Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1103: Exposed

The road needs to be taken step by step, and the infrastructure needs to be improved step by step. The establishment of a new government is only the first step.

However, this silence was soon broken.

In the Xicheng District, a large number of soldiers are moving on various streets in the city. Amid the roar of vehicles, one convoy after another is gathering at a certain point.

When approaching an abandoned community in the west of the city, all the vehicle lights went out, moving forward with minimal power, quietly surrounding the entire community.

Upon arriving at the designated intersection, a large number of soldiers ran out of the vehicle and quickly formed an encircling front.

In order to reduce the damage to the city, no heavy vehicles were used in this dispatch, only a small number of sickle mechas were dispatched.

In the dark, the shadows of the sickle mecha are the most conspicuous. They stand on the street, and a faint blue light is transmitted from the armored body. The black hole muzzle of the heavy rotary machine gun points directly at the abandoned community, like the night The Reaper in the middle, is waiting for the harvest time.

Even in the dark, at this time, in an abandoned community, in a residential building, the rat hidden in the dark also moved.

It's dark here, and you can't see your fingers. The abandoned community has long been cut off, which also caused the five people in the room to lose the most common light source.

Of course, even if there is no power failure, they will not turn on the lights in the dark. They are the concealers of the dark and have long adapted to the dark. The dark can make them feel safe and make their actions more convenient.

The time has come...

In the darkness, Heimo sitting on the window sill opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed across his pupils.

"Go!" His low voice resounded in the darkness.

The sound reverberated in the darkness, and also made several people in the room wake up from their resting state.

As the figure flickered, in the room, several figures stood tall in the dark.

They are ready.

In a secluded residential building, a "creak" of the door opened softly echoed.

In the faint voice, several figures emerged from the dark corridor, walked out of the residential building, and walked silently on the road outside.

There was no sound, no communication between them, only silence. In silence, the pace was fast.

The abandoned community is very quiet, as dead as death, any movement, even the sound of footsteps, will become particularly clear, and will form a kind of echo, which spreads far and far away.

In the sound of "stomping", they are moving fast.

However, when they came to an intersection, their bodies as they were advancing suddenly stopped and their footsteps stopped abruptly.

Because in front of them, on the way to the exit, several burly figures were standing in the darkness.

Under the faint moonlight, the dull metallic luster flickered slightly, and they held a heavy sword in their hands.

Seeing a few burly figures silent at the intersection, Heimo's expression became very ugly.

There is no doubt that their identities have been exposed.

Beside Heimo, the four of them looked at each other even more, their eyes were surprised and solemn.

It's the enemy...

There is no doubt that this is true for both parties.

The enemy did not move, and Heimo and his party did not move. In the darkness, the two sides stood in a stalemate 100 meters apart.

"Hei Mo! We have no weapons, and it is not easy to confront each other. It is better to retreat temporarily. The rescue of "Sath" can only wait for the next opportunity." Behind Hei Mo, a person suggested in a low voice.

They were all dressed as civilians when they entered the city this time. Naturally, those conspicuous hand-held weapons would not be brought along. With their abilities, even if they wanted to kill, they would use the same weapons or not. This was their confidence.

Heimo's expression moved slightly at this suggestion.

The few people on the opposite side are wearing armor and holding big swords. At first glance, they feel that they are not easy to deal with. The momentum is a bit surprising. Without a handy weapon, it is obviously unwise to fight with them.

Just as Heimo hesitated, a cold voice rang in the darkness.

"The community has been surrounded. You have only two choices, surrender or die." Although it was far away, the voice was clearly heard by the five people.

As if to confirm what the Dark Iron Warrior said, all the vehicles surrounding the community turned on their lights.

When the dazzling car lights came on, beams of light shone into the pitch-black neighborhood, making the darkness in the neighborhood fade slightly.

A beam of light appeared all around, and the faint light pierced the hearts of the five people.

At this moment, the faces of the five people were very ugly. Except for Black Mo, the faces of the other four had already appeared in fear.

Perceiving the panic of his companions, Heimo sternly said: "Don't be messy, the soldiers outside are just ordinary people. As long as we kill these people, we can escape."

Hei Mo's stern sound seemed to shock a few people. Although the panic on his face remained, he calmed a lot. The long life of the villain made them very clear. If you want to survive in the Jedi, you must be calm and not chaotic. "Death" is not far away.

Yes, what Heimo said is reasonable. If they are just ordinary soldiers outside, there is no problem with their reaction ability and escape with the help of darkness. The current problem is the enemy blocking their way. As long as the enemy is eliminated, their escape will be Hopeful.

Thinking of this, the four gradually calmed down. In the darkness, they looked around, trying to find some weapons that could be used on the spot.

There are no weapons, except for the gravel side of the ground and a bare piece of it around.

Seeing that the companions around him had calmed down, Heimo let out a sigh of relief.

If the trash beside him were timid, it would be no small trouble for Hei Mo. The opponent's strength was unclear. If he wanted to escape, it would be difficult to be completely sure.

It's all right now. With these wastes, Hei Mo is more confident.

Thinking of this, Heimo bowed slightly and made a charge, he said solemnly: "We have no weapons. We must preemptively and overwhelm the opponent with momentum."

To Heimo, everyone was convinced. In the darkness, the four of them bowed slightly like Heimo, with a determined look on their faces.

"Kill!" With a low roar, Heimo rushed out first. He was extremely fast in the dark, turning into a black shadow and rushing towards the enemy 100 meters away.

The four followed closely and turned into black shadows to attack the enemy in front.

Their speed is extremely fast, but the speed of the Dark Iron Warrior is even faster.

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