Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1049: excusable

In the helmet, Jevric looked solemn and solemnly said: "General! I don’t know if I should say one thing, but I still have to say it. Although the soldiers are soldiers, they also have feelings. The girl I like can have the courage to take off the power combat uniform, which is enough to show his determination."

Frowning slightly, Natasha looked at Yevrich lightly.

In a very cold tone, he asked, "Are you pleading for him?"


Yevrich admitted honestly.

"Then what do you think should be done?"

Natasha asked rhetorically.

How to do it?

In the helmet, Jevric hesitated.

As for what to do, he has thought about it, but he doesn't know what to do is correct.

Natasha answered for Yevrich.

"Treat his infected body, remove him from the military, and send him back to "Ayre". Is this what you want?"

Jevric was silent. If he could, what General Natasha said was undoubtedly what he hoped.

He had learned about the process of this matter. Although the soldier violated military discipline, it seemed to Jevrich to be excusable.

At this time, Natasha said again: "What should the girl do? If he really likes that girl, he will not take off the power combat uniform. Once taken off, it will only completely cut off the connection between the two, you You should know that the humans of Al can't adapt to this world. Even if they love each other, you can't be the red line between them."

"It is pure love, or driven by the desire of the body, no matter what the reason is, it is not a reason to violate military discipline, Javrich! As the highest-ranking officer of the First Army, in this matter, you let me Very disappointed."

In the helmet, Jevrich's look is very complicated.

The identity of the soldier let him know that he should not plead for soldiers who violated military discipline.

But emotionally, he couldn't overcome that hurdle.

Jevric had to admit that in many ways he still lacks, the most important thing is that his heart is not hard enough.

"Sorry! Let the general down!"

Yevrich could only say apologetically.

With a wave of her hand, Natasha said coldly: "Go on! Think about it right or wrong."


Javrich knew that his intercession was a failure.

For this result, when he came, he was already mentally prepared.

Natasha was lost in thought as she watched Yevrich's departure, in her hood.

She was thinking about the soldier who violated military discipline.

The matter is not complicated. The First Army has occupied Bentley for a long time.

Especially in Amway City, soldiers were stationed as early as six months ago.

During the period of stationing, the soldiers inevitably had contact with the locals.

Although due to the existence of power combat uniforms and military discipline, soldiers generally do not have much contact with locals.

But there are exceptions for everything.

A soldier named "Marxist Lenin" had been stationed in Amway City for a long time and met a very curious local girl. Over time, during the conversation, the two gained mutual favor.

Over time, good impressions gradually become love.

Between the duty of a soldier and love, the soldier named Marxist chose love.

In order to give the loved one a real date, the soldier named Marxist-Leninist took off his power combat uniform with great courage and left his post without authorization.

The result is self-evident. In less than two hours, he fell on the street and was hurriedly sent back to the barracks by the girl he loved.

Yes, Marxist-Leninist courage is worthy of admiration. He knew that taking off his power combat uniform would cause his body to be infected with contaminants, but he still did it, and he did it very simply.

But this courage cannot excuse him from blame.

In fact, Natasha had already prepared for this kind of situation.

As Jevric said, although soldiers are soldiers, they also have feelings and emotions.

The only difference from ordinary people is that they have a more determined consciousness.

But no matter how firm the consciousness is, it is easy to become vulnerable when tempted by the outside world.

Although the soldiers from "Ayre" are bound by the "contract", the "contract" only makes the soldiers loyal to their masters. Although Marxist-Leninist violates military discipline, they are loyal to their masters. Therefore, the contract will not punish him.

How to punish that soldier, Natasha is also very conflicted.

Although the crime does not lead to death, this matter is not easy to handle.

The most important thing is the intercession from the sergeants at all levels.

It's not without reason why Jevric came to her for this.

Trouble, very troublesome.

Although this matter can be forgiven, it cannot be stopped.

If this advance is opened, military law will become a display.

Since the owner is coming, Natasha had to put it down for the time being.

The war is over...

For the civilians in Bentley, this is undoubtedly a happy thing.

On the **** day, the city of Voda was destroyed. Although these two things are worrying, but fortunately, the culprit has already fallen.

The wounds in the hearts of civilians in Bentley are slowly recovering.

Although the new "ruler" is not what they want, they can only accept the new life.

The Bentley nation after the war is slowly restoring order.

No matter how long the journey is, it will eventually reach the end.

At 14 o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the huge "Emperor" finally appeared in the sea outside the port of Marani.

As soon as it appeared, when the huge steel body appeared on the sea level, it was discovered by the guards on the guard wall.

The news of the commander's arrival in Bentley spread immediately.

Knowing that the "Emperor" had arrived in the open sea, all parts of the city suddenly became busy.

The soldiers stationed in the city began to clear the road under the order of Jevrich, clearing a clear road to the commander's mansion.

In the port, a team of 500 people poured into the port, urgently doing defense work, preparing for the arrival of the "special envoy".

The war in Bentley is over, and the port in the capital is reopened.

Although maritime trade is slowly recovering, and industrial cities throughout Bentley have also resumed production, the time is too short to return to the former prosperity.

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