Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1055: Be careful

As she buttoned the last button, she whispered: "We are nuns and the master’s family. Everything belongs to the master. Why should the master care too much? Whether it’s body or soul, if the master needs it, Take it."

When the words were over, the last button was already closed.

The soft words, to be honest, how could Li Meng not be moved?

But in the end, Li Meng remained unmoved.

He just looked at Saya who was dressing with admiring eyes.

When the hood was put on again, Saya's seductive body was completely shrouded in perfection.

Stretching lazily, Li Meng turned and hit Hatch and walked outside the courtyard.

As he walked, Li Meng said, "Go back! Tell Wendy that I'm going to find Natasha, and I'll be back soon, not to find me."


Saya whispered while holding the clothes left by the master and looking at the back of the master leaving.

In the hood, on that beautiful face, there was a slight regret.

Is she acting too obvious?

When the master's back disappeared, Saya still stood quietly in the aisle, watching where the master disappeared.

Maybe not, maybe the master noticed the careful thought in her heart.


Walking slowly in the corridor, Li Meng showed a smile on his face when thinking of Saya he met in the hot spring.

He didn't expect that his nun would have played with it.

Well, it was just a scheming, after all, he already knew how to seduce him physically.

Although there are many things, Li Meng does not know everything.

But what happened around him could not escape Li Meng's eyes.

For example, Saye, with such a large military government, how did she know that Li Meng was in the hot spring?

And she knew exactly when Li Meng left the room.

Li Meng knew that when he left the room, there was no one beside him.

There is only one answer, and that is, Saya has been observing him in secret.

Because this observation was not malicious, Li Meng did not notice it.

In the hot spring, Saye appeared at an appropriate time and used his beauty to attract Li Meng's attention.

Although this behavior doesn't explain much, maybe Saya just wants to get close to him.

But Li Meng had a feeling in his heart that Saya wanted more than just being "close."

However, Li Meng is not surprised that the nun has such a "motivated spirit."

After all, the nuns have preserved the memories and emotions of human beings. Although they have changed a lot in their personality after becoming a "corpse girl", some things cannot be changed.

Li Meng didn't know what Saya wanted, but Li Meng would not take the initiative to give it to her.

Li Meng will wait and wait for her to speak out.

Before that, if she still wants to play some tricks, Li Meng will be quite cooperative.

After all, her little scheming is just a kind of "fun" for Li Meng.

Walking, walking, Li Meng stopped in front of a room door.

In this afternoon, Natasha had taken Li Meng around the Commander’s Mansion, and Li Meng had already known the place where Natasha worked.

Without stopping, Li Meng pushed in.

Walking into the house, Li Meng saw a slender figure in front of the window.

She is wearing a purple dress, although she is a little tall, but the curve of her back is undoubtedly beautiful.

The sound of the door opening seemed to disturb her, and she turned her head suspiciously.

When she turned around, she saw the owner who had entered the room and was wearing a white bathrobe.

"the host?"

She yelled softly, and was about to turn around.

However, when she turned around, Li Meng had already walked quickly behind her and hugged her from behind without hesitation.

Holding Natasha's soft and slender body tightly, Li Meng said softly in her ear: "Do you miss me?"

Natasha lowered her head slightly and remained silent.

Natasha's reaction was not what Li Meng wanted.

Opening his mouth slightly, Li Meng bit Natasha's earlobe.

In the afternoon, due to the presence of other people, there was no close contact with Natasha.

But tonight, nothing can stop Li Meng.

Natasha's face was reddened when her earlobe was attacked, she became a little at a loss, but she remained silent.

Natasha's silence made Li Meng, who was dissatisfied, bolder.

The hand on Natasha's lower abdomen slowly moved up, slowly sliding over Natasha's soft body, and climbing up the soft ground bit by bit.

In Natasha's ear, Li Meng said at the same time: "Knowing that I am coming! He also put on a skirt specially and said, did you miss me?"

Being attacked on her chest, Natasha gritted her teeth gently and closed her eyes ruddy.

She heard what she said to the master, but she couldn't do it if she asked her to say the shy "word".

"Really disobedient!"

Without getting the answer he wanted, Li Meng was no longer satisfied with the existing site.

One hand bullied the soft place, and the other hand slowly slid down.

Li Meng's teasing, which Natasha can bear.

She had become teary and shy, but she still gritted her teeth and silently suffered the bullying of her master.

"Don't tell me yet?"

In Natasha's ear, Li Meng said in a low voice.

The movements in his hands became harder.

A fire caused by Saya needs enough water to extinguish.

For Li Meng at this time, Natasha was undoubtedly a good source of water.

Natasha remained silent in the face of the host's repressive, deep questioning.

She just lowered her head, closed her eyes, did not resist, but did not cooperate.


Natasha's silence made Li Meng amused.

Without saying much, Li Meng just proved himself with actions.

With his hands around the slender waist, Li Meng turned Natasha's body to face her.

The body moved forward slightly, pressing Natasha against the wall beside the window.

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