Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1116: God?

At this time, the gunfire at the intersection had disappeared for a while.

Because of the intervention of Li Meng and his party, the fighting situation fell on one side, and the soldiers were surprised by the fighting attitude of the women of the guards, and at the same time they couldn't get in.

Only less than ten people stopped thousands of demons and turned the fighting situation upside down. This made the soldiers a little bit incredulous. Although they knew that there was a power in the First Army, that power belonged to the "commander". ", they have also seen how powerful the "Black Iron Warrior" is the product of this kind of power, but compared to the Guards, the Black Iron Warrior is far inferior, and cannot be compared at all. The two are too far apart.

There is also the commander, the power he possesses is simply unimaginable, not to mention the amazing jumping ability, under that kind of impact, the devil is knocked into flesh, but the commander has nothing to do.

Is the commander really a god?

At this moment, when I saw the soldiers who were fighting just now, I was already thinking about it.

The most powerful demon was wiped out. Of course, the soldiers on the front were happy, morale was also very high, and the fear of the demon had dropped to the extreme.

At this moment, they already had a point of view in their minds, as long as the commander is there, the First Army is invincible.


As Li Meng and his party evacuated, the remaining demons once again charged the front line.

Without any scruples in his sight, the soldiers on the front once again pulled the trigger of the gun in his hand.

Gunshots, rumbling explosions sounded again, bullets roared, and flaming streamers flickered in the night sky again.

This time, the demon's attack was so feeble. Not only did it fail to move forward, but it retreated steadily. The demon in the light curtain was almost wiped out, and the rain of bullets was pouring into the darkness further away.

At this moment, behind the front line, the roar of the engine suddenly appeared.

The army has finally arrived.

On the street behind, under dim street lights, huge war machines slowly drove out of the darkness.

In the peculiar sound of the crawler crushing the ground, a large number of hammer tanks and sickle mechas were driving on the street, slowly approaching the intersection.

In the darkness, the car lights were continuous, and the convoy of steel behemoths stretched for several miles.

Wherever he went, the loud roar was deafening, and the ground was trembling.

"it's over!"

Looking at the steel convoy that stretched for miles on the street, Yuli murmured.

Indeed, it is over.

"Yeah! It's over."

Yuli's whisper beside her made Allie sigh slightly.

From the shock just now, the few people still haven't recovered.

The gaze looking into the distance still stayed on those figures from time to time.

It is them who can reverse the situation on the entire battlefield with less than ten people.

Their power is extremely amazing, and the four of them couldn't figure out how their bodies could possess such a powerful power.

Although the martial artist can use "jin" to maximize the ability of a certain part of the body in a short period of time, such as "jumping", by strengthening the limbs, the martial artist can have amazing jumping ability, but the most powerful martial artist , Being able to jump to a height of fifty meters is already the limit.

But those people are different, especially the one who killed the giant demon. In order to make himself fall faster and produce a more powerful collision, the height of his jump has exceeded 200 meters, far exceeding the floor where they are. the height of.

The four of them couldn't understand what kind of concept it was.

And the weapons they used were unclear, and they were able to completely ignore the demon's blood that can corrode everything.

The powerful demons were pitifully weak under their attack, and they did not have the slightest ability to resist. This gave the four the illusion that the "demon" was very weak.

Is the devil weak?

This is of course impossible. If their martial artist faces this type of demons, they will not be able to fight melee, because the blood of the demons will corrode the weapons in their hands and can only fight with long-range weapons.

From a distance, Qiwei withdrew his gaze, thinking in his heart, made him sigh, "This kind of power is really enviable, and the First Army is really getting more and more incomprehensible."

Qiwei's words made all of them look away, their expressions silent.

It is indeed enviable, and there is that kind of weapon, which is also exciting.

If a martial artist can possess an indestructible weapon, for the martial artist himself, his strength will often increase several times. After all, the martial artist's battle depends more on skill, and Jin is only an aid.

"It is said that the First Army has its own beliefs, and the high-level clothing also has a strong religious style, which is biased towards the dark. In the recent period, some "nuns" can be seen walking around in various cities, and many places are building monasteries. , You said, their power will not come from "God"?" As if thinking of something, Kaiwei said the guess in his heart.


Kaiwei's words made the three of them look at each other and shook their heads.

Qiwei even spoke out in denial: "Kaiwei! The Order Empire is also a "theocratic" country. Does God give them power? Faith is only a kind of belief, and the First Legion will never believe in a vanity. "God" that does not exist."

"It's not necessarily." Kaiwei objected to Qiwei's rebuttal. He said calmly: "There are some very strange creatures in this world. It is not surprising that they are regarded as "gods". As for the strange creatures found in the sky over the South China Sea, you should have seen the photos you took. What do you say is it? A human? Or is it some kind of creature? Just from the appearance, it is like the legendary "Reaper". Being able to use the AT position, so in this era, it is not unusual for any monsters to appear. Also, in the Republic of Sharjah, it is said that a queen of the Hydralisk race has evolved a humanoid form, just like the legendary Medo Sha, in this great era, there are so many peculiar things, even if there are gods, it will not surprise people."

Kaiwei's words left everyone speechless. Although they didn't want to believe them, they had to think that Kaiwei's words were reasonable.

"Well, no matter whether there is a **** or not, what the First Legion believes in has nothing to do with us. Go back."

In the end, Ellie ended the topic.

When the situation is here, the demons in Marani can't afford to turn a lot of waves, and can't see interesting scenes after staying. For the four of them, it is time to leave.

In the darkness, with the sound of footsteps fading away, the four figures on the terrace disappeared.

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