Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1118: loss

Although the demons on the surface have been wiped out, the demons in the sewers still exist. The battle is not over, and we cannot relax our vigilance. Demons are a creature full of uncertainty. Before they are completely wiped out, transitional confidence will only welcome them. To fail, Natasha would never make such a mistake.

"Sa! How was the loss last night?" Natasha was a little concerned about the casualties last night, so she asked Sha.

From the screen projected on the command platform, Shana's small figure appeared.

She said in a very formal and serious tone: "From the first shot to the present, a total of 425 soldiers have been sacrificed. Among them, when the civilians were evacuated, the two patrols were surrounded by demons and were unable to evacuate, leading to the destruction of the entire army. 116 soldiers were sacrificed, and about 700 civilians were killed. The rest of the soldiers were killed in battle with the devil on the blockade. The sickle mecha lost 11 vehicles, and the rest of the various types of vehicles totaled 43. The Dark Iron Warriors suffered the most. Seriously, because on all fronts, the dark iron warriors are the main force to prevent the devil from getting close to the front. In the melee combat, when killing the demon, they will also be splashed by the devil’s corrosive blood. In this kind of battle of death. Almost all of the 132 black iron fighters who participated in the battle were killed, only 21 black iron fighters survived."

The loss is a bit big...

Upon hearing this, Natasha looked a little gloomy.

Although the number looks small, this time the opponent is just a small group of demons. The number of demons who fought with the First Legion last night did not exceed 10,000, but only this less than 10,000 demons will make the First Legion' The loss was so great, especially the Dark Iron Warrior, who lost more than a hundred, which made Natasha a little hard to accept.

If fighting against the polluting beast, these more than one hundred dark iron warriors could destroy tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of enemies, but they were killed so easily in the face of the devil.

Can only be called a "devil"?

If the devil is really so easy to deal with, it will not become the existence that humans fear.

In her mind, Natasha could only think so.

This is not a comfort of peace of mind, but an acknowledgment of the devil's strength.

Thinking of this, Natasha had a headache.

The number of Dark Iron Warriors is small, and there are no more than a thousand. If the Dark Iron Warriors continue to act as the main force in the next task of eliminating the sewer demons, the loss may be great. Maybe, the First Army this year The accumulated dark iron warriors will be buried in the dark, foul-smelling sewers.

This is of course a result that Natasha did not want to see.

But Natasha also knew very well that it would be impossible without a dark iron warrior. In the dark and narrow place like the sewer, heavy equipment could not enter at all. Without the dark iron warrior to resist in front, soldiers alone could not stop the demon's charge. As long as the devil is close, no matter how many soldiers will be buried in the sewers.

In any case, the demons of the sewers must be eliminated, and no matter how great the loss is, they must be accepted.

Regarding this trouble, Natasha put it down for the time being, there must be a way to the front of the mountain, if the loss is unavoidable, Natasha will not shrink back.

There is no undead in battle. Sacrifice is the most common thing on the battlefield. How can Natasha shrink from fear of loss.

Taking a light step, Natasha left from the command platform and walked towards the car door.

Seeing Natasha leaving, as the screen flickered, Sha's tiny figure disappeared.

With the disappearance of "Sha", on the command platform, only that map is updating information every moment.

When Natasha got out of the car and stepped on the hard ground, outside, the sky was completely bright.

The air was filled with moisture, even early in the morning.

Natasha is not alone. You can see several hammer tanks and sickle mechas in front of and behind the armored command vehicle, and many soldiers are walking on the road.

Although it is located outside the blockade, as the most important command center, of course absolute security must be guaranteed.

Looking further away, in the blocked area, black smoke slowly rose up one after another, staying in the air for a long time.

The burning of the devil's corpse has already begun.

Next to the car, Natasha's black figure stood quietly, her hood looking into the distance.

When a new day comes, some people are happy and some are sad.

Those who rejoice will never be in Marani, because Marani is now shrouded in sorrow.

As always, in the city of Marani, the scattered broadcasts sounded the long-awaited call of the First Army.

But today, under the call, the streets of Marani City are still empty, with only a few civilians leaving the room to investigate the situation outside.

The sound of guns last night lasted for a long time and didn't disappear until dawn. This made the people of Marani panicked. They refused to go out until they knew what was happening outside.

The fear of the people has interrupted the elections in Marani.

However, although the people are afraid, they cannot stay in the room forever.

As time passed, the silent movement in the city made the people curious.

Driven by curiosity, more and more civilians left the room.

At this time, the First Army announced to the people of Marani City about the battle last night.


For civilians, they don't know about demons, but although they have never seen them, there are many rumors about them.

Whether it is true or not, there is no need to doubt. The civilians evacuated from the blockade are the best proof.

Even if the First Legion does not declare this matter, the battle with the devil will spread throughout Marani City within two days at most.

Although the truth of the fighting last night was known, the election activities did not recover. Although there have been some people in the squares of Marani City, the number was not even a fraction of the previous two days.

However, the First Army did not force it, and the election continued regardless of the number.

Bentley’s election was actually over in the first two days. Today is the last day. Even if the data fluctuates, the result will not change much.

Although the devil appeared in Marani City, it did not affect the operation of the entire Bentley Country. In other cities, today is still as lively as usual.

Marani city, military government.

Last night, when the army reached various blockades, Li Meng returned to the military government with a group of people.

Regarding the subsequent results, Li Meng was not worried. Although the devil was strong, it was not invincible.

Although they will not really die, their consciousness will return to the subspace after the physical death of the material world, but it will take a lot of time to recover if they want to reappear in the material world.

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