Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1062: Pure "like"

Over the years, she has met countless men who have thoughts of her, but he alone, the man in front of her, said the sadness in her heart in just one sentence.

The strength in her heart didn't make Gu Niya show too much emotion.

She put away the sadness on her face and smiled and said: "I won't talk about these things. This time to see you, it's a chance encounter. Our ship is stopped at the port, and Marani is our last supply point. "

"What a proud woman..."

Seeing Gu Niya's face returning to normal, Li Meng secretly said in his heart.

No matter how difficult things are, she is unwilling to ask for help from those familiar with her.

Li Meng knew very well that if he and Gu Niya were strangers who had never met, she would easily say some things.

It can be said that there are countless countries she has asked for help, and there is no reason to ignore the First Army.

There is only one answer, not that she does not want to, but not.

Although Li Meng has only a few fate with her, the friendship between people is not maintained by time. Sometimes a few fate is enough.

At this moment, Teresa on the side raised her head and looked at Sister Guniya beside her, her calm face seemed to understand something.

She moved, she stood up, left Gu Niya's side, and took a small step towards Li Meng who was the master.

"Theresa! Where are you going?"

Gu Niya was a little puzzled about her sister's behavior, and she quickly shouted.

Teresa did not stop at Gunia's shout.

As for Li Meng, seeing Teresa leave the sofa and come to her.

He smiled slightly and patted the cushion next to him.

Carrying her skirt, Teresa sat elegantly beside Li Meng.


Seeing that Teresa, who has always been very well-behaved, so rude, Gunya's tone became more serious.

But Dinessa pouted her mouth and looked at Teresa angrily, with envy in her eyes.

Although Dinessa has always been bold, she did not dare to act towards Teresa, so she was very envious.

Rubbing Teresa's little head lightly, Li Meng waved to Guniya and said, "It's okay! Let her sit here."

Seeing that Li Meng, who was the host, didn't care, Gu Niya stopped talking and could only give Teresa an angry look.

I don't know what happened to Teresa, how could she do such a bold thing today.

Gunia was puzzled by Teresa's actions.

Looking down at Teresa, who was sitting quietly next to him, Li Meng said softly: "Say what you want to say. How can I know if I don't say it?"

Teresa raised her head, her watery eyes looked at Li Meng.

She looked a little hesitant, and a little scared.

What hesitated, what was afraid of, Li Meng didn't know.

But Li Meng knew what Teresa was worried about.

She worried that once she said it, he would no longer like "her".

Little Teresa understands very well that the big brother next to her "likes" her, that kind of like is "pure", not mixed with a trace of lust, if she says something that shouldn't be said, this kind of "pure" "It may be broken.

Once broken, she might lose the "favor" of her elder brother, so she was scared, very scared.

What a brave and careful girl...

Rubbing that little head, Li Meng was very pleased and said: "How can your elder brother not know if you think carefully?"

Big brother got it?

Looking at her elder brother, Teresa looked very worried, and said timidly: "Will the elder brother "hate" me?"


Rubbing that little head, Li Meng comforted: "No, how can big brother hate you? This life is alive, there are many embarrassing things, some things seem wrong, but the starting point is right Yes, so, right and wrong things and right things cannot be seen on the surface."

Regarding the words of the elder brother, Teresa was thoughtful and nodded cutely.

After comforting Teresa, Li Meng looked at Gu Niya.

Gunia's expression at this time is quite complicated.

As for the closeness between her sister and Li Meng, while she was happy, she was also worried.

What is happy about it, naturally needless to say, Li Meng is not a bad person, and coupled with the relationship of the First Army, she would not object to her sister being close to Li Meng.

The worry is that although my sister is small, she will always grow up. Now that she is so close to Li Meng, she may be attached to him when she grows up. Once this happens, there will be trouble in the future. thing.

Looking at Gunia, Li Meng said calmly: "Even if it's for Teresa, let's go, what help do you need?"

this is……

Li Meng's sudden words undoubtedly surprised Gu Niya very much, and she couldn't believe it.

This is a major event in a country. He didn't understand the cause of the matter, so he agreed to it all at once?

Although Gu Niya was very pleased with Li Meng’s words, she reminded: "I understand your kindness, but this is a major event in a country. It is better to make a decision after discussing with the top of the First Army. Embarrass you."


Li Meng laughed dumbly and was quite speechless, but Li Meng still appreciated Kuniya's kindness.

At this moment, Sakuya on the side made a sound.

She said coldly: "No one in the First Legion can embarrass Your Highness, and such a person will never appear in the First Legion."

Your Highness?

This is the title again.

Gu Niya was a little confused about Li Meng's identity.

Some people call him the commander, some call him his master, and some call him his highness.

Too many names, his identity in the First Army is simply a mystery.

She seemed to have sensed Gunia’s doubts. Li Meng smiled and said, “It’s not important what identity is. You only need to know that what I say and what I promised can definitely be done. Take this time as an example. I’m in Bentley. His identity is a "special envoy", responsible for the establishment of the new government of Bentley."

For Gunia, Li Meng's status is of course the higher the better.

Putting away the doubts in her heart, Gu Niya stopped thinking about things she couldn't figure out.

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