Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1059: Touching heart

Since the First Army took over the city of Marani, Bentley’s original army was disbanded.

The soldiers stationed everywhere in Marani are now soldiers of the First Army.


The soldier beside the car looked at the car behind.

He turned around and said to the checkpoint: "Let go now!"

In the voice, several dark green figures ran out of the sentry box, removing obstacles on the road.

The obstacle disappeared, and the convoy continued to move forward, breathed past the checkpoint, and drove onto the road to climb above the wall.

The higher you stand, the farther you see.

As the convoy climbed higher and higher along the road, it looked into the city and everything was in sight.

Soon, amid the "strong" roar, the convoy drove up the city wall.

When you arrive at the wall in person, you can clearly understand how wide the wall is.

Looking at the wide city wall outside the car, Li Meng's eyes were very strange.

Human creativity is really powerful. Under the pressure of survival, it is possible to build such a tall city wall.

Of course not high enough, but thick enough.

The wall of Marani city is 70 meters high, and the thickness is probably more than 20 meters.

This is only the thickness of the city head, the thickness of the bottom layer has exceeded 30 meters.

This makes the space for the convoy driving on the city head very generous.

Not to mention one car, even if ten cars drive side by side, there is no problem.


Li Meng stopped the team.

There is nothing to see in the car. The battlements on both sides block the line of sight.

On the city wall, the convoy stopped.

With a group of people, Li Meng got out of the car and came to the battlements on the inner side.

Unconsciously, the convoy driving on the city wall has entered the city.

Looking into the city, a magnificent picture came into my eyes.

Stand high, see far, and have a sweeping view of the city.

The vehicles and pedestrians on the street look so small, just like ants moving.

The wind is blowing, and the wind is stronger at high places.

The women standing next to Li Meng's dresses floated and whirred.

Standing in front of the battlements, Li Meng quietly looked at Marani City.

The war has disappeared for several months. The city of Marani, which has experienced the baptism of war, still has traces of war. Some streets and some buildings are still under construction. The blackness can remind people of the past. .

Lifting a bunch of silver hair in front of her forehead, looking at the city, Sakuya whispered: "If there is no war, this country will never be changed. The arrival of the First Army has become an opportunity for this country to change, new rights, The new regime, for the civilians in this country, at least they are more free."


Is it spiritual freedom? Or is it physical freedom?

In life, many things are involuntary, especially in the age of war.

The First Army launched a war, and Li Meng, as the leader, had already made all preparations.

With a faint smile, Li Meng looked at Sakuya who was beside him, and asked, "Human beings today are a disc of loose sand. If you want to knead this disc of loose sand into a whole, Sakiya! What do you think? Rule or benevolent education?"

After thinking about this question for a while, Sakiya has the answer.

Sakuya replied: "Human emotions are extremely rich. Even if it is a hundred, thousand, or even ten thousand years, human thoughts will not be unified. Even if they are unified for some reason, they will quickly split. To unite mankind, we must rule with iron and blood. As long as the ruling class is stable and has a unified mind, the unity of mankind will not be broken."

Very meaningful answer.

Regarding Sakuya's answer, Li Meng did not deny or affirm it.

He just smiled and looked at the city again.

Sakuya, who was on the side, looked at His Royal Highness with doubts.

Sakiya believed that there must be a reason for your Highness to ask this question.

As for the reason, it was not something Sakiya could know, she could only follow the eyes of her Highness to look into the city.

At this moment, not far below the city wall, for some reason, the street suddenly rioted.

The chattering noise caught Li Meng's attention, and his eyes turned to the place of disturbance.

In a corner of the street, a group of small figures surrounded a bloated truck.

There were a few people on the truck, and they kept throwing things off the truck.

Although the distance was far away, Li Meng also saw clearly what those things were.

It was a plastic bag with some food. The contents were colorful and I don't know what it was.

And those little figures are a group of tattered children, they are rushing around, the scene is very chaotic.

For the chaos on the street. Sakuya also saw this scene. She explained: "These are orphans who wander on the streets. Some of them are abandoned, and some are wandering on the streets because they lost their parents. In Bentley, there is no place like an orphanage. , They can only beg for a living."

"When the First Army took over the city of Marani, many wandering orphans starved to death in the city. Their bodies were scattered in every corner. This attracted the attention of the First Army, so the local civil department was ordered to deal with the matter. "

Li Meng was not too surprised by this phenomenon.

In this era, human survival is full of hardships, and most people are running around for food and clothing.

For young children, once they lose the protection of their parents, the end is often miserable.

Either starved to death, or wandered on the streets to beg for a living.

In such a harsh world, wandering on the streets is often no different from "death".

Seeing the little figures below who were snatching food, Li Meng was silent.

Maybe it was destined, or maybe the sixth sense made her sense something.

Among the crowd looting for food, she was the only one who stood up, her dirty face looked up, and looked at the wall in confusion and confusion.

Her black pupils revealed extremely rich negative emotions, ranging from blankness, silence, despair, and fear to the future.

Although she could not see the existence of Li Meng on the wall, Li Meng noticed her in the crowd.

The emotion revealed in the dark pupils touched Li Meng's heart.

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