Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1074: Downpour

As the culprit, Li Meng quietly looked at the seductive Qin Qian.

The posture in silk stockings and the occasional scenery revealed to Li Meng, a little boy, are all heartening.

After some sorting, Qin Qian finally returned to normal, and the scenery was gone.

Li Meng hadn't forgotten the matter of seeing off Kuniya.

From absurdity to absurdity, we still have to do business.

Under the service of Qinqian and Pasha, after washing and taking the daily essential medicine, Li Meng left the room and walked to the restaurant refreshedly.

When Li Meng walked into the restaurant, Gu Niya had arrived with her two younger sisters and was eating.

"Your Excellency Li Meng is in a good mood, I thought I would never see Your Excellency Li Meng again when I left!"

Looking at Li Meng who walked into the restaurant, Gu Niya put down the tableware in her hand and smiled slightly.

And Dinesha and Teresa, while eating breakfast, looked at Li Meng together.

Facing the eyes of the three people, Li Meng smiled and sat on the main seat.

Looking at the three women one by one, Li Meng said, "I said, I will see you off today, so I won’t break my promise. After all, this time I’m goodbye. When I meet next time, I don’t know when it’s going to happen. At that time, the two little girls had grown up."

Yes, it should be a long time before we meet next time.

Gu Niya felt the same way for Li Meng's words.

After all, the mainland of Austria is too far away from Bentley, and it is not easy to go back and forth once.

For some reason, after Li Meng arrived, the atmosphere in the dining room became a little dignified, and even Gu Niya looked lost and ate breakfast silently.

There is always a banquet in the world, and parting is always sad.

This kind of thing cannot be enlightened, only to adapt.

In this weird silence, the four of them finished their meal hastily.

After leaving the restaurant and walking in the long corridor, all four of them seemed very silent.

Even Dinesha was quietly following Gu Niya, silent.

When the front door of the military government appeared, everyone could not help but slow down a lot.

No matter how slow the pace is, it is impossible to go on forever.

As the gate got closer and closer, the sound of raindrops came to the ears of the four.

It's raining……

The door was opened at some unknown time, and the strong wind followed the corridor and blew on everyone.

Bursts of coolness penetrated my heart.

At this time, the gate was already close at hand, and in the courtyard outside the gate, the scene of the "crashing" pouring rain was reflected in everyone's eyes.

In the rain, a convoy is waiting.

The wind was blowing, and the two little girls shivered from the cold, leaning against Gunya tightly.

Everyone stopped in front of the gate, staring blankly at the heavy rain outside.

At this time, Li Meng looked back at Gu Niya and said: "This heavy rain will not stop for a while, and the sea is extremely risky. There is a possibility of storms in this kind of weather. Stay for a few more days. Wait until the rain stops before leaving! "

Faced with Li Meng's gaze, Gu Niya's face turned red, which reminded her of the scene last night.

Although Gu Niya hesitated about this suggestion, another voice appeared in her heart.

When Gunia lowered her head, she saw the hopeful eyes of her sisters.

With a helpless sigh in her heart, Gu Niya had a hunch in her heart that now that she does not leave, something that she cannot control will happen.

However, at this moment, she has no choice.

Because Li Meng is right, this kind of weather is indeed not suitable for sailing.

Once encountered a storm, the risk is too great, she can not take this risk.

Gunia could only nod her head and said: "Then it will be troublesome for a few days."

With a slight smile, under the leadership of Li Meng, the group walked in the direction they had come and returned to the military government.

Due to the heavy rain today, it is not suitable to go out. There is no travel plan. I can only stay in the military government and spend a boring rainy day.

However, for Li Meng, if he wants to be free, he can live freely every day, and if he wants to be busy, things will never be finished.

In the military government, after parting with Gu Niya, Li Meng did not return to his room, but came to Natasha's office.

Sitting behind the desk, Li Meng spread out an electronic drawing board on the table.

Holding an electronic pen in hand, Li Meng slowly began to draw on the drawing board.

In terms of talent and talent, many ordinary people far surpass Li Meng.

But in terms of intelligence and ability to learn, I am afraid that only intelligent AI in this world can compare with Li Meng.

The strength of the soul represents the tenacity of the will, and the spiritual power is the manifestation of the will.

Although Li Meng’s soul has suffered some impact due to his underground journey, he is slowly recovering under his personal cultivation. Although it is still far away from full recovery, for Li Meng, the spiritual power is very convenient to use. , But it's not that Li Meng can't live without it.

Although the power of the mind is powerful, it can easily affect the soul.

In the face of a weak opponent, he can achieve a one-shot kill, but when facing a strong enemy, the power of the soul can easily hurt himself.

Compared with the manifestation of the will, the "spiritual power", Li Meng is more optimistic about the spirit body that represents the law of death.

How should I put it, the spirit body already has a trace of divinity under the penetration of the power of faith.

Of course, this divinity has nothing to do with the so-called god.

It just describes a close connection with the rules of the universe.

In Li Meng's understanding, the power of death belongs to biological energy, but it is not just biological energy. It is born from the material world, but it also exists in subspace. It belongs to biological energy and also belongs to psychic energy.

In the material world, the power of death is born from death, and it comes from the body of death.

In the subspace, it comes from the consciousness of human beings, that is, the souls of dead human beings that enter the subspace.

In the past, Li Meng had always been outside. After death, after a period of time, the soul would slowly dissipate and turn into nothingness, but when Li Meng discovered subspace, his cognition was broken.

The ultimate destination of the soul is the subspace, which will be swallowed by the demon consciousness of the subspace instead of dissipating in the material world.

However, before the soul that enters the subspace is swallowed by the demon consciousness, in this process, the power of death will also be born continuously.

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