prime minister of the cabinet is elected by the parliament. Then appointed by the emperor.

Therefore, if you want to elect a prime minister, you must elect members of parliament. Although everyone knows the specific process, there is still a fig leaf for the parliament. Since the constitution has been established. Naturally, it will be used as a fig leaf, so this constitution cannot be lost. At least it must be legal on the surface, otherwise there will definitely be many problems in the future. It is legal on the surface, so this must be chosen out of the parliament.

"According to our regulations, the parliament is divided into the House of Lords and the House of Commons, and the House of Lords will be composed of nobles with titles. There will also be a part of the royal family, and some celebrities without titles. Among them, nobles with titles will be Different numbers of seats can be obtained, among which the Chinese public can get four seats, the county duke can get three seats, the county marquis and county uncle can get two seats, and the county son and county man can get one seat. However, if a nobleman with a title holds the In the case of holding a public office in the government, according to the constitution, he cannot personally hold the post of the parliament. Instead, he can only designate a corresponding representative to enter the parliament, but he cannot be a blood relative within three generations, and he cannot be removed at will. If a certain person is appointed, he cannot be removed casually after the next five years, and can only be re-appointed after the term of office has expired."

The power of Wang Guorui, the House of Lords, is actually a combination of nobles and the Senate. He uses nobles and celebrities to join it, and then the nobles and celebrities have a relatively high status in society, and there is no restriction on political parties. identity inside. In this way, the House of Lords can maintain a certain degree of detachment and will not be easily involved in any partisan battles. And celebrities cherish their feathers more, so naturally they dare not mess around, and the House of Lords is mainly composed of celebrities and nobles.

As for why Wang Guorui stipulated that once a member of parliament is appointed by a certain nobleman, he cannot be a blood relative, and he cannot be changed during his tenure at will. That is just to maintain a rule of the game. If nobles can change people at will, then the designated member of parliament is completely a marionette, without any autonomy at all. And this will definitely greatly strengthen the power of the nobles, and cannot effectively limit the power of the nobles. So once it is designated, it cannot be replaced casually within five years. This is also to give a certain amount of room for future games. When the nobleman appoints a certain person as a representative, he will have to bear a certain risk, that is, that representative will be bought by a greater interest, and then betray the nobleman who appointed him. This is the platform to maintain the game, otherwise, if it is replaced casually, there will be no room for the game.

"And the power of the House of Lords will be used as a trial of state-level officials. If the House of Commons raises a motion of no confidence against a cabinet member in the future, or a cabinet member is accused of corruption and other criminal acts, then it must It will be handed over to the House of Lords to preside over the trial, but the court can send someone to assist in the specifics.”

"The House of Lords can also have part of the legislative functions. Any legislative plan proposed by the House of Commons must be submitted to the House of Lords for deliberation. If the deliberation is passed, it can be handed over to the emperor for approval. However, if the House of Lords chooses to reject it, then the The house of parliament must revise or re-propose the plan until the house of lords is satisfied. However, although the house of lords has the power to reject it, it has no direct legislative power and cannot propose legislation by itself. It can only be proposed by the house of commons, and then choose whether to reject it !"

Wang Guorui announced the bill of the House of Lords in accordance with the Constitution, and this House of Lords is actually a complex that combines the House of Lords of the United Kingdom and the Senate of the United States, but the House of Lords has higher authority in certain matters , and the attitude is more neutral. Since the House of Commons is elected by the population of each province, they care more about the interests of their own voters, and are prone to entanglement in political parties. And this House of Lords is generally composed of aristocrats and celebrities, and their tenure is relatively long, and their status is relatively stable. They don't have to worry about losing their hats at any time, so that they have no taboos in speaking, and their background in political parties is relatively shallow. Moreover, they are all nobles and celebrities in society, they cherish their reputation more, and they will not easily do anything messy to lose their reputation.

"Members of the first House of hurry up and appoint them, and then we can formally establish the House of Lords." Wang Guorui said.

At present, according to his status as a nobleman, Wang Guorui has nothing else, his old Wang family has many nobles. Not only is he the emperor, but several of his empresses also have the title of duke in addition to the title of empress, but they can get designated three seats, so just a few of their own women can also get more than a dozen seats, Adding some people sent in through other channels, Wang Guorui directly controlled at least one-third of the members of the House of Lords, and indirectly affected more than half of the seats.

So although this House of Lords seems to be relatively fair, it is full of black box operations! Wang Guorui canonized his woman a title, but for the first time in the world, she can definitely get a seat. So the House of Lords, in fact, is still unable to get rid of Wang Guorui's control.

As for the so-called House of Commons to propose legislation in the future, if Wang Guorui wants to oppose it, he will not oppose it himself, but let the House of Lords take the blame. So the House of Lords is nothing more than a high-end vest for Wang Guorui. In the future, the legislative bills that Wang Guorui wants to oppose can be vetoed by the House of Lords, so as to avoid tearing faces with the public opinion representatives in the House of Commons. With this vest, it will definitely be much more convenient in the future. (To be continued.)

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