Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1070: Gunia's silence

Li Meng admired Kuniya's reaction.

He smiled faintly and said: "A woman who is too arrogant is not likable, even a martial artist is the same."

Regarding Li Meng's words, Gu Niya also smiled and asked, "If I am not a martial artist, but just a princess from an ordinary fallen kingdom, would you like it?"

As soon as she said this, Gu Niya regretted it.

She looked reddish, rather embarrassed.

In a short time, she said such shameful words.

Li Meng faintly smiled at Gu Niya's embarrassment and said: "How can a beautiful woman be annoying?"

Such a sly answer made Gu Niya look slightly stunned.

She shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Your Excellency is too greedy."


Li Meng looked at Wendy and then at Saya, thinking of the other women in his heart.

He did not deny, but said calmly: "Maybe!"

She seemed to realize the impropriety in the words, she hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, don't get me wrong, whoever is successful is not surrounded by many women, not to mention those princes and nobles with groups of wives and concubines, even wealthy businessmen have many. His wife and concubine, in your capacity, even if you have..."

Speaking of this, Gunia can't speak anymore.

She knew that if she continued, she would only describe it more and more darkly.

Gunia's flustered look made Li Meng happy.

Unexpectedly, Gu Niya, who was always calm, would have such a lovely scene.

I don't know what's wrong, maybe I want to see Guniya's reaction.

Li Meng quietly stretched out a hand, and boldly touched Gu Niya from the water.

The fingertips lightly touched the back of Gunia's hand.

The touch from the back of her hand made Gu Niya flushed, as if she realized something, she gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Gu Niya's reaction aroused the curiosity in Li Meng's heart. He wanted to see how much Gu Niya could bear.

Without a word, Li Meng's expression was calm on the surface, but the hands in the water slowly moved up from the back of Gunia's hands, sliding over the smooth and tender skin little by little.

Gu Niya still endured, gritted her teeth, kept silent, did not dare to look at Li Meng, stared at the water.

Seeing that Gu Niya still didn't respond, Li Meng was even bolder.

Going over Guniya's hand, she lightly touched her waist.

Although there is a bathrobe between them, Li Meng can feel the stiffness of her body.

She still didn't respond, the expression on her face just became a little bewildered.

Li Meng was not satisfied with this reaction.

Across the bathrobe, Li Meng's hand slowly slid up on her waist, bit by bit upward.

Starting from the lower abdomen, slowly moving upward.

Under the mountain, Li Meng paused for a while, looking boldly at Gu Niya.

In the face of Li Meng's gaze, Gunia was shy, she gritted her teeth, still silent.

Li Meng was dissatisfied with this reaction, so he took advantage of the situation and climbed up the mountain.


Gu Niya couldn't help exclaiming with the unprecedented touch on her chest.

The sound is very small and very depressing.

Her hand in the water has clenched her fist, she wants to resist, she wants to refuse.

But the will and the body rejected her. She wanted to open her mouth and definitely refused, but she just couldn't speak.

She can only endure and silently endure the presumptuous behavior of the man beside her.

Seeing Gu Niya who didn't respond, Li Meng became bolder.

Under the cover of water, she began to unbutton the buttons of the bathrobe on Gunia's chest one by one.

Every time a button is unbuttoned, Gunia's face becomes more rosy.

When the buttons were unbuttoned on Gunia's lower abdomen, Li Meng stopped.

He just stopped and unbuttoned the button. With a slight turn of his hand, Li Meng's hand plunged into the bathrobe.

This time, the touch in the hand was the smooth and tender skin, not the yukata.

That kind of touch makes people feel more profound.

For Gunia, the hot hands on her skin made her body tremble.

The touches that time and time made her extremely ashamed.

But the more this happened, the less she dared to move, she could only bear it through gritted teeth.

What does she think?

Seeing Gu Niya's blushing and gritted teeth, Li Meng was silent.

While puzzled, he was a little excited.

There are also two little girls beside, the special environment gives Li Meng a feeling of cheating.

Although this idea is ridiculous, Li Meng is somewhat obsessed with it.

This made him refuse to stop and became bolder.

The slippery skin can no longer satisfy Li Meng. Facing the alluring mountain, Li Meng climbed up without hesitation and kneaded gently.

The comfortable touch was stimulating Li Meng's heart, especially for Kuniya.

Her Excellency Li Meng's boldness finally made her unable to bear it.

In the rapids of the water, Gunia blushed and grabbed the strange hand on her chest.

She looked at Li Meng shyly, and said with difficulty gnashing her teeth: "Your Excellency Li Meng! That's enough."

Li Meng was slightly taken aback by these words.

Li Meng had thought about what Gunia would say, but he did not expect Gunia to say such a sentence.

Li Meng understood, he looked at Gu Niya with a smile.

enough? No, it is not enough.

Freed from Gunia's hand, Li Meng put his hand on Gunia's waist.

With a slight force in the hand, and gently, Gu Niya's body is closer to Li Meng.

Gu Niya was slightly surprised by Li Meng's bold behavior. She glanced at the sisters not far away, then turned around and said with a begging tone: "Please don't do this, if the sisters see it, then..."

She has no face to meet people.

Gunia knows that in Teresa's heart, Her Excellency Li Meng is very important.

Although she may not know anything when she is young, if she sees it, she will always understand when she grows up.

At that time, some bad things will happen.

With a slight smile, Li Meng leaned into Gu Niya's ear and said softly: "Don't worry! They won't notice it. From their point of view, I'm just chatting with their sister."

When he said this, Li Meng's hands in the water became dishonest, and he began to fumble on Guniya's upper body.

Walk slowly along the smooth and tender skin.

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