Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1015: Medical station

The sudden movement shocked the children in the car and looked at the door timidly.

The appearance of the knock on the door made Qiwei look straight.

In the motion of Kaiwei's gaze, Qiwei did not hesitate and opened the door.

In the sound of the metal turning, the car door was opened.

As soon as the door opened, various sounds poured into the car. Outside the door, Qiwei also saw metal figures passing by one after another.

In front of the car door, there was a metal figure standing.

After looking at Qiwei, and then at Kaiwei in the driver's seat, the mobilizer looked at the children in the car again.

Really some lucky guys.

The army came along and encountered many vehicles on the road.

Those vehicles were decimated by the polluting beasts, and of course the owners inside disappeared.

Only this one is still well preserved.

Is it because of those protective panels?

The mobilizers can feel the thickness of the protective plates, and the obvious scratches on the protective plates are also explaining to the mobilizers why this bus can withstand the attack of the cookie monster.

However, in addition to the robustness of the vehicle, there should be human factors.

From the two seriously injured in the car, the mobilizers could see that they were not ordinary people.

Martial artist?

For martial artists, the First Army is no stranger.

Withdraw his sight from the car and mobilize the soldiers to Qiwei at the door: "The road ahead has been opened up. If the vehicle can still move, you can follow the road cleared by the army to the city of Bawei. For your safety, finally Don't stay here, Bawei City has already set up a medical station, and you can go for treatment."

After speaking, the mobilizer turned and left, returning to the team.

Before Qiwei could say thank you, the figure outside the door had disappeared.

Seeing the figure walking past the door, the two could only admire how strict the army of the First Legion was.

Except for the sound of footsteps and the roar of armored machinery, the army dangling from outside the car door did not have any extra words.

Although they are martial artists, they also feel a shocking military force on that steel body.

"They are the First Army?"

I don't know when, the old man came to the front of the car, he looked at the figure walking by the door, and asked.

"Yes! It's them."

Qiwei replied affirmatively.

With a slight sigh, the old man shook his head and said in disappointment: "The military is quite extraordinary. If they can be external, they are also a powerful force among human beings. Unfortunately, their muzzle is aimed at humans. "

"Lao Liu! Please speak carefully."

His expression changed slightly, and Qiwei quickly closed the car door.

Those soldiers walked past the door, it is hard to guarantee that they did not hear what Liu said.

When the car door closed, Qiwei breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the old man and said, "Lao Liu! Although human disputes have nothing to do with our martial artists, we martial artists will not participate in human wars, but in this time During the war, I think this is a good thing for the people of Bentley. Thinking about what happened in the city of Voda, what qualifications does the military government have to become the ruler of this country?"

Qiwei's words silenced the old man.

Yes, what happened in Voda City was unimaginable before him.

How can the military government do such a shocking thing?

That was hundreds of thousands of civilians, so they were driven out of Voda City unarmed.

As a citizen of this country, what kind of sadness should be in my heart?

"Perhaps you are right."

Sighing slightly, the old man turned and left with a complicated expression.

Just as the old man thought, as the citizens of this country, the hearts of the civilians who were expelled from Voda City were sad.

As citizens of this country, their government sent them to hell.

This ruthlessness, this cruelty, hurt not only the people of Voda City.

When the First Army completely controlled the situation of the refugees, it was already four hours later.

And what happened during these four hours is an extremely unforgettable thing for the people of Bentley Country.

On January 19, 348 in the new calendar, on this day, the military government ruined the last trace of thought in the hearts of civilians.

On this day, more than half a million civilians in Voda City were expelled and left for themselves in the forest.

On this day, 150,000 civilians in Voda City were buried in the mouth of the polluted beast.

This tragic incident was called the Bloody Day by the people of Bentley.

It took a whole day, and after many mobilizations, the First Army escorted the surviving refugees to Bawei City.

When entering the city of Bawei, where the walls are not too tall, many civilians cried.

Although the city wall was not high, it made them feel extremely relieved.

For the civilians who finally entered Bawei City, everything they experienced was unforgettable in their lifetime.

On the way, they saw endless corpses, bodies torn apart by polluted beasts, various fragments of limbs mixed with the bodies of polluted beasts, and the cruelty was unimaginable.

During that short journey, no one knew how it was spent, and many people vomited when they came to wake up.

For the First Army, the cruelty on the road is also unimaginable.

On the forest road, on the road less than ten miles away, nearly 150,000 civilians fell.

It can be said that the corpses of civilians can densely pave the road.

The endless stumps and fragments, blood flowed into rivers, this scene, even the First Army felt quite cruel.

Bawei City, on the South Gate Square.

Last night, until late at night, the refugees outside the city completely entered Bawei City under the **** of the army.

After a busy night, a large number of civilians were evacuated and sent to various cities early the next morning.

In the new city, they will settle down and work.

When most of the refugees left, a huge medical station stood tall in the square.

This medical station is composed of white tents.

It almost occupies the entire square, and the medical station is shaking and very busy.

In the sky above the square, a trace of blood wafted, and in the medical station, blood was more common.

Among the more than half a million civilians, the death toll is about 150,000, and the civilians who have suffered heavy losses are not included in this list.

In the medical station, there are tens of thousands of lightly injured and severely injured people.

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