Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1111: Stronger presence

Ellie looked at the first person, because he looked even more different.

When the person she was looking at suddenly turned his head, and the deep gaze seemed to penetrate the darkness to look at her, Ari was taken aback and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ellie did not see the man's eyes, because when he turned his head, Ellie only saw a skull mask.

Although it was just a glimpse, Ellie believed that the person was definitely aware of their existence.

This makes Alice unbelievable. After all, their location is too far away from him. Even if the cover of night is aside, even in daytime, at such a distance, it is impossible to detect gaze from afar.

But he was aware of it, even the cover of darkness made him aware of the existence of the four of them.

Ai Li's exclamation caused Qi Wei on the side to withdraw his gaze from a distance. He glanced at Ai Li beside him and said calmly: "They are not ordinary people, just like those black armored fighters, maybe they are more powerful beings."

"Then what are they? Martial artist? I don't see it, but those black armored warriors have strong physique and strength. In addition to martial artist who can temper their body, can other capable people do it?"

This is the only place Eri is confused, and it is also the place that everyone is confused.

For the black armored fighters, the four can be said to know very well, in the forest outside Voda City, they have seen the fighting posture of the black armored fighters.

That kind of posture is the purest use of power, and that kind of physique and power can be said to have far exceeded that of martial artists.

After all, the black armored warrior can wrestle with the polluting beast head-on, and this alone is something that their martial artist cannot do.

It can't be done, everyone understands this very well.

One of the reasons why martial artists have become an indispensable force for mankind is the base. Although not everyone can become martial artists, martial artists are very widespread among human beings, and there are martial artists all over the world.

The second is easy to understand. As long as the body has vigor, it will be a matter of awakening vigor. Once awakened, even without learning, the martial artist can instinctively use vigor to increase it extremely.

The reason why martial artists are widespread among humans is that in addition to being closely related to humans, they also exercise their bodies. Humans care about their bodies. If they can make themselves strong, they can change the deadliest of humans. Not only that, the stronger the martial artist, the longer the life expectancy, even if it is just to extend the life span, everyone is willing to fight for it for a lifetime, which also causes the martial artist to be favored by humans, and everyone wants to become a martial artist. .

Among the many capable people, neither the mind-powered nor the peculiar magicians can strengthen their bodies, nor can they increase their lifespan, only martial artists can.

But now, the four have discovered another ability.

Four people don't know what kind of ability this is, but there is no doubt that it is very powerful.

Regarding his sister’s question, Kaiwei was very open. He said indifferently: “Although there are only three professions in the world, namely, martial artist, power man, and magician, except for martial artist and power man who are closely related to human beings. In addition, magicians are indeterminate, and their categories are extremely complicated. Maybe the abilities they possess are one of the classifications of magicians."

This is also true, everyone can barely accept Kaiwei's explanation.

The real answer does not exist. The four have to believe that it may become the real answer.

Looking at the circle of light, Ellie sighed, she whispered softly: "This time Childe summoned the devil, but the scale was very limited. The response of the First Legion was amazing. A certain area was sealed off before the turmoil was triggered. With the force of the First Army, it should not be a problem to get rid of the demons."

Ally was emotional not only for the force of the First Army, but also for the efficiency.

Marani City is so big, it only took half an hour to blockade a place.

During this half an hour, the First Army not only effectively evacuated the civilians in the blockade, but also effectively prevented the spread of demons.

This reminds Ellie of the previous military government of Bentley. If it is changed to the military government, what direction will the situation develop tonight?

Although the city will not be occupied by the devil, I am afraid that it will pay a great price. The civilians of Marani City may not escape the mouth of the devil, and Marani City will be completely destroyed in the subsequent battle to remove the devil. Destruction.

Of course, this is only a possibility, a conjecture, time will not go back, and of course this possibility will not exist.

There are surprises, but for Kaiwei, he is more relieved in his heart.

To his sister, he smiled slightly, and said very relaxedly: "We still take the big head in this mission. Although we haven't done much meaningful things, luck is also a kind of strength. We also count the people in the Hessian Guild. I found it. Although we did not prevent Childe from recalling the demon in advance, we can’t be blamed for this. Even if the entrusted mission is not 100% completed, we have played a certain role in this mission. Presumably, the First Army will not deny it. at this point."

"There is no need for this kind of worry. One million coins is not a small amount for us, but it is just a number for the First Army. I have to worry about it." How can Kaiwei's worry Qiwei not understand , It's just that the performance in this mission is a little unconfident.

However, it is natural for Kaiwei to worry. After all, in this commissioned task, they actually did nothing, just better luck.

Kaiwei was a bit embarrassed because he did too little and didn't give much effort.

He smiled, and Kaiwei didn't refute Qiwei's words. Indeed, he thought too much. How could the huge First Army care about this little money?


Thinking of this, Kaiwei let out a sigh of relief, his expression relaxed, and said, "I have already notified the other teams. I will return to the guild tomorrow."

In the dark, everyone did not respond, and silence represented acquiescence. For the four of them, there was no point in staying in Marani City after the mission was completed.

As the words fell, the terrace became quiet again. By the guardrail, the four people stood quietly, their eyes silently looking at the distant block.

Demons are rare, and battles with demons are even rarer. How can the four of them miss this spectacular scene.

The night is still long, they are patient and have enough time.

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