Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1024: It's rare

Reaching out, Natasha took off her hood, revealing her white and determined face.

"It's really rare. The quantum signal tower has been running for so long. You still contacted me for the first time. This time it must be for business purposes?"

Looking at the owner in the picture, Natasha looked suspicious.

Although the host in the picture is smiling, Natasha still notices something wrong.

For a moment, as if thinking of something, Natasha frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Master! The underground journey was not smooth?"

In response to Natasha's question, Li Meng shook his head and said softly: "This matter has passed. Although the process has been a bit twisted, the ultimate goal has been achieved."


Natasha looked worried, and said very concerned: "It's still too hard for the master to return to the body."

Li Meng, who was in the Qingcheng Temple, smiled softly at the little woman like Natasha.

With a relaxed expression, he comforted Natasha: "Don't worry about this body, although the pain is really annoying, but what is the pain compared to your hard work?"

Although the owner seems very casual, he doesn't seem to care about the pain.

But Natasha, who was once a human, did not know the fragility of human beings.

No matter what kind of illness, it will not make people feel good.

Her expression was slightly relaxed, Natasha seemed to accept Li Meng's comfort, her expression became natural.

Thinking of what the master said just now, Natasha cared very much.

She is like a soldier, very straightforward and simple, staring directly at the master in the picture, and said seriously: "Master! I have been thinking of you for the past few months, but I don't know what to say. , Whenever I open the data terminal, I have the urge to contact the master, but in the end I give up, master! You won’t blame Natasha, do you?”

At the end, Natasha's serious expression became a little twisted.

After all, these words came out of her mouth, and even she herself was a little uncomfortable, but even so, she still said what she wanted to say.


Sakiya, who was sitting on the stone bench, gave a lovely cold snort to Natasha's shameless remarks.

The expression on that beautiful face seemed very unhappy.

Li Meng, as the client, was very happy with Natasha's words.

After all, men, being able to attract women can be considered a skill.

Although Li Meng knew that Natasha's "love" for him was a bit complicated.

There is admiration for the owner, and there is also a little love between lovers.

These two kinds of love are mixed together. Although it is not pure love, Li Meng is not a vulgar person. Li Meng will never find excuses to push his favorite things away from him.

For the so-called "big love", Li Meng has always been extremely disdainful.

Since you have that ability, why should you give up things that shouldn't be given up?

This bold statement, the most embarrassing one is Yevrich.

After all, the topic of General Natasha and the master was a personal matter, and he shouldn't have heard it.

However, General Natasha didn't care, nor signaled him to go out, so he had no choice but to stay stubborn.

From those words, it is enough to show that the relationship between General Natasha and the commander is not shallow.

However, the relationship between the commander and the three generals seems to be very good.

As for what kind of relationship it was, Jevrich knew in his heart that the soldiers in the First Army knew well and never thought there was anything wrong.

Especially for the soldiers of the Sauville Empire, when they realized this, they could only gratify in their hearts.

Because they knew the temper of the instructor, but not very pleasing to men, if the commander hated it, they would only be uncomfortable, and the position of the Suvir Empire in the heart of the commander would be very dangerous.

Fortunately, the commanders were treated equally, and General Natasha did not let them down. For the soldiers of the Sauville Empire, this was the only thing to be thankful for.

Reached out a hand and gently touched Sakiya's forehead, in Li Meng's smile, Sakiya's mouth was slightly tilted, and he turned his head cutely.

With a smile, Li Meng withdrew his gaze and looked at Natasha in the picture.

The corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and a smirk appeared on Li Meng's face. He said seriously: "A distance of several thousand kilometers is beyond a thousand words. I will find you after the war in Bentley. ! By the way, settle the matter of the establishment of the new government of Bentley after the war."

The host wants to come to Bentley?

Li Meng's words stunned Natasha who was thousands of kilometers away.

The white face showed a slight rosy.

For Natasha, Li Meng's words are undoubtedly the best love words.

"Why? Don't you want me to come? If you don't, it's okay to leave Bentley's affairs to you."

Even so, the smile on Li Meng's face did not disappear.

Although knowing that the master was trying to elicit her next sentence, Natasha couldn't help but quickly said: "No, no, the master is coming, of course Natasha welcomes it."

At the end, even Natasha became teary and pitiful.

Natasha, who has always been serious, can not deal with Li Meng's continuous molesting.

Because of her care, Natasha briefly appeared what a woman should be.

If it were someone else, Natasha would only dismissively smile, and even appear to kill.

Seeing Natasha's twisted look, Li Meng smiled secretly.

Of the three generals, only Natasha has the most unfamiliar relationship with him.

Although there was a night of madness, the cause of the process was all forced by Li Meng. Although Natasha did not resist, she finally took the initiative. Perhaps the biggest factor was that Li Meng was her master.

She can't refuse, let alone resist. Instead of disgusting her master, she should take the initiative to cater.

Afterwards, Li Meng also regretted that impulse.

But this is helpless. Natasha is so indifferent to him, man, the harder the woman to conquer, the more she wants to conquer, and Li Meng does not list this.

With a slight smile, Li Meng stopped molesting Natasha and returned to business.

"Okay! I will send you a plan for the trip to Bentley, so let's talk about you now."

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